a search for known acronyms of KTR, I have found:
Keep Them Rolling
Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia - Tindal (Airport Code)
Kingstree, South Carolina (train station code)
Kauai Test Range
Keyboard Typing Reperforator
K Terminal Reliability (K = number of terminals)
Ker-Train Research (Canada)
Known Theft Report
Known Theft Report, zisteau? Coincidence? I think not.
a search for known acronyms of KTR, I have found:
Keep Them Rolling
Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia - Tindal (Airport Code)
Kingstree, South Carolina (train station code)
Kauai Test Range
Keyboard Typing Reperforator
K Terminal Reliability (K = number of terminals)
Ker-Train Research (Canada)
Known Theft Report
Known Theft Report, zisteau? Coincidence? I think not.
Haha keep guessing. To my knowledge, the words KTR stands for have not been used in popular culture before. Also, added 4 new pics to the first post.
Has anyone else had a problem like this? I'm hoping this is an isolated event.
That happened to me when I attempted to load it up today... I haven't the slightest idea what caused it, but it's the same thing, chunk errors everywhere. I don't have any mods installed, I usually disable all the mods I use for mapmaking when I'm playing maps, to avoid temptation. Though since the last person's problems were mod-based, perhaps I'm missing something...
Kill the Runner?
Keep the Race?
Kill the Race?
I'm pretty sure this might be something similar to CTM, so if T is "the", and K might be "kill", "keep", or "kangaroo" (probably not the last one), I honestly have no idea what KTR could stand for. Then again, I'll probably find out soon enough when you release this map, Zisteau. Sounds cool.
Posted Episode one of my adventures! Highly edited for maximum awesomeness. Also I eh-uhm "borrowed" the editing style Zisteau uses sometimes in quick timelapses (you'll see what I mean :biggrin.gif:). Expect more coming out very soon! (I get to the caving in the second vid and building is dedicated for the third!
"I often think about that old metaphor, the one that says we are all islands on a wide sea. Especially these days, now that things are more difficult than before and the world appears to be harsher than we once imagined it to be. We are all like islands, the philosopher said. Perhaps it's true. Yet I cannot help but remember an older saying, scratched on a cave wall somewhere by a long-forgotten prophet: in the end, the sea will claim everything."
-soundManager::initMovie(): Waiting for ExternalInterface call from Flash..soundManager::initMovie(): Got OBJECT element (created via JS)soundManager::createMovie(): Trying to load ./soundmanager2_debug.swf-- SoundManager 2 V2.96a.20100624 (AS2/Flash 8), MovieStar mode, normal polling --
I just went to the Nether (I built the portal where all the obsidian is located), saw nothing of interest and decided to go right back to the overworld, when I got back I had spawned in the air far from the actual map... I guess Minecraft must be trolling me... It does not matter that much though because I was already bored. I was not bored because of the map it was because veteran players like me (I have been playing for roughly a year) can easily get bored playing the game vanilla-style.
Thanks for this, Zisteau. Skyblock for hedonists. A nice juicy ripe fruit hanging from nothing in the sky. Perfect spot for my vacation home away from home and those hostile fluffy bunny maps. No spawners, but I'll wager the mobs get to max spawn real easy in the diminishing dark spots. Seems an ideal testing spot for honing natural spawning mob harvesters. I don't know if you're telling, but I'm curious if there is any land left in the unseen distances. Would be good to know before striving for it, in case you run out of sand or something. I think a fortune pick will be my first objective after corralling the passives, considering the finiteness of it all...
I just went to the Nether (I built the portal where all the obsidian is located), saw nothing of interest and decided to go right back to the overworld, when I got back I had spawned in the air far from the actual map... I guess Minecraft must be trolling me... It does not matter that much though because I was already bored. I was not bored because of the map it was because veteran players like me (I have been playing for roughly a year) can easily get bored playing the game vanilla-style.
LOL yah vanilla style is to easy/boring, globule is pretty interesting. Though, i would like a more super-hostile style difficulty though, like resource deprivement but each globule is a dungeon and once you conquare it there is tons of trees or iron or whatever that is fainly made available
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Most of the worlds problems are due to stupidity or ignorance.
Keep Them Rolling
Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia - Tindal (Airport Code)
Kingstree, South Carolina (train station code)
Kauai Test Range
Keyboard Typing Reperforator
K Terminal Reliability (K = number of terminals)
Ker-Train Research (Canada)
Known Theft Report
Known Theft Report, zisteau? Coincidence? I think not.
Haha keep guessing. To my knowledge, the words KTR stands for have not been used in popular culture before. Also, added 4 new pics to the first post.
That happened to me when I attempted to load it up today... I haven't the slightest idea what caused it, but it's the same thing, chunk errors everywhere. I don't have any mods installed, I usually disable all the mods I use for mapmaking when I'm playing maps, to avoid temptation. Though since the last person's problems were mod-based, perhaps I'm missing something...
Danger zone.
Kill the Runner?
Keep the Race?
Kill the Race?
I'm pretty sure this might be something similar to CTM, so if T is "the", and K might be "kill", "keep", or "kangaroo" (probably not the last one), I honestly have no idea what KTR could stand for. Then again, I'll probably find out soon enough when you release this map, Zisteau. Sounds cool.
"I often think about that old metaphor, the one that says we are all islands on a wide sea. Especially these days, now that things are more difficult than before and the world appears to be harsher than we once imagined it to be. We are all like islands, the philosopher said. Perhaps it's true. Yet I cannot help but remember an older saying, scratched on a cave wall somewhere by a long-forgotten prophet: in the end, the sea will claim everything."
-Jonas Kyratzes
A true Zisteaunian follower. :biggrin.gif:
-soundManager::initMovie(): Waiting for ExternalInterface call from Flash..soundManager::initMovie(): Got OBJECT element (created via JS)soundManager::createMovie(): Trying to load ./soundmanager2_debug.swf-- SoundManager 2 V2.96a.20100624 (AS2/Flash 8), MovieStar mode, normal polling --
the first episode of my globule Playthrough i hope anyone who watches enjoys
Zisteau is making maps
this is the best thing I've seen since i started playing Vechs maps.
LOL yah vanilla style is to easy/boring, globule is pretty interesting. Though, i would like a more super-hostile style difficulty though, like resource deprivement but each globule is a dungeon and once you conquare it there is tons of trees or iron or whatever that is fainly made available
Most of the worlds problems are due to stupidity or ignorance.