Its finally here! Temple Master 1.0.0 has been released! You finally get what you have been asking for, a vanilla temple master. This became possible since 1.8 because minecraft gained the ability to have clickable signs. Before 1.8 signs could not have been made clickable without a server plugin.
Of course if you want you can use the server version which lets you play in older versions. Once again backwards compatibility will always be presverved.
I finished rail world which was supposed to be a sub world of Temple Master however I saw how frustrated some of you were (on youtube!) and how much other loved it! So i made it a separate map and expanded it quite a lot, you can grab it [Here]
With Temple Master 1.2 comes a new and improved checkpoint system that means you don't have to replay as much of the map if you die! You simply respawn at your last checkpoint! (And yes, they are now called spawn-points instead of checkpoints!
Its finally here! Temple Master 1.0.0 has been released! You finally get what you have been asking for, a vanilla temple master. This became possible since 1.8 because minecraft gained the ability to have clickable signs. Before 1.8 signs could not have been made clickable without a server plugin.
Of course if you want you can use the server version which lets you play in older versions. Once again backwards compatibility will always be presverved.
Look's like fun!
Temple Master 1.1 is out! Fixed the Break Entity sign where it wouldn't remove minecarts!. Now it works
I finished rail world which was supposed to be a sub world of Temple Master however I saw how frustrated some of you were (on youtube!) and how much other loved it! So i made it a separate map and expanded it quite a lot, you can grab it [Here]
A new area:
Next update will continue from the victory hall with a parkour up the shaft
The checkpoints are animated now with gravel or sand blocks falling right when you unlock them!
Also fixed some bugs with the Nether rack and brick area parkour.
Just played this map. It was amazing. Sadly I didn't record but I did play it. I loved the minecart puzzle.
Thanks for playing and if you liked the Minecart puzzle check out my other map called Rail World.
Added another section like the part in World 1 where the wall pushes you in to the lava
Also a small lava parkour has been added to the map!
Thank you all for 58,000 downloads!
Tom played Rail World pls make more or we can make a map toegether aswell
I love the minecart puzzles
I will make more puzzles and thanks for playing
Wow in the last hours there has been a surge in downloads, thank you all for 500 downloads in 2 hours!
Temple Master 1.2 has been released!
With Temple Master 1.2 comes a new and improved checkpoint system that means you don't have to replay as much of the map if you die! You simply respawn at your last checkpoint! (And yes, they are now called spawn-points instead of checkpoints!
Fixed a bug where in the last check point there was no button to open it.
Also fixed a bug where you could see weird things above world1, now the sky is clear!
Woohoo 60 thousand downloads, thank you all!