Need a CTM challenge? Storm the Castles is a huge CTM map with tons of side goals, unique loot, hilarious enemies and implementation of many new features introduced in Minecraft 1.7. All of the wools are obtained via a "Fleecymob" which is a tough boss mob with a wool head that it will drop when killed. You'll notice as you play the map that I focused mainly on making the mobs dynamic and fun to kill, with the Fleecymobs being the most extreme examples. Download the map through the links below and please feel free to record/upload an LP of the map!
I started this map well over a year ago as a "just for lulz" project. After building my first few areas I got the hang of MCEdit and began to focus on making interesting and dynamic enemies, something I felt many CTM maps lacked in mainly due to their focus on ambience and aesthetics. From the beginning, I didn't spend very long making areas "pretty" or overly detailed, but instead focused on making sure that the map is FUN to play through from start to finish. This also meant keeping death traps to a minimum and being rather generous with loot as compared to many other maps, ensuring the fun path is always realistic and favorable to take.
Developer Commentary
URL for playlist: [/media]
Elias from TheLetsFailLP Speedruns
MrScaryMuffin and T3h_Muffin
MrScaryMuffin's perspective:
Feel free to reply and talk about the map, any feedback is greatly appreciated as this is my first CTM map and I don't know why I went so big with it. x_X
Update notes:
1.1 Released primarily to fix villager trade crashes, which should no longer happen.
1.2 Released to tone down some of the more ridiculous areas and added an ironically forgotten item to the artifact gallery.
1.3 Released to do a few quality of life changes to a few areas, no biggie.
If you want to make an awesome LP of the map be sure to post it as a reply so I can watch it and add it to the list ;D
-BLITZ st00f-
Blitz is my next CTM map and it is in the early stages of development. I'm going for small-scale fast-paced mini-CTM (10 wools) that will work with some of the technical features of 1.8. I'll post whatever news there will be of the map here, such as the screenies below.
-Storm the Castles II st00f-
I have recently started working on a second STC map. Now that I've accumulated some mapmaking experience I intend to make a map with similar aspects seen in STC (Fleecy Mobs, castles, etc.) but actually do it with competitive aesthetics and streamlined gameplay. Below are some screenshots and a list of goals for the finished product. I will eventually also make a progress meter.
This spoiler won't go away... stupid new forums...
Area Names, Screenies, and Progress
Spoilers and whatnot, and have done very little on the map so far so yea... not much at the moment. Click the spoilers within the spoiler below (Spoiception) to see screenies of each area individually.
Intersection 3 [not started]
Easy-Grey: [not started]
Hard-Light Grey: Citadel of Saints [started]
Medium transit-Cyan: [not started]
Intersection 4 [not started]
Easy-Purple: 300 [not started]
Hard-Blue: The Mother Loving Water Temple [not started]
Medium transit-Brown: Ganon's Tower For Real [not started]
Intersection 5 [not started]
Hard-Green: Halfway to Hell and Back [not started]
Harder-Red: The Trials of Truth [not started]
Hardest-Black: Desolation of Shender [not started]
This map will be/have:
1. Fun to play through from start to finish; You take on areas because you WANT to (not like FEAR).
2. Aesthetically competitive with other CTM maps.
3. Challenging and balanced. You don't have too little OR too much at any given point.
4. Deeply satisfying to finally complete after the long struggle to complete the monument.
5. Interesting and unique gameplay mechanics and reward systems.
1. Every wool will be obtained via some sort of Fleecy Mob boss fight.
2. The black wool Fleecy Mob will once again be a Dragon fight, but better this time <3
3. Never rip off of some other mapmaker's areas (Ember Castle Reborn).
4. Areas play as intended and don't lag like hell (Siege).
5. The overall loot balance will be toned down, but still eventually push past Survival Minecraft "Caps".
I'm looking forward to what this map has the potential to become
Nice map you have here, i'll start playing probably soon. For now some feedback to the screenshots:
The 2nd screenie looks way too messy. It looks like you just randomely places spheres, cylinders and lava everywhere. It also has too many colours, try to find a certain amount of maybe 2-3 blocks that match together well.
Starting from the 3rd pic they start to always look better and well designed. Maybe some hight variation and then it loks perfect.
The under water area looks awesome as well as the 2nd last.
Then the last one is my favourite, amazingly well constructed and nice colours! Good job!
As I said I'll probably play it some time soon from most of the screenies I think this map has great potential!
"began to focus on making interesting and dynamic enemies, something I felt many CTM maps lacked in mainly due to their focus on ambience and aesthetics. From the beginning, I didn't spend very long making areas "pretty" or overly detailed, but instead focused on making sure that the map is FUN to play through from start to finish."
I know that the aesthetics in this map are preeetty terrible compared to others but he did say himself that he didn't focus on them and, even though it isn't the best looking map, the gameplay is actually a lot of fun!
very interesting CTM map playin right now and by the looks of it, it looks amazing. o and when i guess i head into intersection 2 im sure i can make a nice intersection
The asthetics have nothing to do with the gameplay.......
Actually that's not true. Atmosphere is an important part of a good ctm. Although i agree that it shouldn't really make you have to stop playing the map...
Actually that's not true. Atmosphere is an important part of a good ctm. Although i agree that it shouldn't really make you have to stop playing the map...
Yeah i ment asthetics shouldn't really interfear with gameplay, if you know what I mean. All together the most important parts of a CTM are of course those 2......
Thanks so much for the feedback so far, sounds like the first few areas of the map are playing as intended. As far as the aesthetics go, it really depends on a player's opinion on whether or not it's a necessity for enjoyment. Saying that, it's understandable if a lot of people don't enjoy playing the map for that reason.
that's a fine base you got there... hope to see other people post what they've made of the chest ;D
I do sort of hate myself for making those two spaces for bridging, I was still learning MCEdit and building methods. I never use ender pearls on it either, so that's why I gave out those stacks of sandstone at the start of the area. I'm pretty sure that that's the last bit of void in any area other than one, but the other one doesn't require bridging. I hate void ;P
You shouldn't have any issues in 1.7.2, but at Intersection 3 I put in a couple chicken jockey spawners. That's basically all you need the new version for, so until then don't worry about it. 1.7.4 gets released Tuesday (tomorrow) I believe...
I look forward to seeing your LP, Caine! I've subbed to your channel and will wait patiently ;D
Can I say that your map is so far easy and hard? I mean, once you get to Intersection 3, things started to feel difficult and yet easy to handle. But I for one can say that everything is all good.
I started this map well over a year ago as a "just for lulz" project. After building my first few areas I got the hang of MCEdit and began to focus on making interesting and dynamic enemies, something I felt many CTM maps lacked in mainly due to their focus on ambience and aesthetics. From the beginning, I didn't spend very long making areas "pretty" or overly detailed, but instead focused on making sure that the map is FUN to play through from start to finish. This also meant keeping death traps to a minimum and being rather generous with loot as compared to many other maps, ensuring the fun path is always realistic and favorable to take.
Developer Commentary
MrScaryMuffin and T3h_Muffin
MrScaryMuffin's perspective:
T3h_Muffin's perspective:
"The Crusty Crew"
Anxious Cynic
Download the map (Release 1.3):
Feel free to reply and talk about the map, any feedback is greatly appreciated as this is my first CTM map and I don't know why I went so big with it. x_X
Update notes:
1.1 Released primarily to fix villager trade crashes, which should no longer happen.
1.2 Released to tone down some of the more ridiculous areas and added an ironically forgotten item to the artifact gallery.
1.3 Released to do a few quality of life changes to a few areas, no biggie.
If you want to make an awesome LP of the map be sure to post it as a reply so I can watch it and add it to the list ;D
Blitz is my next CTM map and it is in the early stages of development. I'm going for small-scale fast-paced mini-CTM (10 wools) that will work with some of the technical features of 1.8. I'll post whatever news there will be of the map here, such as the screenies below.
Spoilers and whatnot, and have done very little on the map so far so yea... not much at the moment. Click the spoilers within the spoiler below (Spoiception) to see screenies of each area individually.
Area leading to I1+white wool: The Gate of the World [done]
Intersection 1 [done]
Easy-Orange: Lush Runes [done]
Hard-Magenta: [not started]
Medium transit-Light Blue: [not started]
Intersection 2 [not started]
Easy-Yellow: [not started]
Hard-Lime: [not started]
Medium transit-Pink: [not started]
Intersection 3 [not started]
Easy-Grey: [not started]
Hard-Light Grey: Citadel of Saints [started]
Medium transit-Cyan: [not started]
Intersection 4 [not started]
Easy-Purple: 300 [not started]
Hard-Blue: The Mother Loving Water Temple [not started]
Medium transit-Brown: Ganon's Tower For Real [not started]
Intersection 5 [not started]
Hard-Green: Halfway to Hell and Back [not started]
Harder-Red: The Trials of Truth [not started]
Hardest-Black: Desolation of Shender [not started]
This map will be/have:
1. Fun to play through from start to finish; You take on areas because you WANT to (not like FEAR).
2. Aesthetically competitive with other CTM maps.
3. Challenging and balanced. You don't have too little OR too much at any given point.
4. Deeply satisfying to finally complete after the long struggle to complete the monument.
5. Interesting and unique gameplay mechanics and reward systems.
1. Every wool will be obtained via some sort of Fleecy Mob boss fight.
2. The black wool Fleecy Mob will once again be a Dragon fight, but better this time <3
3. Never rip off of some other mapmaker's areas (Ember Castle Reborn).
4. Areas play as intended and don't lag like hell (Siege).
5. The overall loot balance will be toned down, but still eventually push past Survival Minecraft "Caps".
I'm looking forward to what this map has the potential to become
Nice map you have here, i'll start playing probably soon. For now some feedback to the screenshots:
The 2nd screenie looks way too messy. It looks like you just randomely places spheres, cylinders and lava everywhere. It also has too many colours, try to find a certain amount of maybe 2-3 blocks that match together well.
Starting from the 3rd pic they start to always look better and well designed. Maybe some hight variation and then it loks perfect.
The under water area looks awesome as well as the 2nd last.
Then the last one is my favourite, amazingly well constructed and nice colours! Good job!
As I said I'll probably play it some time soon from most of the screenies I think this map has great potential!
My Thread:
My Thread:
p.s i had an account just lost it
Actually that's not true. Atmosphere is an important part of a good ctm. Although i agree that it shouldn't really make you have to stop playing the map...
that's a fine base you got there... hope to see other people post what they've made of the chest ;D
my youtube channel is:
I look forward to seeing your LP, Caine! I've subbed to your channel and will wait patiently ;D
Oh and the map is still fun to play.