My first map. It's not an easy one. There are secrets all over this map, some of which are required to beat the map.
- Dozens of original puzzles
- Parkour (in moderation)
- Something resembling a plot
- Sheep
- And a few surprises I've left for you to find! :cool.gif:
And here are some pics if you think words are boring.
Wow, someone actually rated this map 1/10?! I rated 8/10, I see a few things on how it could be improved but it's really good for your first map. I remember that my first map sucked.
Wow, someone actually rated this map 1/10?! I rated 8/10, I see a few things on how it could be improved but it's really good for your first map. I remember that my first map sucked.
Thank you for playing it! I'm glad you liked it. Pay no attention to that 1/10. I doubt that person even read my post.
Now, what exactly are the things you think I could improve on?
Looks great havent tried map yet hope i dont rage and use :Flint and Steel:
if its a wool maze in the map ill probably burn it down :biggrin.gif:
Sorry pal. there aren't any wool mazes. As I recall, the only places where I used wool were for floors, so burning them really won't do you any good.
Hey is this map play on peaceful or easy and above???
For the most part, you play it on peaceful. However, there is a small part in the middle where you're supposed to raise the difficulty to easy+, and then, should you manage to make it that far, you'll turn it to easy+ again towards the end of the map.
- Dozens of original puzzles
- Parkour (in moderation)
- Something resembling a plot
- Sheep
- And a few surprises I've left for you to find! :cool.gif:
And here are some pics if you think words are boring.
Since this map has a bunch of hidden things you need, here are hints on their locations, if you're having trouble:
hidden chest #1
When you finish it, be sure to post your score, rating, and any feedback or suggestions.
Thank you for replying, but I would kinda like a little more detail.
Thank you for playing it! I'm glad you liked it. Pay no attention to that 1/10. I doubt that person even read my post.
Now, what exactly are the things you think I could improve on?
Sorry pal. there aren't any wool mazes. As I recall, the only places where I used wool were for floors, so burning them really won't do you any good.
For the most part, you play it on peaceful. However, there is a small part in the middle where you're supposed to raise the difficulty to easy+, and then, should you manage to make it that far, you'll turn it to easy+ again towards the end of the map.