The more of this map I've seen, the more enthusiasm I gain! From looking at my entry in the Beta, all seems well. Now I'm really interested in what entries are connected to mine
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My policy: cobble stuff together and hope it sticks... which happens quite often seeing as cobblestone just floats there. Weird...
Beta Round Two is now ready for download. In this version you have access to all 80 entries, though they are not linked yet.
The purpose of this round is for you to confirm that your entry didn't (won't) get broken during the final compilation process. And let me know if you see any fixes needed in your entry.
Alright cool. I shall do that now.
EDIT: My entry seems to be intact. Just need the biome set to swamp and time set to night and it'll be good to go!
I am considering using @a (all players) in the command blocks that teleport players between levels.
I was originally against this because I like the idea of being able to split up. And some of the entries might be better suited. And teleporting 2-3 people into each other over and over might get weird?
The main reason I am thinking of the change are entries that call for night/day or weather effects.
Let's say player A is in the middle of helping a sick dragon on a lovely clear day in Mills' entry when Player B teleports into a snowy Whiteburg night from ColdFusionGaming. Suddenly Player A is also cast into darkness and rain begins. Might be sorta odd?
At the same time, I can see where multiplayer LPs with a single camera Point of View might get confusing if split up.
It appears that everything is fine in my entries, except for the third one, Divine Heartburn, where the very top of it has been cut off. Not a huge deal, but it does take away a bit of immersion.
Our entry is fully functional; however, it'd be appreciated if you could remove the signs marking the entrance and exit alcoves when you're done compiling the map. Other than that detail, everything seems to be okay.
Can't wait to play the whole map; just from what I could see of other entries as I was trying to find my own this is gonna be great!
Should have mentioned earlier that I support teleporting people as a group. I think it'll make things easier when playing this map in multiplayer. Also, it'll add to the "replayability" of the map, as it will keep people from wandering off into separate areas (hopefully that will persuade the players to go back through the map and make new choices!)
Group teleporting seems the easiest choice and the one least likely to ruin entries.
However, if this is done, you will definitely have to use buttons at the exits. The range parameter won't really work with group teleporting, as it will only teleport people within range.
The only reason that I would want the players to split up is so that there would be the odd chance for two players to enter one of my entries from two different entrances and having TNT go off and freak out the person above the mine
But from a logistics standpoint, I understand the reasoning for teleporting all players to the same entry.
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My policy: cobble stuff together and hope it sticks... which happens quite often seeing as cobblestone just floats there. Weird...
It appears that everything is fine in my entries, except for the third one, Divine Heartburn, where the very top of it has been cut off. Not a huge deal, but it does take away a bit of immersion.
Fixed. And you just won the award for tallest entry (I was only grabbing up to 90 high in my compilation parameters. I increased to 128.)
Our entry is fully functional; however, it'd be appreciated if you could remove the signs marking the entrance and exit alcoves when you're done compiling the map.
Yep. I have to remove a LOT of signs from most of the entries.
Seems like the mechanics for ice melting have changed, because some of the ice has melted in my first entry, also some weird update bug breaks the floating water in my second entry.
I'll fix these little things and send updated download links asap.
Do you mean in 1.4.3? Could be a temporary bug they will fix?
I used a good amount of ice in the spawn room - now I'm worried.
Can you add those positional spawners and set your biome? Or will I need to redo?
The main reason I am thinking of the change are entries that call for night/day or weather effects.
Let's say player A is in the middle of helping a sick dragon on a lovely clear day in Mills' entry when Player B teleports into a snowy Whiteburg night from ColdFusionGaming. Suddenly Player A is also cast into darkness and rain begins. Might be sorta odd?
At the same time, I can see where multiplayer LPs with a single camera Point of View might get confusing if split up.
Wait I don't have a dragon in my entry and btw all three of my entries are broken. Rabbit's Hole and Ogosh redstone is broken and the lily pads are pointing in different directions than they're suppose to. You might have to correct the lily pads in the final map. I give you copies of all the maps tonight.
Aww, I missed this guy! Would've been fun entering. Guess that's what I get for forgetting to actually subscribe to rsmalec's youtube. And stalking the maps forum.
Oh sorry, I thought I already mentioned that I found that issue. I have it in my notes to fix it in the final, but if you're resending that's easier for me.
Noticed my name wasn't in there although I told you in an email but don't worry man.
Could I have:
All 3 of my entries as Desert to remove random mob spawns,
My second entry (On The Moon) set to night time,
My 3rd entry (30 Years On) set to day.
Thanks. I did have the night/day request, but I must have missed your biome request. Noted.
Are you sure you want desert? As far as I know, mobs still spawn in the desert. Did you mean mooshroom island?
Oops, sorry. Mine also need to be changed to Jungle biome if possible? I thought MCEdit would copy across biomes (as i changed the biome myself).
If you already changed it, it should be fine in the next compilation. The first time I compiled, the program did not include biomes, but the latest version does. I'm using a custom program from Rumsey (not MCEdit) that takes all 80 entries and puts them exactly where I want in one map.
If you already changed it, it should be fine in the next compilation. The first time I compiled, the program did not include biomes, but the latest version does. I'm using a custom program from Rumsey (not MCEdit) that takes all 80 entries and puts them exactly where I want in one map.
I set my entry to swamp biome as well. If the program keeps the correct biome than you shouldn't need to change it yourself.
Wouldn't it by easier to turn off mobs whenever entering a player who didn't want mobs' entry? Either with difficulty (peaceful) or with gamerule(doMobSpawning).
Peaceful won't work if you want mobs to come out of dispensers.
I forgot about doMobSpawning. I would need to test how it works.
Peaceful won't work if you want mobs to come out of dispensers.
I forgot about doMobSpawning. I would need to test how it works.
I'm pretty sure doMobSpawning only stops natural mobs spawns. Spawn eggs and monster spawners still work.
I would've thought that most peoples entries would use artificial spawning, rather than natural mob spawning, so it might be a good idea to just set it to false for the entire map.
If someone does use natural mob spawning, perhaps you can turn it on when entering the map just like you plan on changing the time etc?
Can I just ask how you change a biome? is it a filter or just a feature in MCedit? Also are you placing the same biome ones next to each other because otherwise the snow for example might overun into the next one..
Sethbling has made a filter for setting the biome in MCEdit. You can set the size of the area affected. Proximity to other entries won't matter. Even if they share a wall you could still set them to different biomes.
At this point, it is much easier for me to change the biome per entry, than to try and add extra command blocks and redstone circuitry. Plus, I'm afraid there will be a situation where people are in different rooms (even if I use /teleport @a) if they respawn at a checkpoint after dieing.
Next contest, I'll remember to set firm global 'rules' instead of leaving it wide open.
My policy: cobble stuff together and hope it sticks... which happens quite often seeing as cobblestone just floats there. Weird...
EDIT: My entry seems to be intact. Just need the biome set to swamp and time set to night and it'll be good to go!
I am considering using @a (all players) in the command blocks that teleport players between levels.
I was originally against this because I like the idea of being able to split up. And some of the entries might be better suited. And teleporting 2-3 people into each other over and over might get weird?
The main reason I am thinking of the change are entries that call for night/day or weather effects.
Let's say player A is in the middle of helping a sick dragon on a lovely clear day in Mills' entry when Player B teleports into a snowy Whiteburg night from ColdFusionGaming. Suddenly Player A is also cast into darkness and rain begins. Might be sorta odd?
At the same time, I can see where multiplayer LPs with a single camera Point of View might get confusing if split up.
So... Let me know what you think?
I should have said, I have 2 checkpoints where I can add a lever to telepoer everyone back together.
Can't wait to play the whole map; just from what I could see of other entries as I was trying to find my own this is gonna be great!
However, if this is done, you will definitely have to use buttons at the exits. The range parameter won't really work with group teleporting, as it will only teleport people within range.
But from a logistics standpoint, I understand the reasoning for teleporting all players to the same entry.
My policy: cobble stuff together and hope it sticks... which happens quite often seeing as cobblestone just floats there. Weird...
Took me about 10 minutes to realize Pumpkins = moliugelis
Fixed. And you just won the award for tallest entry
Yep. I have to remove a LOT of signs from most of the entries.
Dragon Wolfie
Flying_Panda777, Lukin8R ,Liamnator7
The other entries will have whatever random biome(s) come with the seed.
Do you mean in 1.4.3? Could be a temporary bug they will fix?
I used a good amount of ice in the spawn room - now I'm worried.
Can you add those positional spawners and set your biome? Or will I need to redo?
Wait I don't have a dragon in my entry and btw all three of my entries are broken. Rabbit's Hole and Ogosh redstone is broken and the lily pads are pointing in different directions than they're suppose to. You might have to correct the lily pads in the final map. I give you copies of all the maps tonight.
Yeah - I am a fool. It's Dragon Wolfie, but you were on my mind at the moment due to the mis-spelled name.
Oh sorry, I thought I already mentioned that I found that issue. I have it in my notes to fix it in the final, but if you're resending that's easier for me.
In my notes to check after final compilation.
Thanks again for your help!
Thanks. I did have the night/day request, but I must have missed your biome request. Noted.
Are you sure you want desert? As far as I know, mobs still spawn in the desert. Did you mean mooshroom island?
If you already changed it, it should be fine in the next compilation. The first time I compiled, the program did not include biomes, but the latest version does. I'm using a custom program from Rumsey (not MCEdit) that takes all 80 entries and puts them exactly where I want in one map.
Peaceful won't work if you want mobs to come out of dispensers.
I forgot about doMobSpawning. I would need to test how it works.
I would've thought that most peoples entries would use artificial spawning, rather than natural mob spawning, so it might be a good idea to just set it to false for the entire map.
If someone does use natural mob spawning, perhaps you can turn it on when entering the map just like you plan on changing the time etc?
Sethbling has made a filter for setting the biome in MCEdit. You can set the size of the area affected. Proximity to other entries won't matter. Even if they share a wall you could still set them to different biomes.
Next contest, I'll remember to set firm global 'rules' instead of leaving it wide open.