We are just getting this out there! We're making Landstalker, the old game from the Sega into a Minecraft adventure! This'll take weeks - months to make, as it is pretty big! We, me and Insertnamr, are hoping to make the map as faithful to the game as possible. Demo WILL be released. Demo for newest release/s.
Texture pack is annoying! I am going to let someone make it. If anyone makes the texture pack they will be given full credit for it, plus a mention in the map (possiblty a hall of fame will be added). All pics will be updated.
Anyone who wants to help, please fill out the application.
Also please support this by using the banner! It would be greatly appreciated (banner not made)
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TBA also I don't know how to make them, let alone get them to link to here! MAKING BANNER!!! Soz updates are taking so long
Starting area
Don't mind me! Just taking screenshots in the corner
When first on list, it is being made a higher priority (swords always go in order of iron, gold, then diamond) - not started - in progress - completed
So far done: Gumi village (0%) Mercator (0%) Great tree (0%) Waterfall shrine (38%) Massan village (99%) Starting cinematic (40%) Texture pack (14%) First area where you start adventure (100%)
Please do not PM. You will NOT be accepted. Application has explanation table, so no asking what certain things mean!
The new and improved application form (also called the whitelisting form)
Country/time zone:
Do you have Landstalker?:
Which would you rather do? Redstone or building?:
IGN = In-game name - The name you chose when you registered an account on Minecraft.
Age = How old you are - Pretty self-explanatory.
Country = Where you are - Where you are in the world (try to be close to exact, as in your city)
Time zone = The time difference - What time you live in from others, e.g Stockholm is GMT+1. Look up 'What is the time zone in [my place]?'
Do you have Landstalker? = Do you have this game - The game we are remaking.
Which would you rather do? Redstone or building? = What you want to do - You can either build stuff with us, or go ahead and make complicated contraptions with redstone. Btw, I am pretty bad at redstone XP
Everyone likes secrets. This one might be put in the cinematic...
NEW SECRET! You can 'save' at the church! Hooray! That music in the church is so... beautiful!
OMG SERVER WILL BE MADE!!! You will just need to wait a while, while we set up... please wait... this should be put in the helpers section :\
Great Idea! It's one of my favorite games of all time.
And it will be somewhat a long way to rebuild it in MC i think. Hopefully you do not choose the US-Ending.
Since it is tile-based, you can probably re-do it 1:1, without 'switching' map transitions from the original game. I also love to see how you realize the tree telporters and floating platforms. Not to mention all the other moveable stuff and traps of the game ...
There is going to be a new block called the trigger block, and, when activated, will have a command happen! We are planning to use it to our advantage and tp the player somewhere else, where they'll be inside the place! Btw, I never actually finished the game XD I got to the final boss, but never beat him... I didn't have the hp enough to beat him (or pure skill... yeah, I sucked...) also, I started another file, so I could see the start, and what happened during certain events! So, maybe I'd better go back to my old save and actually finish the game! Moveable stuff will just have too be levers and pistons... sadly.
Here are some tips, if my offer doesn't offend you in any way, feel free to look at the spoiler.
On later games (or if i am re-playing it nowadays) I grinded close to the final maze entrance for coins, and bought the remaining hearts (up to 99) at the dwarven shop. Having the Sword of Gaia will speed-up this process - just enter the 3-way entrance with the orcs, cast your sword-spell, loot the gold and re-enter the room.
With enough hearts (or without them) you can more or less beat old King Nole in a fair fight.
If you still can't, try using Statue of Gaia frequently, and use the Golden Statue to have your Sword of Gaia always full of magic, and repeatedly re-cast your sword magic. With that, you can kill him, without giving him the chance to even get the chance to hit you, since you have just to pick the right moment to use the item / sword, wich will also interrupt his current attack action. Even low an Hearts (around 70 or something like that), it shouldn't use up more than 5 to 6 Golden Statues.
Yeah, i feared something like that. Maybe with mods or future updates there will be better solutions for that. But i think those elements are very important for the original game.
We could use the trigger block to make the gamemode change to survival so the player can break the movable block, then place then. Then when they leave the area, the game changes to Adventure
We could use the trigger block to make the gamemode change to survival so the player can break the movable block, then place then. Then when they leave the area, the game changes to Adventure
You know you're making the map with me... you can just tell me in a PM But that is what the trigger blocks are being used for! Gamemode changing and tp'ing inside areas! Also, we're making the map the map of the island!
The map that is viewable ingame is just so lovely (and the music too). I do not know if it fits in distance with the real maps, though. It rather looks artful, than exact. You may have to extend some of the areas then.
Or maybe you could tp the pc at the end of certain maps, to hold it very close to the original game. Making it something transitional like the original maps.
We were thinking of using a map editor to edit the map item to look like the one ingame
And up to the end of the Waterfall Shrine. Because that way you get an impression on Story, NPC's and an complete dungeon. You could skip for the demo the long intro though - start directly with the cave of King Nole.
Can you use plain English please? I don't understand...
The demo may be postponed because of the Adventure mode control block ( Or trigger block as we call it ) Not being added to 1.3.1
The Demo will be added when 1.4 ( Or a snapshot containing the block ) Comes out so bear with us and be patient. Thanks!
IGN: Mrcheeseburger43 Age: 15 Country: NZ Time zone: Don't even know :/ Do you have Landstalker (emulator or game): Nope Which are you better at? Redstone or building?: Redstone
IGN: Mrcheeseburger43 Age: 15 Country: NZ Time zone: Don't even know :/ Do you have Landstalker (emulator or game): Nope Which are you better at? Redstone or building?: Redstone
Your time zone is UTC+12 and you need to have the game to know what it looks like... and I hope that you're not good at redstone for the tnt cannons!!!
The demo may be postponed because of the Adventure mode control block ( Or trigger block as we call it ) Not being added to 1.3.1
The Demo will be added when 1.4 ( Or a snapshot containing the block ) Comes out so bear with us and be patient. Thanks!
Actually, we can just use ladders to get in the Waterfall Shrine, then when the block comes out, we'll block it up, and put the trigger blocks on!
Well, the demo should have all of the three areas. Starting with the cave of King Nole (the starting area of the game), and finishing with the end of the Waterfall Shrine.
Because the Intro of the game is quite long, having 3 maps and all, you could leave it out for the demo.
Well... the intro won't be playable... it'll just be a recorded thing we've made! Soz if you don't like that!
Also what you say about emulators... if you want people at (let's say) school, that would be the only way to show them it! Sorry. That's probably the only way! The only other way would be to get others to either go to your house and show them there or go to theirs and show them it at theirs! That way, you can show them with the SEGA, or, as you say, with Steam.
Do you by chance know, if it will be possible to trigger specific music? After thinking a bit over this project and the original game, I think the music is pretty damn important. (Just think about the piano scene at the banquette.)
We'd have to find a mod, or put up signs to get people to open up certain songs. We're not using adventurecraft, because we don't want people using debug mode or anything! And it's not multiplayer, and I can't be bothered. And the piano scene music was great! I was thinking of making all the songs in the game using note blocks in the, but the problem is the notes get too high at points, because there are only 25 notes in a note block, sharps and flats included, and only include the two octaves. So, I don't know. I'm sure there was a mod to add more music discs, plus a custom one of your own. Maybe people could help find, or if they are generous enough MAKE a mod where you can add your own musics to the game. If we can't get one, we could always make one... I don't know how though XDOn a side-note: Project is running slowly. We're distracted a bit too much (mostly not me! I'M INNOCENT!) but demo will hopefully come out soon!
I know I haven't been updating much, so here's an update. We have been getting lazy, but we will continue this right away! No need to worry! Demo hopefully out today or tomorrow. No texture pack as of yet, as this texture pack is hard to do. If anyone can do the texture pack, then I will give all texture pack credit to you, PLUS you will have your name mentioned in the map. Now, anyone tell me how do I make a banner?
1. What for?
2. In general: with a programm like Paint, Gimp, Photoshop ... or what banner do you mean?
I mean so others can support the project, and also I know how to make it, but I don't know what dimensions, or how to make it so it links to this place!
Texture pack is annoying! I am going to let someone make it. If anyone makes the texture pack they will be given full credit for it, plus a mention in the map (possiblty a hall of fame will be added). All pics will be updated.
Anyone who wants to help, please fill out the application.
Also please support this by using the banner! It would be greatly appreciated (banner not made)
Loading server... 1%
TBA also I don't know how to make them, let alone get them to link to here! MAKING BANNER!!! Soz updates are taking so long
Don't mind me! Just taking screenshots in the corner
When first on list, it is being made a higher priority (swords always go in order of iron, gold, then diamond)
So far done:
Who is working on the map, you ask? Look here:
Chaospillager (Main map maker)
Insertnamr (Main map maker)
Please do not PM. You will NOT be accepted. Application has explanation table, so no asking what certain things mean!
Country/time zone:
Do you have Landstalker?:
Which would you rather do? Redstone or building?:
IGN = In-game name - The name you chose when you registered an account on Minecraft.
Age = How old you are - Pretty self-explanatory.
Country = Where you are - Where you are in the world (try to be close to exact, as in your city)
Time zone = The time difference - What time you live in from others, e.g Stockholm is GMT+1. Look up 'What is the time zone in [my place]?'
Do you have Landstalker? = Do you have this game - The game we are remaking.
Which would you rather do? Redstone or building? = What you want to do - You can either build stuff with us, or go ahead and make complicated contraptions with redstone. Btw, I am pretty bad at redstone XP
NEW SECRET! You can 'save' at the church! Hooray! That music in the church is so... beautiful!
OMG SERVER WILL BE MADE!!! You will just need to wait a while, while we set up... please wait... this should be put in the helpers section :\
There is going to be a new block called the trigger block, and, when activated, will have a command happen! We are planning to use it to our advantage and tp the player somewhere else, where they'll be inside the place! Btw, I never actually finished the game XD I got to the final boss, but never beat him... I didn't have the hp enough to beat him (or pure skill... yeah, I sucked...)
Hopefully that will happen!
You know you're making the map with me... you can just tell me in a PM
We will be hiring as soon as possible!
We were thinking of using a map editor to edit the map item to look like the one ingame
Can you use plain English please? I don't understand...
The Demo will be added when 1.4 ( Or a snapshot containing the block ) Comes out so bear with us and be patient. Thanks!
Age: 15
Country: NZ
Time zone: Don't even know :/
Do you have Landstalker (emulator or game): Nope
Which are you better at? Redstone or building?: Redstone
Your time zone is UTC+12 and you need to have the game to know what it looks like... and I hope that you're not good at redstone for the tnt cannons!!!
Actually, we can just use ladders to get in the Waterfall Shrine, then when the block comes out, we'll block it up, and put the trigger blocks on!
Well... the intro won't be playable... it'll just be a recorded thing we've made! Soz if you don't like that!
Also what you say about emulators... if you want people at (let's say) school, that would be the only way to show them it! Sorry. That's probably the only way! The only other way would be to get others to either go to your house and show them there or go to theirs and show them it at theirs! That way, you can show them with the SEGA, or, as you say, with Steam.
We'd have to find a mod, or put up signs to get people to open up certain songs. We're not using adventurecraft, because we don't want people using debug mode or anything! And it's not multiplayer, and I can't be bothered. And the piano scene music was great! I was thinking of making all the songs in the game using note blocks in the, but the problem is the notes get too high at points, because there are only 25 notes in a note block, sharps and flats included, and only include the two octaves. So, I don't know. I'm sure there was a mod to add more music discs, plus a custom one of your own. Maybe people could help find, or if they are generous enough MAKE a mod where you can add your own musics to the game. If we can't get one, we could always make one... I don't know how though XDOn a side-note: Project is running slowly. We're distracted a bit too much (mostly not me! I'M INNOCENT!) but demo will hopefully come out soon!
Post will be added to the topic post
I mean so others can support the project, and also I know how to make it, but I don't know what dimensions, or how to make it so it links to this place!