-Pit of DEATH!
+Combat Course
+ more gold ingots
+ more diamonds
*Parkour jumps are easier
*Fixed SPC Malfunctions
*Fixed minor bugs
*Fixed Despawning of items after a long period of time
Version Two:
+Pit of DEATH!
+Use of Diamonds at end of map
+Better ending
*Fixed Spawnpoint
Map and Story made by Mason_Alex
Helped by Anthony_Gunner, Zalboo, Kevin1027, Sir_Chaplin321 and MactavishGunner
I just replayed. Other than turning off spc, I didn't see any significant improvements.
Here are some suggestions in addition to what I said before...
Very first sign starts, "Story..." you never say that this is Nick Fury talking to you. I would also suggest you explicitly tell the player that they are Hawkeye and maybe a little background. As soon as patch 1.3 comes out you could put it in a 'book' (if the text is too long for signs).
Add an NPC or quotes to the signs where someone is talking to you so it's clearer.
Infininty bows. Nice touch.
In the archery range, add two repeaters somewhere underground such that, once you trigger the wooden pressure plate, the redstone current will always stay on even after the item despawns.
Same recommendation where you throw the 3 gold blocks onto wooden pressure plates - although what would be better is; remove the pressure plates and make it so the player has to physically place the gold block down there to complete the circuit. That way, the block won't despawn and close the door.
Add a few more minecarts to the chest, just in case.
Did you double-check to confirm there are 9 gold ingots?
Your pit of death will make players frustrated. As far as I can tell, there's no reward.
I confirmed you DO have all 9 gold ingots
Found the Power IV bow, but it's useless at the end of the map
The 'teleport' should be a longer drop - more colors. They went by too quick.
Thanks for the feedback, I will update my map asap. If i really could not make those gold blocks work then I might as well put a sign up and say: Please put them in the hole when you have all 3 blocks. And for the archery problem, i can fixed it by putting a sign saying to flick the lever on top of the door once won. Pit of death is removed. I will put more gold ingots to make sure anyone wont get frustrated on finding them. The Power IV bow is for the sequel and I might make a little game at the end for fun. Some area with fighting? I was adding that after watching your video. Hopefully it will work out lol. The reason its not that good of a map is cuz its my first time making a map that has a story Speaking of story, I am changing the story. And again thanks for the feedback and have a nice day.
About: This is a map I made about how Hawkeye went into the Avengers!
Task: You are Hawkeye and you are on your way to join the Avengers! Show your skills to Director Nick Fury!
Rules: No Flying, No TMI, No Breaking Blocks unless told to, Only play with less than 5 players and play on Easy or above please.
The Glowstone Tower is the spawn.
Latest Version:
Version Three: http://adf.ly/L1isg
Version Two: http://adf.ly/8azdT
Version One: http://adf.ly/8YyJX
1500+ Downloads!
Change log:
Version Three:
-Pit of DEATH!
+Combat Course
+ more gold ingots
+ more diamonds
*Parkour jumps are easier
*Fixed SPC Malfunctions
*Fixed minor bugs
*Fixed Despawning of items after a long period of time
Version Two:
+Pit of DEATH!
+Use of Diamonds at end of map
+Better ending
*Fixed Spawnpoint
Map and Story made by Mason_Alex
Helped by Anthony_Gunner, Zalboo, Kevin1027, Sir_Chaplin321 and MactavishGunner
I will fix that. For now just die.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Here are some suggestions in addition to what I said before...
Thanks so much! I will make the sequel after the exams and the sequel will have a custom texture pack too
I did not make up the name, it was from Marvel
I updated the link, it should work now and I did a little bit of bug fixes too.