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Inc.craft 1.1 [Mini-Game][1-4 Player Competitive Multiplayer][1.5.2][Vanilla]
Have you ever wanted to buy lavish homes? Be the CEO of a major company? Buy Firework shows for your friends to gaze upon in envy?
Inc.craft is a revolutionary mini-game in Minecraft that gives players money, intelligence, and a limited amount of time each day to accomplish their goals and to outrank their friends.
With 4 levels of housing, unlimited money to earn, and 9 job positions to strive for; Inc.craft offers hours of gameplay with up to 4 people.
Will you rise to the coveted position of CEO at Inc.? Will you beat your friends to it? Time is ticking.
Quick note: All actions require that you stand on the yellow block in front of the buttons. One person at a time please!
Possible objectives:
Become the CEO of Inc. (1000 Levels of Intelligence)
Buy a Mansion first out of your friends ($250,000)
Buy a firework show ($1,000,000)
Play for 100 in game days or more
Find 7/7 hidden items
Go beyond the map….
Discover the hidden…
Time: Each player receives a set number of hours each day. The number of hours earned is dependent on the house type the player owns. Note: When anyone playing has less than two hours left, it becomes night. Players can sleep or keep playing until their hours left is equal to zero. Hours left will be kept overnight. To keep the game going, I suggest everyone sleeps when it is most convenient for all of the players playing.
Intelligence: Intelligence determines your eligibility for promotions at Inc. You can gain Intelligence from reading at the library or by watching lectures at the university. Money: Is used for any purchases in game and is earned from working at Inc. The higher the job level, the higher the pay. A daily bonus of $100 is given to a random player each day.
Days: Keeps track of the number of days each player has played in game. Bonuses are given for reaching milestones of 25, 50, and 100. Player Number: Each player is assigned a number up to 4 when they enter the game. This number determines the house each player can enter at all 3 of the housing locations on the map.
Killing: Killing is not allowed in the city. Killing will be punished by sending the killer to jail. Hidden Items: The game tracks the number of hidden chests found. A bonus will be given to those who find them so get searching!
Health: The game is set to hard. Eating food will regenerate health and hunger. Food can be bought at the general store. Buildings:
Subway: Start of the map, welcome to the city. Town Hall: Buy homes, clear the weather, release inmates, and buy a firework show are just some of the things you can do at the town hall.
Jail: Holds thieves and murderers. Players can bail themselves out or other players can. INC. Headquarters: The main building of Inc. Work there. Rise there. Earn there.
Exotic Imports: Sellers of potions. General Store: Seller of food and potions.
Houses: There are 4 house levels in game. Homeless, small, medium, and large. Players receive more hours per day by upgrading their house. Players can sleep anywhere and still gain the same amount of hours based on their house level. Players are restricted to open their current house level and house number based on their player number. NOTE: Players can only own one house at a time. Buying a different house will lose access and the benefits of the previous house. Library: Read there. University: Learn there.
Bank: Players can exchange money, intelligence and hours there. Smart players could also try to rob it… Special Topics:
Board Decisions: Vp’s and the CEO can vote on measures that effect the company. All players must be at least Vp’s for the voting system to work. Note: Only vote for your position. Multiple topics can be voted on at once. Sticks: They poke things…
Firework Show: Seen as an endgame goal, the firework show can only be bought once. When you find it, it’s a reference to my upcoming map…
This is my first map released to the public and I hope people truly enjoy it. I can’t wait to see or hear about players who beat their friends or reached CEO at Inc. I hope that this map gives players something different to do besides hacking and killing. This map is made for the Minecraft Community, It’s made just for you. – CDF OUT
Review Summary
I love the concept of this map, and am really impressed that this was a 1.5.2 map. I'm unaware of any other map close to this, and it had no replies on the forum. I've long wanted to do something like this (see: Simburbia, coming in 1.8). You play a character, rising through the ranks in the job world while going to school and trying to buy better housing. The mechanics are great, although I do wish there were more options at the mid-level and end-game. I also wish there was some kind of map-enforced ending instead of being player-controlled. Visuals are good. Hidden chests are nice bonuses in the early game, but they aren't worth much mid- to late-game. Would love to see a tiered system in the college (associates degree, bachelors degree, masters, phd), and maybe even in the bonus chests. I also think the store was mostly useless. I do see that this could be more fun in multiplayer, IF there is roleplay and competition/race, so I was a bit generous in experience rating. I feel like an overall rating of 14 is slightly too low but I honestly can't see where I want to add a point. The early part of the game is about a 16, but once the slog kicks in, it does drop quickly.
Total Rating: 14/20
Mechanics - 4 (wow!)
Detail - 3 (I rounded up)
Experience - 3 (I rounded up for multiplayer)
Challenge - 2
Progression - 2
Rough play notes
10:00 PM 8/20/2014
Reading the forum post, how did I not see this map before? Sounds amazing.
Start off in creative mode :/ Turned it to survival
I suspect I'm not at the right spawn point?
Went in to 'rob bank' but nothing happened?
Asked for a job. Nothing?
Ok - I don't see what to do.
Ahah! I have scoreboard
Hm... right back outside.
Oh! I have to stand ON the gold block.
Bah?! Where does it say I need 50 intel first?
Why does this lever only turn off part of the INC redstone lamps in the fountain? odd... ooh! a chest!
I think I should get rid of my inventory from when I started an just have this useful(?) boat and stick!
Ah - NOW the job responds (yellow wool - got it!)
Bouth +5 intelligence at bank
hidden chest - diamond and stick
You can climb up over the city library and out of the map
sparkling star chest
slums chest
I don't understand the iron doors. I step on a pressure plate and they open/close really fast, then stay shut?
I can't seem to enter any of the doors marked Player X
rainbow cake chest
Now back to bank to buy more intelligence. not really sure I could do ANYTHING else?
Ok - am at 15 intel, 0 hours - I guess I sleep in slums?
now for a job - woot! Janitor
worked for 1 hour as janitor. this job sucks! hahaha
exploring upstairs
this water bucket will let me get to all kinds of unintended places
piggu chest
bought more intel
down to 3 hours, so I can't sleep yet or buy more intel - guess i have to go mop
cake is eaten
bought intel
now i'm a mail room clerk. I really like this concept! a bit more running back and forth than I'd like, but I'm getting it!
worked 4 hours
damn! was fighting Piggu and he jumped over the metra station gates onto the tracks, where I can't follow ha! piggu let me thru!
uh oh, in creative now?
was able to fish in fountain, and got some food from piggu
going to use my sticks to cook it
oh, I see your head up on the flagpole of the town hall
I can't remember if you can detect effects in 1.5.2, probably not, but i'm going to drink invis potion and then rob bank
shoot. stuck in jail with no easy way to burn hours and can't pay bail
I wish I couldn't see faltland and redstone out windows...
had to cheat. broke window, put boat outside on brick wall, right-clicked to enter boat. escaped
oh wait... all I need to do is sleep and read in the library over and over...
Now I'm a secretary
A scretary doesn't work in a call center tho...
hmm. now it's going to take a lot of walking back and forth to get to intel 50 or enough $ to buy a house?
project assoc!
why does university have a piston sound? no other did so far
70 intel, $70
I feel like I should have an apartment by now, but wondering what the benefit will be. is it just cosmetic?
I don't see why I would ever go to store
I guess I now have a 6-hour/day job and 2 hours of night school at university
should take me 5 more days at this rate oh - 4 with the daily $100 bonus
I think the library is faster - less walking. more days, but I don't think that matters?
project manager!
$400/day working + $100 bonus = $500/day. Would take 10 (boring) days to get enough for an apartment
failed robbing bank
I'm super curious to get to CEO (legitimately) but this part is a real slog
going to sleep and play more in morning
11:18 PM 8/20/2014
6:00 AM 8/21/2014
back and forth, back and forth
I don't really see how this would be any more fun in multiplayer
Regional manager. omg 300 intel for next raise?! as far as I can see, the best you can get is +5 at the university... that's a lot of trips
R&D and Product testing are empty? :/
I started doing a /time set 0 when it turns dark. too far to walk back to the slums
Days 32, $5k - buying apartment
hmm. I like the +2 work hours per day - that's funny actually and realistic for a regional manager. but there's no REASON to walk all the way here - slums beds are still closer, well not much
In multiplayer, why would you ever want to bail out your friends?
Even though I'm working long hour days, I never get better at my job unless I go to school? Need more +intel options, or some way to earn money faster. Or maybe tweak some of these mid-game advancement requirements
wasted money on bottles of enchanting. did they do anything? that shop is confirmed useless
ok - I can't stand it. I lose the map, but I want to see what happens at CEO so I just set my scoreboard to 300 for a raise
and so on...
The VP rooms are sparsely furnished compared to the lower levels
Board room is an interesting idea, but how to get to 25 hours?
upgarded all the way to best houses
'teamwork and sticks...' I flew around but don't see how that's helpful
6:35 AM 8/21/2014
Have you ever wanted to buy lavish homes? Be the CEO of a major company? Buy Firework shows for your friends to gaze upon in envy?
Inc.craft is a revolutionary mini-game in Minecraft that gives players money, intelligence, and a limited amount of time each day to accomplish their goals and to outrank their friends.
With 4 levels of housing, unlimited money to earn, and 9 job positions to strive for; Inc.craft offers hours of gameplay with up to 4 people.
Will you rise to the coveted position of CEO at Inc.? Will you beat your friends to it? Time is ticking.
Inc.craft 1.1 Download:
Inc.craft 1.1 Game Guide
Quick note: All actions require that you stand on the yellow block in front of the buttons. One person at a time please!
Possible objectives:
Become the CEO of Inc. (1000 Levels of Intelligence)
Buy a Mansion first out of your friends ($250,000)
Buy a firework show ($1,000,000)
Play for 100 in game days or more
Find 7/7 hidden items
Go beyond the map….
Discover the hidden…
Time: Each player receives a set number of hours each day. The number of hours earned is dependent on the house type the player owns.
Note: When anyone playing has less than two hours left, it becomes night. Players can sleep or keep playing until their hours left is equal to zero. Hours left will be kept overnight. To keep the game going, I suggest everyone sleeps when it is most convenient for all of the players playing.
Intelligence: Intelligence determines your eligibility for promotions at Inc. You can gain Intelligence from reading at the library or by watching lectures at the university.
Money: Is used for any purchases in game and is earned from working at Inc. The higher the job level, the higher the pay. A daily bonus of $100 is given to a random player each day.
Days: Keeps track of the number of days each player has played in game. Bonuses are given for reaching milestones of 25, 50, and 100.
Player Number: Each player is assigned a number up to 4 when they enter the game. This number determines the house each player can enter at all 3 of the housing locations on the map.
Killing: Killing is not allowed in the city. Killing will be punished by sending the killer to jail.
Hidden Items: The game tracks the number of hidden chests found. A bonus will be given to those who find them so get searching!
Health: The game is set to hard. Eating food will regenerate health and hunger. Food can be bought at the general store.
Subway: Start of the map, welcome to the city.
Town Hall: Buy homes, clear the weather, release inmates, and buy a firework show are just some of the things you can do at the town hall.
Jail: Holds thieves and murderers. Players can bail themselves out or other players can.
INC. Headquarters: The main building of Inc. Work there. Rise there. Earn there.
Exotic Imports: Sellers of potions.
General Store: Seller of food and potions.
Houses: There are 4 house levels in game. Homeless, small, medium, and large. Players receive more hours per day by upgrading their house. Players can sleep anywhere and still gain the same amount of hours based on their house level. Players are restricted to open their current house level and house number based on their player number. NOTE: Players can only own one house at a time. Buying a different house will lose access and the benefits of the previous house.
Library: Read there.
University: Learn there.
Bank: Players can exchange money, intelligence and hours there. Smart players could also try to rob it…
Special Topics:
Board Decisions: Vp’s and the CEO can vote on measures that effect the company. All players must be at least Vp’s for the voting system to work. Note: Only vote for your position. Multiple topics can be voted on at once.
Sticks: They poke things…
Firework Show: Seen as an endgame goal, the firework show can only be bought once.
When you find it, it’s a reference to my upcoming map…
This is my first map released to the public and I hope people truly enjoy it. I can’t wait to see or hear about players who beat their friends or reached CEO at Inc. I hope that this map gives players something different to do besides hacking and killing. This map is made for the Minecraft Community, It’s made just for you. – CDF OUT
Is it enjoyable in single player?
I love the concept of this map, and am really impressed that this was a 1.5.2 map. I'm unaware of any other map close to this, and it had no replies on the forum. I've long wanted to do something like this (see: Simburbia, coming in 1.8). You play a character, rising through the ranks in the job world while going to school and trying to buy better housing. The mechanics are great, although I do wish there were more options at the mid-level and end-game. I also wish there was some kind of map-enforced ending instead of being player-controlled. Visuals are good. Hidden chests are nice bonuses in the early game, but they aren't worth much mid- to late-game. Would love to see a tiered system in the college (associates degree, bachelors degree, masters, phd), and maybe even in the bonus chests. I also think the store was mostly useless. I do see that this could be more fun in multiplayer, IF there is roleplay and competition/race, so I was a bit generous in experience rating. I feel like an overall rating of 14 is slightly too low but I honestly can't see where I want to add a point. The early part of the game is about a 16, but once the slog kicks in, it does drop quickly.
Total Rating: 14/20
Mechanics - 4 (wow!)
Detail - 3 (I rounded up)
Experience - 3 (I rounded up for multiplayer)
Challenge - 2
Progression - 2
Rough play notes
Reading the forum post, how did I not see this map before? Sounds amazing.
Start off in creative mode :/ Turned it to survival
I suspect I'm not at the right spawn point?
Went in to 'rob bank' but nothing happened?
Asked for a job. Nothing?
Ok - I don't see what to do.
Ahah! I have scoreboard
Hm... right back outside.
Oh! I have to stand ON the gold block.
Bah?! Where does it say I need 50 intel first?
Why does this lever only turn off part of the INC redstone lamps in the fountain? odd... ooh! a chest!
I think I should get rid of my inventory from when I started an just have this useful(?) boat and stick!
Ah - NOW the job responds (yellow wool - got it!)
Bouth +5 intelligence at bank
hidden chest - diamond and stick
You can climb up over the city library and out of the map
sparkling star chest
slums chest
I don't understand the iron doors. I step on a pressure plate and they open/close really fast, then stay shut?
I can't seem to enter any of the doors marked Player X
rainbow cake chest
Now back to bank to buy more intelligence. not really sure I could do ANYTHING else?
Ok - am at 15 intel, 0 hours - I guess I sleep in slums?
now for a job - woot! Janitor
worked for 1 hour as janitor. this job sucks! hahaha
exploring upstairs
this water bucket will let me get to all kinds of unintended places
piggu chest
bought more intel
down to 3 hours, so I can't sleep yet or buy more intel - guess i have to go mop
cake is eaten
bought intel
now i'm a mail room clerk. I really like this concept! a bit more running back and forth than I'd like, but I'm getting it!
worked 4 hours
damn! was fighting Piggu and he jumped over the metra station gates onto the tracks, where I can't follow ha! piggu let me thru!
uh oh, in creative now?
was able to fish in fountain, and got some food from piggu
going to use my sticks to cook it
oh, I see your head up on the flagpole of the town hall
I can't remember if you can detect effects in 1.5.2, probably not, but i'm going to drink invis potion and then rob bank
shoot. stuck in jail with no easy way to burn hours and can't pay bail
I wish I couldn't see faltland and redstone out windows...
had to cheat. broke window, put boat outside on brick wall, right-clicked to enter boat. escaped
oh wait... all I need to do is sleep and read in the library over and over...
Now I'm a secretary
A scretary doesn't work in a call center tho...
hmm. now it's going to take a lot of walking back and forth to get to intel 50 or enough $ to buy a house?
project assoc!
why does university have a piston sound? no other did so far
70 intel, $70
I feel like I should have an apartment by now, but wondering what the benefit will be. is it just cosmetic?
I don't see why I would ever go to store
I guess I now have a 6-hour/day job and 2 hours of night school at university
should take me 5 more days at this rate oh - 4 with the daily $100 bonus
I think the library is faster - less walking. more days, but I don't think that matters?
project manager!
$400/day working + $100 bonus = $500/day. Would take 10 (boring) days to get enough for an apartment
failed robbing bank
I'm super curious to get to CEO (legitimately) but this part is a real slog
going to sleep and play more in morning
11:18 PM 8/20/2014
6:00 AM 8/21/2014
back and forth, back and forth
I don't really see how this would be any more fun in multiplayer
Regional manager. omg 300 intel for next raise?! as far as I can see, the best you can get is +5 at the university... that's a lot of trips
R&D and Product testing are empty? :/
I started doing a /time set 0 when it turns dark. too far to walk back to the slums
Days 32, $5k - buying apartment
hmm. I like the +2 work hours per day - that's funny actually and realistic for a regional manager. but there's no REASON to walk all the way here - slums beds are still closer, well not much
In multiplayer, why would you ever want to bail out your friends?
Even though I'm working long hour days, I never get better at my job unless I go to school? Need more +intel options, or some way to earn money faster. Or maybe tweak some of these mid-game advancement requirements
wasted money on bottles of enchanting. did they do anything? that shop is confirmed useless
ok - I can't stand it. I lose the map, but I want to see what happens at CEO so I just set my scoreboard to 300 for a raise
and so on...
The VP rooms are sparsely furnished compared to the lower levels
Board room is an interesting idea, but how to get to 25 hours?
upgarded all the way to best houses
'teamwork and sticks...' I flew around but don't see how that's helpful
6:35 AM 8/21/2014
Hey it doesn't show up, and i tried reinstalling and all that. Nothing worked please helppp
i want to play hunger games