We reached 7,000 views! W00T! Thanks for your support everyone. And also, we reached 100 posts. And most importantly, we have reached over 500 downloads!
Remember to click the at the bottom-right corner of this post, it helps this thread immensely, if you do it enough, this thread will be famous ('round 100 times)!
I don't upload images cause they're too much to worry about. But in case you're worried about this being a scam to get a virus in your PC, don't worry, I already have over 100 downloads, and no posts about virus right? It's legit, just download it and trust me. Oh, and since I now offer the flat map templates, even less to worry about!
Back story of this thread:
Are you a guy/gal like me that spends hours trying to find the best solution to your problems?
Most people that do big redstone know that the flat maps integrated into Minecraft are just no good, slimes can spawn (and those really get on your nerves), you have no space to do things below, since it's only 3 blocks deep, grass is not the best material, etc.
I was literally 1 day (alright, around 12 hours) trying to find a good, clean, weatherless sandstone flat map, I wasn't able to find any.
So I started looking for tools to create maps easily, at first I thought of MCEdit, but it's been discontinued, so that's not an option, and also my computer wouldn't be able to handle it. Then after some rigurous research I found WorldPainter I started playing with it, and I came up with an answer to my problems.
So I created this awesome thread in order to share my solution, and to give customized solutions to those that want them.
I no longer use WorldPainer, I now generate the worlds with my mind and give you the flat map template to use.
Here are the global features for all of the maps I created from my own accord:
64 blocks high (including bedrock).
1 Deep layer of bedrock at the bottom.
Spawn marked with a special block that's very visible in that contrast.
1024x1024 world, 1,048,576 blocks in total, in the surface alone, multiply that by 64 for the height... Quite a lot if I may say so myself. It amounts to 67,108,864 blocks BTW.
NOTE: If your world is a flat map custom template then you have no limit!
The whole map is in the desert biome, which means there is no weather at all, without any glass roof above.
512 blocks of void after the map is over, just for those that don't like normal terrain generation in their creative worlds.
NOTE: If your world is a flat map custom template then you have no limit!
It's totally flat, with the whole filling being the main block for the map.
Some maps: A slab layer at the highest layer.
And here are all the download links: My worlds:
Here I will put all the maps that I generated from my own accord, I will only put those that I believe worth of redstone.
The weird text to the right of the download links is the flat world preset, in case you are using the snapshots or Minecraft 1.4.
I also take requests, not super complicated with a block every X blocks or something like that (I also want to, but I can't with WorldPainter), so just keep that in mind.
I have my list of what I can and can't do in the maps I generate, please include the following details in your request:
World sizes:
I can only do world sizes in mutliples of 128, in other words I start with 128, then 256 etc. I can do different sizes for each coordinate, i.e. I can do 128 for north and south, and 256 for west and east.
If you prefer a flat map custom template then there is no limit to the size.
World heights:
I can do any height between 1, and 255, the world height is the same, just the floor height changes. You can ask for your floor to be at any level, as long as it's between the blocks I put above.
Ever since Minecraft 1.3 as long as I make the world a flat map then the world is not corrupted, so don't be afraid to ask something below 62, just remember about the slimes.
I can do any biome you want, of course, it's obviously preferable to use the desert biome, since no weather can happen there.
This is for redstone, of course I can make it to your liking depending on the kind of experiments you're gonna make.
I can do the floor in any block you want, put as many different layers as you want. Just no vertical changes, only horizontal layers.
Mob spawning:
If your world has the floor made of grass, the lighting conditions are met and the biome allows animal spawns, then remember animals are gonna exist in your world.
If your floor is under the level of 40 then slimes are gonna spawn unless you make the floor be made of half-slabs. Unless you ask your world to have a layer of half-slabs, or you play in Peaceful difficulty, you will have mobs spawns in the surface during the night.
Flat world presets:
If possible, or easier, I will most probably generate your worlds, or figure out the flat world presets. This is easier for me, and better for you, for simple reasons:
You don't have a limit of size to your worlds, which means that Minecraft will continue generating terrain.
It's easier for your, especially if you have a bad internet. Just gotta copy&paste the flat world preset, and you're done!
It's easier for me because I don't have to wait for it to finish generating, I already know the procedure, and it's much faster than using WorldEdit, and it's much more powerful that WorldPainter, which allows me to do things a lot faster and easier.
If you find any problems with the download links or the maps themselves (for example, incorrect biome), make sure to tell me!
Hope you have a lot of fun with this.
And of course, give credit where it is due: Tow - For giving me the idea of making maps with a slab layer on top in order for mobs not to spawn.
Make sure to give me credit in your maps, tutorials, and anything you create with these maps.
I've got another map, for those that prefer smooth stone instead of sandstone, the features are the same as the above:
64 blocks high (including bedrock).
1 Deep layer of bedrock at the bottom.
Spawn marked with a bedrock block.
1024x1024 world, 1,048,576 blocks in total, in the surface alone, multiply that by 64... Quite a lot if I may say so myself.
The whole map is in the desert biome, which means there is no weather at all, without any glass roof above.
512 blocks of void after the map is over, just for those that don't like normal terrain generation in their creative worlds.
It's totally flat, with the whole filling being smooth stone, which is the preferred block background for redstone for some people, although the most professional is still sandstone.
MCEdit, there was an unoffical update, but it still works.
Yay for flats!
I did see that, but for some reason it doesn't work in my computer right now, although my computer is crap. Thanks for the support. And of course Yay for flats.
hey, you're taking requests?
i hope you can make this for me
-50 blocks high, including the one layer of bedrock at the bottom.
-all jungle or forest biome, i prefer jungle
-all dirt, top layer grass
-you can make it as big as you want
Thanks in advance
and i think you should go for addfly because i can see that you're putting efford in these maps, Cheers
Hello MicroGames18, I can easily do this, do you have any problem if it's a 500x500-ish world? Also, you understand that anything below level 64 can have corrupt spawns right? In other words, if you die or re-spawn you will spawn at level 62 and at a completely different spawn. Also, do you want it in survival mode or creative mode?
Also, because of biome generation, the grass will have tall grass, there's nothing I can do about that.
I'll go ahead to generate the world as soon as I have your answer.
I am not able to generate the world if you don't answer me, if you want me to generate the world I will need your answer to all my questions.
Today (or tomorrow) I'm gonna upload a whole bunch of maps, those maps will be the following:
Iron block map, with a spawn marked by a gold block, the rest are the same features as the rest of the maps.
Grass block map, with spawn marked by a lapis lazuli block, the rest is the same.
White wool block, with a spawn marked by a yellow wool block, the rest is the same.
Dirt block map, with spawn marked by a lapis lazuli block, the rest is the same.
Gonna update the smooth stone map, so that it has a gold block marked spawn instead of bedrock, the same features.
And that's it, once again, if you use these maps, please give proper credit and link to this topic, also remember that I can make custom requests, so don't be afraid to ask.
And the most important thing! Please make a post in this topic, I absolutely want to keep it alive, make a post if you download the one of the maps, or appreciate my effort, cause I really like feedback, as long as it's not an as*h*le comment, I mean, constructive feedback, no hate and stuff.
Hi, I can see that you've put quite some effort into these maps. One problem when you're not famous is you start dominating your own thread. We've all done it. No one actually posts, lol. Just so you know, I'll consider downloading your Iron World, it seems very useful for an escape map.
Thanks for the support, yeah I know what you mean, I really have been trying to avoid this in this post, if you check you can see my posts that are for myself alone are like 1 or 2 weeks apart.
I might use these for my testworld, once i figured out how **** like WorldEdit and VoxelSnipe work
Yeah WorldEdit can be a little tricky, you might wanna do what I did, just check the SPC thread and read every command and play with it, it really helps to do learn it fast.
I'm gonna use the sandstone flat map! I do dabble in the art of Redstone a little bit.
I even made an adventure map from it, using a flat land of Stone I made, since threads like yours weren't around at that time.
I'm gonna use the sandstone flat map! I do dabble in the art of Redstone a little bit.
I even made an adventure map from it, using a flat land of Stone I made, since threads like yours weren't around at that time.
Added the description of what I can do and what I can't in the main post.
World sizes:
I can only do world sizes in mutliples of 128, in other words I start with 128, then 256 etc. I can do different sizes for each coordinate, i.e. I can do 128 for north and south, and 256 for west and east.
World heights:
I can do any height between 1, and 256, the world height is the same, just the floor height changes. Please understand that if the floor is below level 62, the spawn will be corrupted since I gotta change the sea level, if you die your spawn will be in a completely different place unless you reset your spawn with a bed.
I can do any biome you want, of course, it's obviously preferable to use the desert biome, since no weather can happen there.
I can do the floor in any block you want, although the rest of the filling has to be the same, I can make Minecraft generate caves in that map, but with no resources, unless you want, but then the rest of the world will also have resources. I can mark the spawn with any block you want.
And also, we reached 100 posts.
And most importantly, we have reached over 500 downloads!
Remember to click the
I don't upload images cause they're too much to worry about. But in case you're worried about this being a scam to get a virus in your PC, don't worry, I already have over 100 downloads, and no posts about virus right? It's legit, just download it and trust me.
Back story of this thread:
Most people that do big redstone know that the flat maps integrated into Minecraft are just no good, slimes can spawn (and those really get on your nerves), you have no space to do things below, since it's only 3 blocks deep, grass is not the best material, etc.
I was literally 1 day (alright, around 12 hours) trying to find a good, clean, weatherless sandstone flat map, I wasn't able to find any.
So I started looking for tools to create maps easily, at first I thought of MCEdit, but it's been discontinued, so that's not an option, and also my computer wouldn't be able to handle it. Then after some rigurous research I found WorldPainter I started playing with it, and I came up with an answer to my problems.
So I created this awesome thread in order to share my solution, and to give customized solutions to those that want them.
I no longer use WorldPainer, I now generate the worlds with my mind and give you the flat map template to use.
Here are the global features for all of the maps I created from my own accord:
And here are all the download links:
My worlds:
The weird text to the right of the download links is the flat world preset, in case you are using the snapshots or Minecraft 1.4.
Normal worlds:
Slab layer on top worlds:
Requested worlds:
I also take requests, not super complicated with a block every X blocks or something like that (I also want to, but I can't with WorldPainter), so just keep that in mind.
I have my list of what I can and can't do in the maps I generate, please include the following details in your request:
If you prefer a flat map custom template then there is no limit to the size.
World heights:
Ever since Minecraft 1.3 as long as I make the world a flat map then the world is not corrupted, so don't be afraid to ask something below 62, just remember about the slimes.
This is for redstone, of course I can make it to your liking depending on the kind of experiments you're gonna make.
Mob spawning:
If your floor is under the level of 40 then slimes are gonna spawn unless you make the floor be made of half-slabs. Unless you ask your world to have a layer of half-slabs, or you play in Peaceful difficulty, you will have mobs spawns in the surface during the night.
Flat world presets:
If you find any problems with the download links or the maps themselves (for example, incorrect biome), make sure to tell me!
Hope you have a lot of fun with this.
And of course, give credit where it is due:
Tow - For giving me the idea of making maps with a slab layer on top in order for mobs not to spawn.
Make sure to give me credit in your maps, tutorials, and anything you create with these maps.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Download Link (no Adfly)
I'm gonna update the main post.
Happy experiments!
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Yay for flats!
I did see that, but for some reason it doesn't work in my computer right now, although my computer is crap. Thanks for the support.
You're welcome.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
You're welcome.
Have fun.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Hello MicroGames18, I can easily do this, do you have any problem if it's a 500x500-ish world? Also, you understand that anything below level 64 can have corrupt spawns right? In other words, if you die or re-spawn you will spawn at level 62 and at a completely different spawn. Also, do you want it in survival mode or creative mode?
Also, because of biome generation, the grass will have tall grass, there's nothing I can do about that.
I'll go ahead to generate the world as soon as I have your answer.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
I am not able to generate the world if you don't answer me, if you want me to generate the world I will need your answer to all my questions.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Is anyone actually using these maps? Fileswap doesn't show a download count, so the only way to find out is for people to say thanks on this post.
I would really appreciate it if you post, I don't want to let this topic die.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Today (or tomorrow) I'm gonna upload a whole bunch of maps, those maps will be the following:
And the most important thing! Please make a post in this topic, I absolutely want to keep it alive, make a post if you download the one of the maps, or appreciate my effort, cause I really like feedback, as long as it's not an as*h*le comment, I mean, constructive feedback, no hate and stuff.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
The idea of using WorldPainter was also given to me by another thread about flat maps, and the chain continues.
I'm editing the main post and another post (to take advantage of the bump) telling all the features of the new maps, so check them out if you want.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
I have now uploaded the maps I promised yesterday!
So here are the global features for all these maps:
Flat Iron Block World: http://www.fileswap...._World.zip.html
Flat Dirt World: http://www.fileswap...._World.zip.html
Flat Grass World: http://www.fileswap...._World.zip.html
Flat White Wool World: http://www.fileswap...._World.zip.html
Flat Smooth Stone World: http://www.fileswap...._World.zip.html
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Thanks for the support, yeah I know what you mean, I really have been trying to avoid this in this post, if you check you can see my posts that are for myself alone are like 1 or 2 weeks apart.
Yeah WorldEdit can be a little tricky, you might wanna do what I did, just check the SPC thread and read every command and play with it, it really helps to do learn it fast.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
I even made an adventure map from it, using a flat land of Stone I made, since threads like yours weren't around at that time.
Excellent! Thanks for the support.
Be sure to let me know if you post anything.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Okay! I'll post stuff I make on your maps in your thread to keep it alive!
Awesome man! I really appreciate it.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Added the description of what I can do and what I can't in the main post.
World sizes:
World heights:
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.