This looks pretty cool, I'll definitely try it and post up my feedback. It will be interesting to see the other side of the Zisteau+minecraft coin. Quick question, do you have any plans for future maps (that you're willing to share) here or on Twitter?
Quite nice indeed Zisteau, although does it have Battlesigns? Also scrolling through the pictures I noticed an almost vulgar amount of resources, not something I think you would give out like candy. Anyways, this is probably the greatest floating island map I've ever seen because you took more effort than to place a couple grass blocks and a tree.
I don't really like the Super Hostile maps that much honestly (they're not bad in any respect, but I suck too much to be any good at them, and it gets annoying to watch LP's of them cause of the constant death)
Zisteau has died 6 times and is halfway through the wool. It's also highly edited, so most of the boring scouting and building is left out.
Okay, Zisteau. The map is pretty good looking indeed. There's just something appealing about the aesthetic in my opinion. No time tonight, but I do plan on playing around a bit more on this map later on, and if I can come up with any suggestions, I'll post. So far, it seems pretty good and it looks like there are be plenty of resources and lots of space to take advantage of. Don't think I'll get anything as extreme as your survival island finale, but it will be fun to build and punch trees on this big glob of minecraft mass. Looks to be a solid map.
I was wondering if there is diamond on this map. I've found lapis, gold, iron, and redstone. I only ask because without it, it's pretty hard to mine obsidian and impossible to make an enchanting table. It's not like I'm going for a stronghold run on this, but it would be nice to enchant some weapons and harvest some glowstone from the nether.
Pretty nice map Zisteau! Since playing through all of Super Hostile, I have been looking for a good map with similar resource style to play hardcore on. (only complaint, I cant seem to find sugar cane) Also, since I don't have a youtube account, I will just post this here. I love your Super Hostile and Terraria lets plays. Watched all of Kaizo and Legendary, and have since played through them myself. Keep up the amazing work and crazy construction projects!
oh, and the chunk error is an isolated problem. The map is correct for me, though I have seen this issue with other maps. Seems to be a minecraft issue.
Pretty nice map Zisteau! Since playing through all of Super Hostile, I have been looking for a good map with similar resource style to play hardcore on. (only complaint, I cant seem to find sugar cane) Also, since I don't have a youtube account, I will just post this here. I love your Super Hostile and Terraria lets plays. Watched all of Kaizo and Legendary, and have since played through them myself. Keep up the amazing work and crazy construction projects!
oh, and the chunk error is an isolated problem. The map is correct for me, though I have seen this issue with other maps. Seems to be a minecraft issue.
There is sugarcane. You have to look for it. Its the only item I tried to hide a little bit.
Looking forward to loading this up onto my bukkit server. Should be amusing as I have 12 or so regular players and there isn't all that much space on this thing.
Might be able to post some images of it getting pulled apart for resources. Don't be surprised if the map turns into a flat plane of stone brick at around y=4 with a missing blob above it.
Zisteau, you never fail to amaze me.
I created the inro and end videos using a clip from and the intro music is from "For Colored Girls"
Zisteau has died 6 times and is halfway through the wool. It's also highly edited, so most of the boring scouting and building is left out.
(you better have enchanted signs in this and do a play through on your channel xD)
Hi cleo!
Hope I didn't shame you and/or your family Zisteau...
Has anyone else had a problem like this? I'm hoping this is an isolated event.
oh, and the chunk error is an isolated problem. The map is correct for me, though I have seen this issue with other maps. Seems to be a minecraft issue.
There is sugarcane. You have to look for it. Its the only item I tried to hide a little bit.
Im pretty sure its just me. I installed a few mods and it messed up all my saves and regenerated certain terrain.
Looking forward to loading this up onto my bukkit server. Should be amusing as I have 12 or so regular players and there isn't all that much space on this thing.
Might be able to post some images of it getting pulled apart for resources. Don't be surprised if the map turns into a flat plane of stone brick at around y=4 with a missing blob above it.