Ok, so now that this thread is active again I have a new area to lurk around in and make everybody's life miserable.
yay i guess
Anyways, Globule 3 is going to be interesting to say the least. I can't wait to build a Zisteau House in a Zisteau map. ZISTEAU-CEPTION YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY
Can't wait for Globule 3! I can already tell this map is going to be amazing from what I saw in the latest development episode. Keep it up Zisteau, i'm loving how you're redefining the survival genre for the better!
Brilliant in design and breathtaking in form, Zisteau's survival islands remind me a lot of the classic solo adventure mystery puzzle games Myst and Riven. Sadly, now that I have finally run out of globules to probe, explore, and admire, I have concluded my LP series 'Parexis plays Scattered Globules'.
In the finale I did something pretty substantial to the map, and probably some people would say that I ruined it. But if you don't appreciate the beauty, of breaking the game with lava, water, and stone, then you probably have no business watching a scientist anyway. For the rest of you, my videos are heavily edited, and have no commentary to distract from the gameplay. I also work very hard to achieve some depth and insight in each episode.
I found Globule #2 on an old hard drive. I am only providing this mirror due to the original being lost. I can take this link down at Zisteau's request,and I will not profit on mirroring it.
yay i guess
Anyways, Globule 3 is going to be interesting to say the least. I can't wait to build a Zisteau House in a Zisteau map. ZISTEAU-CEPTION YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY
In the finale I did something pretty substantial to the map, and probably some people would say that I ruined it. But if you don't appreciate the beauty, of breaking the game with lava, water, and stone, then you probably have no business watching a scientist anyway. For the rest of you, my videos are heavily edited, and have no commentary to distract from the gameplay. I also work very hard to achieve some depth and insight in each episode.
Would be great if these maps could be reuploaded, I don't have the original zips anymore.
I found Globule #2 on an old hard drive. I am only providing this mirror due to the original being lost. I can take this link down at Zisteau's request,and I will not profit on mirroring it.