I am doing your map atm and am having fun with it.... one word of advice.... stop posting over and over on your thread. It comes across as very needy and immature. Answer questions if asked... but posting over and over especially one word and emoticon posts are really not needed.
I am doing your map atm and am having fun with it.... one word of advice.... stop posting over and over on your thread. It comes across as very needy and immature. Answer questions if asked... but posting over and over especially one word and emoticon posts are really not needed.
ok im sorry, i just wanted to get my map updated...
Hey! I'm doing a Let's Play of this map and will post it on this page once done! One question, can I break the Stone Sphere shape thing with Ores on it?
Hey! I'm doing a Let's Play of this map and will post it on this page once done! One question, can I break the Stone Sphere shape thing with Ores on it?
Great job! One thing though, trees just wont grow! (Notice that rhymed) Maybe if you added a bit more bone meal to appeal my lucky seals! (Lol) But any who if you added more bones then i would be able to actually grow trees! Also the mushrooms need bone meal to grow but i think the new 1.5 update changed the bone meal effect for mushrooms to. Witch means more than one bone meal is required. And sometime even more than that! But again great job on the map! But at last, a flat world survival map!
yes, thank you, more updates are coming soon
yes i do..
3 on channel.