Just some points I've stumbled upon with the latest release Ron, with the whole 'place a bookshelf on a gold block locking mechanism the redstone torches are no longer lit above the sequence of drops you actually just completed, instead it's whichever corresponds to where you put the bookshelf that lights up.
Also, while I really like the placing a bookshelf mechanism as it adds a sense of involvement and reinforces the idea of 'resorting the library', the visible redstone is a bit of an immersion killer. I know it's hard (possibly impossible in this case) to be compact and discrete but I just thought I'd point it out Edit: sent you BUD switch idea
Also also, why not replace bedrock with bookshelves or something more decorative in the drops for the lift and dropper mechanism, just a thought seeing as bedrock is one of the least attractive textures in the game.
Also also also, the signs on the last drops saying they were not eligible and that they are your maps etc could perhaps look better on the walls, but meh, that's just nitpicking really.
Also also also also, this map is freaking awesome!
... just my ten cents, it is a beta after all!
Edit: Just emailed through a quick idea on the locks
with the whole 'place a bookshelf on a gold block locking mechanism the redstone torches are no longer lit above the sequence of drops you actually just completed, instead it's whichever corresponds to where you put the bookshelf that lights up
Yeah I agree this is a problem. Either just remove those torches (and the corresponding signs explaining them) and make people remember which section they've already completed (shouldn't be that difficult). Or change the bookshelves to colored wool. For example, at the end of the Travel section, give a piece of red wool. Then have a sign indicating where to place each different color wool so that it corresponds with the torches on the outside.
Yeah I agree this is a problem. Either just remove those torches (and the corresponding signs explaining them) and make people remember which section they've already completed (shouldn't be that difficult). Or change the bookshelves to colored wool. For example, at the end of the Travel section, give a piece of red wool. Then have a sign indicating where to place each different color wool so that it corresponds with the torches on the outside.
I'm pretty sure I'm going with the colored wool idea, but Thistlehoof did send me something else I need to look at.
I've recorded about 15 minutes of footage of just going up to the first challenge and then dying at it a whole bunch. At 3 fps.
Freakin' graphics card. I might be able to record some GOOD footage tomorrow.
I've recorded about 15 minutes of footage of just going up to the first challenge and then dying at it a whole bunch. At 3 fps.
Freakin' graphics card. I might be able to record some GOOD footage tomorrow.
This might work better once it processes. Also, I'm probably not actually going to be able to record anything else! I tried on one computer but realized Bandicam doesn't work on Macs and then another computer wasn't showing any windows except for browsers.
Oh well, looks like I'll only ever be able to record flash games.
Maybe it is smart to make another topic in the 'maps' section linking to this topic or to ask an admin to move this thread to the 'maps' section. That way, the map will get more attention!
Oh! I guess I wasn't paying attention. ALL of my maps are still here!
This might work better once it processes. Also, I'm probably not actually going to be able to record anything else! I tried on one computer but realized Bandicam doesn't work on Macs and then another computer wasn't showing any windows except for browsers.
Oh well, looks like I'll only ever be able to record flash games.
Thank you for taking the effort to put this out there! I really enjoyed your creative adaptation of the 'drop' theme into a unique entry!
Thread isn't getting as much attention since it was moved to the Maps forum. How many downloads on the completed map are there so far?
The map has been announced on The Shaft podcast and JCVSMC's Minecraft Daily. Also a few people have twittered it. And Bigre has been promoting it on his thread.
I will try to check downloads later tonight.
As to the forum - it will only get attention if it can stay bumped to the front page. With 40+ contributors, hopefully you can all help by posting LP videos, discussing drops, or contacting YouTube channels or the moderators here to help request it gets spotlighted.
Also, while I really like the placing a bookshelf mechanism as it adds a sense of involvement and reinforces the idea of 'resorting the library', the visible redstone is a bit of an immersion killer. I know it's hard (possibly impossible in this case) to be compact and discrete but I just thought I'd point it out
Also also, why not replace bedrock with bookshelves or something more decorative in the drops for the lift and dropper mechanism, just a thought seeing as bedrock is one of the least attractive textures in the game.
Also also also, the signs on the last drops saying they were not eligible and that they are your maps etc could perhaps look better on the walls, but meh, that's just nitpicking really.
Also also also also, this map is freaking awesome!
... just my ten cents, it is a beta after all!
Edit: Just emailed through a quick idea on the locks
Special thanks to the folks who have been beta testing and sending me ideas for tweaks!!
Yeah I agree this is a problem. Either just remove those torches (and the corresponding signs explaining them) and make people remember which section they've already completed (shouldn't be that difficult). Or change the bookshelves to colored wool. For example, at the end of the Travel section, give a piece of red wool. Then have a sign indicating where to place each different color wool so that it corresponds with the torches on the outside.
Contributor to: Adventure Multiplex (B4-7), The Library (Travel), The Toybox, Adventure Multiplex 2: The Village
I'm pretty sure I'm going with the colored wool idea, but Thistlehoof did send me something else I need to look at.
Freakin' graphics card. I might be able to record some GOOD footage tomorrow.
Something wrong with your video :/Adding playthrus to main post
Oh well, looks like I'll only ever be able to record flash games.
Oh! I guess I wasn't paying attention. ALL of my maps are still here!
Thank you for taking the effort to put this out there! I really enjoyed your creative adaptation of the 'drop' theme into a unique entry!
And Ron! Awesome job man, this is going to be one of minecrafts classic maps!
The map has been announced on The Shaft podcast and JCVSMC's Minecraft Daily. Also a few people have twittered it. And Bigre has been promoting it on his thread.
I will try to check downloads later tonight.
As to the forum - it will only get attention if it can stay bumped to the front page. With 40+ contributors, hopefully you can all help by posting LP videos, discussing drops, or contacting YouTube channels or the moderators here to help request it gets spotlighted.