I WON $55 MILLION IN A JAPANESE LOTTERY DRAWING (frankly, I don't remember even entering, but oh well, right?)! And all they need is my name, address, phone number, social security number, drivers license, birth certificate, blood sample, and my bank account info in order to transfer the money!
Oh, but I didn't win this contest but oh well! There were way more deserving entries anyways
Wow this looks siiiick. Ron you are an amazing figure in the Minecraft community, I really commend you for bringing this all together, and huge congratulations to the authors of all those wonderful entries. Just from that video I am way excited to play everybody's drops.
Oh maaaaaan I am an amazing person. Homestucks represent. I guess that is the thing to say in this circumstance?
But, most of the other drops were pretty awesome too! I'm pretty amazed how I beat you guys, like that space one and the dragon one, unless one of those are the 1st place guy. There were other awesome ones, I just can't remember them because 45 cauldrons of eye candy and amazingness holy jegus.
-The exploding mecanisme didn't work for me in "the end" level
Fixed. Unfortunately, that person built redstone outside of the drop shaft and also that special effect is a one-use effect, which were both against the rules. Fixed.
-Some levels were insanely hard : "falling throug 747" "most brute way of hacking" "volcanic steam plant accsident (landing)" "into the light" (i cheated to succeed) you should seriously make them easier by breaking some blocks.
I tried to sequence the drops in each section by difficulty. Some are very very difficult. But that is what the community intended, so I don't want to alter the intended design of each.
Yes. This is one thing I really would like to change. Maybe with portals, but then my locking mechanism would have to be redone and there's not much space. I'm thinking on this one...
My only complaint is the long cart rides. Maybe you could add some designs to the walls/ceiling to make the ride more interesting. It would probably be easier than completely redoing the layout.
I never said it was impossible
I have to admit i've tested the drops rapidly because my minecraft was laggy.
There are many drops, so it's better to avoid ragequit.
Here's an idea (if there is some space):
Is your locking mechanism based on minecart pressure rail?
You can connect your locking mechanism to the buttons (or pressure plate) that opens the iron doors
I just got a new idea for the Minecarts AND locking mechanism, but not sure I'll have time to implement it this week. We'll see.
My map IS possible, I've tested out every drop and I could do them all.
I think your map was my favorite. Not easy but certainly doable. And the hacking theme was really clever.
I played through all of them and they were all doable (cheated a few times especially on that one with insane parkour, forget what it's called) but every step was possible. With the exception of "The End" by Pwnapplez as was already mentioned and being fixed.
-"minecarft temple" level : i dindn't find the way to survive.
If I remember correctly that one had vines on the side at the bottom.
Oh, and congrats to the winner!
I WON!!! I WON!!!
I WON $55 MILLION IN A JAPANESE LOTTERY DRAWING (frankly, I don't remember even entering, but oh well, right?)! And all they need is my name, address, phone number, social security number, drivers license, birth certificate, blood sample, and my bank account info in order to transfer the money!
Oh, but I didn't win this contest
More details will be available this weekend on http://www.youtube.com/rsmalec
Contributor to: Adventure Multiplex (B4-7), The Library (Travel), The Toybox, Adventure Multiplex 2: The Village
My Minecraft Maps: coldfusionmaps.com
I haven't sent them yet. Today or tomorrow. Just finishing a few things.
But, most of the other drops were pretty awesome too! I'm pretty amazed how I beat you guys, like that space one and the dragon one, unless one of those are the 1st place guy. There were other awesome ones, I just can't remember them because 45 cauldrons of eye candy and amazingness holy jegus.
lol jk, but amazing job guys, this map looks MATHEMAGICAL.
No. I'll add that sign. Good catch.
When you first fall from the table, I didn't want anyone to see the hole.
Fixed. Unfortunately, that person built redstone outside of the drop shaft and also that special effect is a one-use effect, which were both against the rules. Fixed.
I tried to sequence the drops in each section by difficulty. Some are very very difficult. But that is what the community intended, so I don't want to alter the intended design of each.
At the top of every drop is a chest with beds to save and a sign. I will add the mod-reminder.
Yes. This is one thing I really would like to change. Maybe with portals, but then my locking mechanism would have to be redone and there's not much space. I'm thinking on this one...
fixed. thanks!
My only complaint is the long cart rides. Maybe you could add some designs to the walls/ceiling to make the ride more interesting. It would probably be easier than completely redoing the layout.
I just got a new idea for the Minecarts AND locking mechanism, but not sure I'll have time to implement it this week. We'll see.
I think your map was my favorite. Not easy but certainly doable. And the hacking theme was really clever.
I played through all of them and they were all doable (cheated a few times especially on that one with insane parkour, forget what it's called) but every step was possible. With the exception of "The End" by Pwnapplez as was already mentioned and being fixed.
If I remember correctly that one had vines on the side at the bottom.
Contributor to: Adventure Multiplex (B4-7), The Library (Travel), The Toybox, Adventure Multiplex 2: The Village