We gave you the starting items any growing minecrafter would need!
Ha ha! Almost, for sure ;-) I did break down and use the original materials this time around, because I am lazy. BUT, still going strong with the one lava block achievement! I did make a magma crucible but only for making molten redstone.
I still desperately want bees, even just one beehive. I'm very close to setting up my automatic power system. Once I had my automated tree farm power became a major bottleneck. I was going to convert logs into charcoal and run it that way but suddenly realized that I had way more saplings than I knew what to do with, and that saplings can be converted into biofuel. I really wish that I could have been breeding trees to this point because you can breed biofuel traits into the trees. I can spawn bees in and start now but can't really be bothered this late in. Bees please!!
Could you also consider sticking a netherwart into the Nether? In vanilla these are only for potions, which are pretty useless in vanilla Skyblock... but in FTB there are several more uses! I may just spawn one in. The only semi-legit way to get them (besides UU Matter, I guess) would be to make a Mystcraft world but I'm determined not to do that.
I'm really unsure what the Monazit ore is for. I think the Spawn Witch thing is like an ultimate achievement thing, which is cool, but the whole forcefields thing is pretty useless in a single player scenario like this, as far as I can tell. I would MUCH prefer to have Uranium Ore on sale, so that I could work towards a nuclear reactor.
One other thing... When you trade with the villagers they offer more trades, and almost all of them involve emeralds. I'm currently buying emeralds at a price of one for 35 sheets of paper, which is obviously far cheaper than the existing set price. I didn't even consider that I was maybe cheating until I had already bought a ton, and now I'm not going to stop, ha ha. Not sure if you can control for this in future versions, or even if you'd want to. It's kind of fun.
Once I have my power system complete I'll post screenshots! Thanks again! Looking forward to the next version!!
For achievements, how about All animals (if there's no way of directly acquiring them), Tier 5 soul shard, Jetpack, Charging pad? Maybe also having 8 chunks of land, no deaths by mobs, or falling, solar panel factory? Yeah I know, I suggested too many. Liking the look of this map though.
The fact you do not allow people to use cheats makes this map garbage. Every time I start the map to play it has me fall in space. So if I could use cheats, I could fly to the land so I can actually start playing, but no. Garbage.
Ha ha! Almost, for sure ;-) I did break down and use the original materials this time around, because I am lazy. BUT, still going strong with the one lava block achievement! I did make a magma crucible but only for making molten redstone.
I still desperately want bees, even just one beehive. I'm very close to setting up my automatic power system. Once I had my automated tree farm power became a major bottleneck. I was going to convert logs into charcoal and run it that way but suddenly realized that I had way more saplings than I knew what to do with, and that saplings can be converted into biofuel. I really wish that I could have been breeding trees to this point because you can breed biofuel traits into the trees. I can spawn bees in and start now but can't really be bothered this late in. Bees please!!
Could you also consider sticking a netherwart into the Nether? In vanilla these are only for potions, which are pretty useless in vanilla Skyblock... but in FTB there are several more uses! I may just spawn one in. The only semi-legit way to get them (besides UU Matter, I guess) would be to make a Mystcraft world but I'm determined not to do that.
I'm really unsure what the Monazit ore is for. I think the Spawn Witch thing is like an ultimate achievement thing, which is cool, but the whole forcefields thing is pretty useless in a single player scenario like this, as far as I can tell. I would MUCH prefer to have Uranium Ore on sale, so that I could work towards a nuclear reactor.
One other thing... When you trade with the villagers they offer more trades, and almost all of them involve emeralds. I'm currently buying emeralds at a price of one for 35 sheets of paper, which is obviously far cheaper than the existing set price. I didn't even consider that I was maybe cheating until I had already bought a ton, and now I'm not going to stop, ha ha. Not sure if you can control for this in future versions, or even if you'd want to. It's kind of fun.
Once I have my power system complete I'll post screenshots! Thanks again! Looking forward to the next version!!