Anyone out there love the Yogscast? Well I sure do! I was thinking about starting a sorta role play adventure like them because I think it would be awesome! I will of course be recording it and be putting it on youtube on a new channel I will be creating.
1. Builders/Designers- They build, that’s about it.... The Designers.... Well they design.
Head Builder/Designer: Tyler (Tyler4768)
1. David
5. Star
2. Characters- They are the people who are the role players. You guys will also be part of helping with the script and portraying it on screen.
Head of Characters: Taylor Briggs.
1. Eternalsd21
2. David
3. Ian
4. Marcus
3. Main cast- There are three people in this group.
1. TmynameisT (Taylor)
2. SamielMDS
3. Open slot!
Characters can help build if they want! Builders can help with script writing though!
Pick a role! Any role! Or one that suits you! We have 4 forms you can fill out.
We are looking for 20 characters, 10 builders, and 2 more designers!
Here are the Applications!
What kinds of things have you made:
Are you good with redstone:
Do you work fast or do you take your time:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Examples of your build!(Ex. Pictures a server or video!):
Have you ever Role played before:
What experience do you have in this area:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
What characters are you good at playing:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Age (Wont affect my decision):
Work Pace?:
Editing/Creation software:
Main Cast!
What experience do you have in minecraft?:
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)
Time zone you live in:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Q:Are we legit?
A:Yes, we are. I was apart of the sabcast but had to leave for reasons that will not happen again, because sits not possible. We had two episodes out and were very legit. I also have a server to run this on. I can guarantee you that this will be seen through all the way!
F:Days / Hours per week that content will be getting worked on: We will try to film on weekends, and work on the server whenever we can!
F:Tyler will love you forever if you can do graphic Design!
Be sure to check out the map in my sig! We will be doing exclusive coverage on our channel of this sure to be epic map before its even out!
Age:12 (please don't judge I am very mature)
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Well I play whenever I have sometime, I am a great builder, and actor I have took acting classes in real life do I would sound 100% legitement
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: Well In multiplayer servers I am very helpful to those who are new to the server or even to minecraft and teach them how to play, just help out whenever needed.
Are you avalible a lot or not: Well based off the fact that Im in school I am away from about 7:10 to 3:10 But after that I am home and ready to do whatever you need.
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) Yes I do, my name is littlemiller6
Time zone you live in:I live in Wisconsin so I believe Central Time.
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Because I am an all around friendly guy, always willing to give a helping hand, and I love to play MC and RP, So I hope you think about my application here and make a good decision, it's ok If you don't pick me for a Main Character but maybe a smaller part of the story would be great.
Have you ever Role played before: Yes all the time whenever possible, I do it in GTA, MC,SR3, WOW, etc.
What experience do you have in this area:In roleplaying area, alot. I think its really fun and It's alot like real life.
Are you avalible a lot or not:Well Mostly on Weekends because I am In school 6th Grade but after school I am totally available unless I have an extra curricular or lots of homework.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is).littlemiller6
What characters are you good at playing:Well I am really good at being someone who can guide the way or help out somehow, maybe a funny character, but I prefer a bigger character unlike a character that only appears one time.
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Well actually I'm applying twice incase I don't get main character, but as I said before, I am just really good at RP, I am helpful, and willing to do whatever you say. So please think about me joining and not judging me by my age, Because most people do judge me by my age on these applications. Please I would be so happy and honored to join.
Have you ever Role played before:yes I have rped in mc garry's mod
What experience do you have in this area:I use to play on an rp server in garry's mod and I was always very good at my parts and always stayed in character
Are you avalible a lot or not:I am available most of the times unless I have to do home work or something with my family
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)ackatk1231
What characters are you good at playing:I like to be a character that is part of the main story and helps out the main characters. But I would be fine playing any of the roles you have.
Give me a good reason I should accept you:I think you should accept me because I am a good at rping, I have a good personality and I am very helpful and resourceful at dealing with problems. I would real like to join this server it sounds very fun and you seem very nice.
What experience do you have in minecraft?:i was in a live stream
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:no
Are you avalible a lot or not: A lot
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) i got skype name prosniper43. i got a mic
Time zone you live in:Usa
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i like to play with people Online.
It's a minecrafty semi-medieval adventure thingy to stop evil dudes from takin' ova teh worldz. :I
Also, people are misunderstanding what we mean by "Roleplaying". You aren't really roleplaying and improving, this is a Shadow of Israphel type thingy, and you'd be acting like your character and would give a quest or something.
It's not just roleplaying while on camera, having been on a roleplay server before doesn't really qualify you.
Character Application:
IGN: dgundy
Age: 12
Have you ever Role played before: Yes I love it
What experience do you have in this area: Playing MassiveCraft Roleplay server and Lord of the Craft
Are you avalible a lot or not: I'm avalible about at least an hour a day (I'm mostly going to be on 2 hours a day). I'll tell you guys if something comes up.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) Dylan Gundersen
What characters are you good at playing: Demons and Farmers
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I love role play, I'm trustworthy, and I'm fun. I can understand if you guys don't want me but please consider I love role play and the yogscast I want to do something like those guys. I'm fine if you don't want me but thanks for at least looking at this.
Have you ever Role played before:yes,Iv Played From Classic D&D On The Table To,Lord Of The Rings Online
What experience do you have in this area:Alot of Expireince
Are you avalible a lot or not:Im Taking Schooling,So I Wont Be Aavailable At Morning But O nOther Days I Can Be On 6-
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)I Dont Have A Skype
What characters are you good at playing:Any Thing!
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Here Is An Example Story I Made That Is Based On DeadSpace:
The metal and composite hallways of the Sprawl buzzed and teemed with vibrant life as the two suited men armed with SWS pulse rifles walked through them on their routine patrol.
Their presence was small, but in the confines of the station's hallways it was significant. As they rounded the corners of the myriad intersections in the Sprawl's hallways and bulkheads, the residents of Titan Station reacted to the appearance of the station's police and security forces.
Their varied reactions were a valued source of information to EarthGov's civil demographics experts, and were another reason why squads of Titan Station Security officers were assigned to patrol the station's interior. Most of the residents regarded the passing security officers with a marked degree of respect, either for the job they did policing the station or their capacity for unleashing violence, and that was all they asked for.
Some residents turned their eyes down and scurried away like guilty rats upon sighting the security officers; and while suspicious behaviour was cause enough to investigate a potential security threat, officers would never reach the ends of their patrol routes under those conditions.
Then there were even the Unitologists, who shot glares of hatred and despise at the security officers as if they were pulse rounds.
"Man," Corporal Darrell Tyler remarked, his words unheard from those he was referring to thanks to his sound-proofed helmet, "that's gotta be like, what, the fifth pair of Uni lovebirds we've come across today. And we're not even an hour in."
Sergeant Scott Fairbanks, Tyler's patrol partner and superior, turned his head to watch the couple, a man and a woman both wearing Unitologist trinkets and giving the security officers a look of deep resentment. "You might be on to something there, Tyler," he chuckled as they disappeared around a corner. "There does seem to be a lot more Unis about than usual."
"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "I wonder what they're up to. It's only been a month since the last time they tried to cause trouble."
"You don't think they're going to push their luck again, do you?" Scott asked. He remembered that incident very well: a massive riot that had turned nasty when some of the more zealous Unitologists burned the last straw by lighting homemade incendiaries and throwing them at the line of security officers. Scott had been there, along with his former partner, and his partner had been amongst the unlucky officers in the front line.
Once the Unitologists went that far, the security line had no choice but to respond. Not all of the Unitologists were rendered unconscious by the taser arcs or the stun gas, and those who didn't flee the scene took it upon themselves to charge the security line. The resulting chaos had been brutal, and left many of the Unitologist rioters hospitalized due to their injuries.
Needless to say, the Unitologists claimed that the whole incident had been the security officers' fault.
"I'd hope not," Tyler replied. "The last thing any of us want is civil war on a space station. Everything would go straight to hell. Some Uni convert thinks it's a great idea to compromise life support, we all have to evacuate and spend a few months at Jupiter while they fix the life support, and we've all accomplished jack ****."
"Surely they wouldn't–" Scott started, but then he thought back to his experiences with Unitologists and how stupidly devoted they could be to their faith. "No, you're probably right, Tyler," he told him.
Tyler chuckled. "Thanks, Fairbanks," he said, and the pair of security officers fell silent as they walked. Until they turned another corner, and Scott was the first to point out, "Hey, look what we've got up ahead."
In the hallway in front of them, a small group of teenage girls was strolling along, chatting and giggling amongst themselves as if they hadn't a care in the world. Even as trained and experienced as he was as an officer charged with maintaining the safety of the Sprawl's community, the sight made Scott feel a slight twinge of envy.
"Oh, yeah," Tyler chuckled, giving Scott a thumbs up. "School must be out already. Oh, those days…" Scott suspected he was grinning under his helmet, but he gave it no attention as the group of girls noticed the pair.
"Hey, officers!" one of the girls called, waving at them. "How's patrol duty going?"
Before Scott could say anything, Tyler activated his helmet's external speaker with a tiny crackle. "Heh, not bad at all," he answered the girl. "Only eighty-six incidences of undisposed waste, forty-three incidences of hazardous negligence, twenty-seven incidences of attempted assault, and sixteen incidences of attempted sabotage. And–" he paused for effect "–at least twelve Unitologists," he added with a chuckle.
As he must have expected, the girls burst into giggles. One of them even paused briefly to say, "Aww, that's so mean of you, officer."
"Really? I'm sorry," Tyler said, mimicking the girl's sarcastic tone. Scott was starting to feel somewhat awkward standing in the hallway with these girls present, and passing residents giving them odd looks; even another Unitologist, glaring at them for Tyler's comment. Ignorant to Scott's discomfort, Tyler continued, "How's school going? You girls got let out already?"
"Oh, yeah, we did," another girl answered, smiling. "There's some Uni thing on today, so they let us out early. Awesome!"
"What's the Uni thing happening today?" Scott questioned, speaking for the first time. "We haven't heard anything about it." It was true: none of the Sprawl's news networks had mentioned anything about a Unitology event, even though EarthGov's technicians were always trying to find ways to crack the Church's secure networks.
"I don't know much about it," the girl said, "my sister just told me about it, and said it was gonna happen later today."
"The Uni teachers at school seemed pretty excited about it," the first girl to speak to them added.
"Right," Scott nodded, "thanks a lot for telling us this. We'll be sure to look into it after we've finished our patrol. Speaking of which…" he checked his helmet's chronometer display, and shifted his pulse rifle slightly in his arms, "we've got to get back to it, or Tiedemann will chew us out. Sorry, girls."
"Aww!" all the girls moaned simultaneously. "Are you really that overworked, officers?" the girl who responded with sarcasm before asked them.
"Sadly, we are," Tyler answered, trying to get in his remarks ahead of Scott. "Well," he said, making a show of hefting his pulse rifle to the girls, "another time, girls!"
"Wait!" the first girl called, before Scott and Tyler could walk another two metres. "What are your names? We never introduced ourselves."
Tyler turned his head towards Scott, as if he was asking permission. Despite his growing anxiety about lingering much too long to converse with a group of teenage schoolgirls, Scott shrugged as if it didn't matter. "I'm Sergeant Scott Fairbanks, and this is–"
"Corporal Darrell Tyler," Tyler finished for him.
"Cool!" the girl smiled. "I'm Beth, and this is Lauren–" she pointed to the girl who had mentioned the Unitologist event "–and Yvonne," pointing to the sarcastic girl. "But don't let us get you in trouble with Tiedemann," she continued, and gave the two security officers a cheery wave. "See you around!" With that, the group of schoolgirls continued to walk past them, and disappeared around the corner they had just come from.
Switching off his helmet's external speaker as they resumed their patrol, Scott commented, "Was there really a need for that, Tyler?", though without any real force behind it. He wasn't really particularly bothered by the whole exchange, and Tyler was already too good a friend for him to be very angry at him for such a trivial reason.
Tyler copied Scott's shrug of acceptance. "Why not? We're responsible for the community, after all. We might as well keep on good terms with them."
"Yeah, but…" Scott made an effort to suppress his laughter, "we don't have to go around doing that. Did you see the looks the other people were giving us? Hell, you should've seen the Unis' faces!" It was too much, and Scott burst out laughing – though nobody but Tyler could hear him.
"Hah, screw them," Tyler said, and promptly broke down into fits of laughter as well. The two of them kept laughing as they walked for some time, with none of the Sprawl's residents that they encountered able to hear them.
When the sounds of laughter echoing inside their helmets finally subsided, Scott let out a sigh, and looked around him. Their patrol route had taken them through several more hallways, and they were just exiting the residential complex they had been in to find themselves in the Concourse, one of the Sprawl's large variety of commercial and recreational complexes. It had an impressive arrangement of outlets catering to the lifestyles and needs of the inhabitants of the adjoining residential complex.
The shops and outlets of the Concourse weren't what impressed Scott, however; he'd seen much more breathtaking and grander megacomplexes in other sectors of the station. What did impress him was the panorama offered to shoppers by the large array of aerogel composite panes that spanned the two floors of the complex, which was seldom replicated elsewhere on the station due to engineering safety regulations.
From the window Scott had a wide view of the rest of the Sprawl and its complexes, which included several massive video displays that were used for public service announcements by the station's leader, Director Hans Tiedemann. Behind the sprawling complexes he could see the sturdy and unmoving solar transformer arrays that comprised Titan Station's Solar Array: once the station's primary source of energy, the Solar Array had now been decommissioned as a result of the recent breakthroughs by EarthGov's science divisions in the fields of fusion engineering. The Solar Array had thus been supplanted by a newly-installed helium-3-deuterium nuclear fusion reactor complex in the centre of the station, and while it contained an infinitely more complicated series and variety of components that had to be serviced by engineers regularly, it was still a far more efficient source of energy than the decommissioned Solar Array.
And behind all of that, one could just about see the gas giant that dwarfed the entire station – Saturn, in all of its gaseous, ringed glory – and sometimes, if the station's rotation, current position and orientation were right, a glimpse could be caught of the vast, black vacuum of space.
"Always makes you stop for a second, doesn't it?" Scott commented when he saw Tyler pausing, facing out towards the view.
"Yeah," he replied after a few seconds. "Makes you realize how insignificant we are."
"Compared to the rest of the galaxy, yeah." Scott let go of his pulse rifle for a second, and stretched his arms behind his back. "You know, even with CEC tearing up systems for every scrap of ore they can get their greedy hands on, we still haven't explored a smidgen of the Milky Way. Who knows what could be out there?"
"Not us, that's for sure," Tyler began, "and certainly not the CEC, thanks to those huge layoffs they've been having for like, what, the past year now? Who else is going to map all of those systems for their own profit, let alone ours?" It was true: the Concordance Extraction Corporation had no competitors, and they were the only one with any real motivation to chart the star systems of the galaxy. That didn't mean that others didn't exist, though.
"EDF," Scott responded simply. "They'll do it, if CEC won't, if only to make sure their patrol ships won't run into an asteroid that blows their communications gear light-years out there."
"Hah, I guess you're right," Tyler acquiesced. "They do have the job of protecting us from any threats we might find out there, after all."
That last sentence twinged something in Scott's mind. Whether it was just simple curiosity, or possibly a deep-seated fear of the unknown, he didn't know. "Do you think there's anything out there?" he questioned casually.
Tyler only scoffed. "I doubt it. But even if there is, we're not going to be the ones to have to deal with it."
"Famous last words, Tyler," Scott replied, unaware just how much that quote would apply to him, or how and why it would.
In the instant the words left his mouth, the order of Titan Station and its residents was shattered by the deafening sound of emergency alarms triggering. Everybody in the Concourse froze, as if they were incapable of registering the meaning of the blaring klaxons that echoed even in the wide space of the commercial and recreational complex.
But Scott and Tyler both registered it, and knew what it meant. Titan Station was under attack by internal hostiles.
A/N: One of the things that fascinates me the most about stories, such as that of Dead Space, that centre on a supernatural inhuman force ravaging the natural human world (a flaky analogy, but accurate enough) is how the men and women of that human world defend themselves against that force. In most cases, these men and women are affiliated with the government, and as a force of authority their defense against the supernatural should be one of the strongest, if not the strongest. Yet time and time again, they are ineffectual in defending that which they have sworn to defend, being outclassed by a mere CEC engineer. (Admittedly, a badass CEC engineer.)
So, I decided to write a story that takes after the other side of the spectrum seen in the Dead Space universe, and write about the struggle of the Sprawl's security officers to hold the line against the threat posed by both the Necromorphs and Isaac Clarke.
This is pretty much the first story I've written in this sort of genre and setting, so please feel free to offer any comments and advice that you can give. Updates will be sporadic, but hopefully frequent; I'm as eager to see where this story goes as much as you are.
Have you ever Role played before:yes,Iv Played From Classic D&D On The Table To,Lord Of The Rings Online
What experience do you have in this area:Alot of Expireince
Are you avalible a lot or not:Im Taking Schooling,So I Wont Be Aavailable At Morning But O nOther Days I Can Be On 6-
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)I Dont Have A Skype
What characters are you good at playing:Any Thing!
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Here Is An Example Story I Made That Is Based On DeadSpace:
The metal and composite hallways of the Sprawl buzzed and teemed with vibrant life as the two suited men armed with SWS pulse rifles walked through them on their routine patrol.
IGN: scoob132
Age: 18
Gender: male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Alot and more than you.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: everything
Are you avalible a lot or not: lots
Do you have skype and a mic: Amazing quality
Time zone you live in:EST
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Im a beast
what experience just say I play minecraft :smile.gif:
what have I done to better the community: lets just say: I play minecraft (with friends)
am I available a lot: lets just say I go to school: and every over weekend I'm with my dad (I'm in the British time zone)
do you have Skype and a mic: y yes I do (its marshallthomas4)
a reason I should join: I like 2 have fun, I'm not a ****, I got spare time, I like minecraft I'm waiting to get my own YouTube channel so this should help pass time :wink.gif:
I would only like a small part but I will always be open at some point. by the way my minecraft skin is a bear and I would like to keep it that way so if I could play a bear that would be great thanks
........No. Definatly denied. We don't have any bear parts, you would have to change your skin. Plus you didn't even answer some of the questions correctly, you just shrugged them off or didn't answer them directly. And your font was crazy annoying to read
IGN: scoob132
Age: 18
Gender: male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Alot and more than you.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: everything
Are you avalible a lot or not: lots
Do you have skype and a mic: Amazing quality
Time zone you live in:EST
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Im a beast
No. Your app showed severe immaturity, and you didn't answer most of the questions directly and/or correctly. Denied
IGN: scoob132
Age: 18
Gender: male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Alot and more than you.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: everything
Are you avalible a lot or not: lots
Do you have skype and a mic: Amazing quality
Time zone you live in:EST
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Im a beast
IGN: Schixo
Age: 13
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Been playing for a year and a half. I play on 3 multiplayer servers and have 1 of my own.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: I have made my own very popular multiplayer server
Are you avalible a lot or not: Yes, alot of the time
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) Yes I do
Time zone you live in: US Eastern
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I am a great actor and i am available very often
Anyone out there love the Yogscast? Well I sure do! I was thinking about starting a sorta role play adventure like them because I think it would be awesome! I will of course be recording it and be putting it on youtube on a new channel I will be creating.
The name has been changed to Eraku Studios
We have already begun story writing and map building! Here is our youtube channel:
1. Builders/Designers- They build, that’s about it.... The Designers.... Well they design.
1. David
5. Star
1. Eternalsd21
2. David
3. Ian
4. Marcus
3. Main cast- There are three people in this group.
2. SamielMDS
3. Open slot!
We are looking for 20 characters, 10 builders, and 2 more designers!
Here are the Applications!
What kinds of things have you made:
Are you good with redstone:
Do you work fast or do you take your time:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Examples of your build!(Ex. Pictures a server or video!):
Have you ever Role played before:
What experience do you have in this area:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
What characters are you good at playing:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Age (Wont affect my decision):
Work Pace?:
Editing/Creation software:
What experience do you have in minecraft?:
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)
Time zone you live in:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Q:Are we legit?
A:Yes, we are. I was apart of the sabcast but had to leave for reasons that will not happen again, because sits not possible. We had two episodes out and were very legit. I also have a server to run this on. I can guarantee you that this will be seen through all the way!
F:Days / Hours per week that content will be getting worked on: We will try to film on weekends, and work on the server whenever we can!
F:Tyler will love you forever if you can do graphic Design!
Be sure to check out the map in my sig! We will be doing exclusive coverage on our channel of this sure to be epic map before its even out!
Thanks! You gonna make an app?
Age:12 (please don't judge I am very mature)
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Well I play whenever I have sometime, I am a great builder, and actor I have took acting classes in real life do I would sound 100% legitement
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: Well In multiplayer servers I am very helpful to those who are new to the server or even to minecraft and teach them how to play, just help out whenever needed.
Are you avalible a lot or not: Well based off the fact that Im in school I am away from about 7:10 to 3:10 But after that I am home and ready to do whatever you need.
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) Yes I do, my name is littlemiller6
Time zone you live in:I live in Wisconsin so I believe Central Time.
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Because I am an all around friendly guy, always willing to give a helping hand, and I love to play MC and RP, So I hope you think about my application here and make a good decision, it's ok If you don't pick me for a Main Character but maybe a smaller part of the story would be great.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Have you ever Role played before: Yes all the time whenever possible, I do it in GTA, MC,SR3, WOW, etc.
What experience do you have in this area:In roleplaying area, alot. I think its really fun and It's alot like real life.
Are you avalible a lot or not:Well Mostly on Weekends because I am In school 6th Grade but after school I am totally available unless I have an extra curricular or lots of homework.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is).littlemiller6
What characters are you good at playing:Well I am really good at being someone who can guide the way or help out somehow, maybe a funny character, but I prefer a bigger character unlike a character that only appears one time.
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Well actually I'm applying twice incase I don't get main character, but as I said before, I am just really good at RP, I am helpful, and willing to do whatever you say. So please think about me joining and not judging me by my age, Because most people do judge me by my age on these applications. Please I would be so happy and honored to join.
Thank you have a nice day.
Have you ever Role played before:yes I have rped in mc garry's mod
What experience do you have in this area:I use to play on an rp server in garry's mod and I was always very good at my parts and always stayed in character
Are you avalible a lot or not:I am available most of the times unless I have to do home work or something with my family
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)ackatk1231
What characters are you good at playing:I like to be a character that is part of the main story and helps out the main characters. But I would be fine playing any of the roles you have.
Give me a good reason I should accept you:I think you should accept me because I am a good at rping, I have a good personality and I am very helpful and resourceful at dealing with problems. I would real like to join this server it sounds very fun and you seem very nice.
Hope to hear from you soon
What experience do you have in minecraft?:i was in a live stream
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:no
Are you avalible a lot or not: A lot
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) i got skype name prosniper43. i got a mic
Time zone you live in:Usa
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i like to play with people Online.
Thank you
It's a minecrafty semi-medieval adventure thingy to stop evil dudes from takin' ova teh worldz. :I
Also, people are misunderstanding what we mean by "Roleplaying". You aren't really roleplaying and improving, this is a Shadow of Israphel type thingy, and you'd be acting like your character and would give a quest or something.
It's not just roleplaying while on camera, having been on a roleplay server before doesn't really qualify you.
I can't say cause i don't wanna give anything away :wink.gif:
IGN: dgundy
Age: 12
Have you ever Role played before: Yes I love it
What experience do you have in this area: Playing MassiveCraft Roleplay server and Lord of the Craft
Are you avalible a lot or not: I'm avalible about at least an hour a day (I'm mostly going to be on 2 hours a day). I'll tell you guys if something comes up.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) Dylan Gundersen
What characters are you good at playing: Demons and Farmers
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I love role play, I'm trustworthy, and I'm fun. I can understand if you guys don't want me but please consider I love role play and the yogscast I want to do something like those guys. I'm fine if you don't want me but thanks for at least looking at this.
Thanks! :biggrin.gif:
Have you ever Role played before:yes,Iv Played From Classic D&D On The Table To,Lord Of The Rings Online
What experience do you have in this area:Alot of Expireince
Are you avalible a lot or not:Im Taking Schooling,So I Wont Be Aavailable At Morning But O nOther Days I Can Be On 6-
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)I Dont Have A Skype
What characters are you good at playing:Any Thing!
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Here Is An Example Story I Made That Is Based On DeadSpace:
The metal and composite hallways of the Sprawl buzzed and teemed with vibrant life as the two suited men armed with SWS pulse rifles walked through them on their routine patrol.
Their presence was small, but in the confines of the station's hallways it was significant. As they rounded the corners of the myriad intersections in the Sprawl's hallways and bulkheads, the residents of Titan Station reacted to the appearance of the station's police and security forces.
Their varied reactions were a valued source of information to EarthGov's civil demographics experts, and were another reason why squads of Titan Station Security officers were assigned to patrol the station's interior. Most of the residents regarded the passing security officers with a marked degree of respect, either for the job they did policing the station or their capacity for unleashing violence, and that was all they asked for.
Some residents turned their eyes down and scurried away like guilty rats upon sighting the security officers; and while suspicious behaviour was cause enough to investigate a potential security threat, officers would never reach the ends of their patrol routes under those conditions.
Then there were even the Unitologists, who shot glares of hatred and despise at the security officers as if they were pulse rounds.
"Man," Corporal Darrell Tyler remarked, his words unheard from those he was referring to thanks to his sound-proofed helmet, "that's gotta be like, what, the fifth pair of Uni lovebirds we've come across today. And we're not even an hour in."
Sergeant Scott Fairbanks, Tyler's patrol partner and superior, turned his head to watch the couple, a man and a woman both wearing Unitologist trinkets and giving the security officers a look of deep resentment. "You might be on to something there, Tyler," he chuckled as they disappeared around a corner. "There does seem to be a lot more Unis about than usual."
"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "I wonder what they're up to. It's only been a month since the last time they tried to cause trouble."
"You don't think they're going to push their luck again, do you?" Scott asked. He remembered that incident very well: a massive riot that had turned nasty when some of the more zealous Unitologists burned the last straw by lighting homemade incendiaries and throwing them at the line of security officers. Scott had been there, along with his former partner, and his partner had been amongst the unlucky officers in the front line.
Once the Unitologists went that far, the security line had no choice but to respond. Not all of the Unitologists were rendered unconscious by the taser arcs or the stun gas, and those who didn't flee the scene took it upon themselves to charge the security line. The resulting chaos had been brutal, and left many of the Unitologist rioters hospitalized due to their injuries.
Needless to say, the Unitologists claimed that the whole incident had been the security officers' fault.
"I'd hope not," Tyler replied. "The last thing any of us want is civil war on a space station. Everything would go straight to hell. Some Uni convert thinks it's a great idea to compromise life support, we all have to evacuate and spend a few months at Jupiter while they fix the life support, and we've all accomplished jack ****."
"Surely they wouldn't–" Scott started, but then he thought back to his experiences with Unitologists and how stupidly devoted they could be to their faith. "No, you're probably right, Tyler," he told him.
Tyler chuckled. "Thanks, Fairbanks," he said, and the pair of security officers fell silent as they walked. Until they turned another corner, and Scott was the first to point out, "Hey, look what we've got up ahead."
In the hallway in front of them, a small group of teenage girls was strolling along, chatting and giggling amongst themselves as if they hadn't a care in the world. Even as trained and experienced as he was as an officer charged with maintaining the safety of the Sprawl's community, the sight made Scott feel a slight twinge of envy.
"Oh, yeah," Tyler chuckled, giving Scott a thumbs up. "School must be out already. Oh, those days…" Scott suspected he was grinning under his helmet, but he gave it no attention as the group of girls noticed the pair.
"Hey, officers!" one of the girls called, waving at them. "How's patrol duty going?"
Before Scott could say anything, Tyler activated his helmet's external speaker with a tiny crackle. "Heh, not bad at all," he answered the girl. "Only eighty-six incidences of undisposed waste, forty-three incidences of hazardous negligence, twenty-seven incidences of attempted assault, and sixteen incidences of attempted sabotage. And–" he paused for effect "–at least twelve Unitologists," he added with a chuckle.
As he must have expected, the girls burst into giggles. One of them even paused briefly to say, "Aww, that's so mean of you, officer."
"Really? I'm sorry," Tyler said, mimicking the girl's sarcastic tone. Scott was starting to feel somewhat awkward standing in the hallway with these girls present, and passing residents giving them odd looks; even another Unitologist, glaring at them for Tyler's comment. Ignorant to Scott's discomfort, Tyler continued, "How's school going? You girls got let out already?"
"Oh, yeah, we did," another girl answered, smiling. "There's some Uni thing on today, so they let us out early. Awesome!"
"What's the Uni thing happening today?" Scott questioned, speaking for the first time. "We haven't heard anything about it." It was true: none of the Sprawl's news networks had mentioned anything about a Unitology event, even though EarthGov's technicians were always trying to find ways to crack the Church's secure networks.
"I don't know much about it," the girl said, "my sister just told me about it, and said it was gonna happen later today."
"The Uni teachers at school seemed pretty excited about it," the first girl to speak to them added.
"Right," Scott nodded, "thanks a lot for telling us this. We'll be sure to look into it after we've finished our patrol. Speaking of which…" he checked his helmet's chronometer display, and shifted his pulse rifle slightly in his arms, "we've got to get back to it, or Tiedemann will chew us out. Sorry, girls."
"Aww!" all the girls moaned simultaneously. "Are you really that overworked, officers?" the girl who responded with sarcasm before asked them.
"Sadly, we are," Tyler answered, trying to get in his remarks ahead of Scott. "Well," he said, making a show of hefting his pulse rifle to the girls, "another time, girls!"
"Wait!" the first girl called, before Scott and Tyler could walk another two metres. "What are your names? We never introduced ourselves."
Tyler turned his head towards Scott, as if he was asking permission. Despite his growing anxiety about lingering much too long to converse with a group of teenage schoolgirls, Scott shrugged as if it didn't matter. "I'm Sergeant Scott Fairbanks, and this is–"
"Corporal Darrell Tyler," Tyler finished for him.
"Cool!" the girl smiled. "I'm Beth, and this is Lauren–" she pointed to the girl who had mentioned the Unitologist event "–and Yvonne," pointing to the sarcastic girl. "But don't let us get you in trouble with Tiedemann," she continued, and gave the two security officers a cheery wave. "See you around!" With that, the group of schoolgirls continued to walk past them, and disappeared around the corner they had just come from.
Switching off his helmet's external speaker as they resumed their patrol, Scott commented, "Was there really a need for that, Tyler?", though without any real force behind it. He wasn't really particularly bothered by the whole exchange, and Tyler was already too good a friend for him to be very angry at him for such a trivial reason.
Tyler copied Scott's shrug of acceptance. "Why not? We're responsible for the community, after all. We might as well keep on good terms with them."
"Yeah, but…" Scott made an effort to suppress his laughter, "we don't have to go around doing that. Did you see the looks the other people were giving us? Hell, you should've seen the Unis' faces!" It was too much, and Scott burst out laughing – though nobody but Tyler could hear him.
"Hah, screw them," Tyler said, and promptly broke down into fits of laughter as well. The two of them kept laughing as they walked for some time, with none of the Sprawl's residents that they encountered able to hear them.
When the sounds of laughter echoing inside their helmets finally subsided, Scott let out a sigh, and looked around him. Their patrol route had taken them through several more hallways, and they were just exiting the residential complex they had been in to find themselves in the Concourse, one of the Sprawl's large variety of commercial and recreational complexes. It had an impressive arrangement of outlets catering to the lifestyles and needs of the inhabitants of the adjoining residential complex.
The shops and outlets of the Concourse weren't what impressed Scott, however; he'd seen much more breathtaking and grander megacomplexes in other sectors of the station. What did impress him was the panorama offered to shoppers by the large array of aerogel composite panes that spanned the two floors of the complex, which was seldom replicated elsewhere on the station due to engineering safety regulations.
From the window Scott had a wide view of the rest of the Sprawl and its complexes, which included several massive video displays that were used for public service announcements by the station's leader, Director Hans Tiedemann. Behind the sprawling complexes he could see the sturdy and unmoving solar transformer arrays that comprised Titan Station's Solar Array: once the station's primary source of energy, the Solar Array had now been decommissioned as a result of the recent breakthroughs by EarthGov's science divisions in the fields of fusion engineering. The Solar Array had thus been supplanted by a newly-installed helium-3-deuterium nuclear fusion reactor complex in the centre of the station, and while it contained an infinitely more complicated series and variety of components that had to be serviced by engineers regularly, it was still a far more efficient source of energy than the decommissioned Solar Array.
And behind all of that, one could just about see the gas giant that dwarfed the entire station – Saturn, in all of its gaseous, ringed glory – and sometimes, if the station's rotation, current position and orientation were right, a glimpse could be caught of the vast, black vacuum of space.
"Always makes you stop for a second, doesn't it?" Scott commented when he saw Tyler pausing, facing out towards the view.
"Yeah," he replied after a few seconds. "Makes you realize how insignificant we are."
"Compared to the rest of the galaxy, yeah." Scott let go of his pulse rifle for a second, and stretched his arms behind his back. "You know, even with CEC tearing up systems for every scrap of ore they can get their greedy hands on, we still haven't explored a smidgen of the Milky Way. Who knows what could be out there?"
"Not us, that's for sure," Tyler began, "and certainly not the CEC, thanks to those huge layoffs they've been having for like, what, the past year now? Who else is going to map all of those systems for their own profit, let alone ours?" It was true: the Concordance Extraction Corporation had no competitors, and they were the only one with any real motivation to chart the star systems of the galaxy. That didn't mean that others didn't exist, though.
"EDF," Scott responded simply. "They'll do it, if CEC won't, if only to make sure their patrol ships won't run into an asteroid that blows their communications gear light-years out there."
"Hah, I guess you're right," Tyler acquiesced. "They do have the job of protecting us from any threats we might find out there, after all."
That last sentence twinged something in Scott's mind. Whether it was just simple curiosity, or possibly a deep-seated fear of the unknown, he didn't know. "Do you think there's anything out there?" he questioned casually.
Tyler only scoffed. "I doubt it. But even if there is, we're not going to be the ones to have to deal with it."
"Famous last words, Tyler," Scott replied, unaware just how much that quote would apply to him, or how and why it would.
In the instant the words left his mouth, the order of Titan Station and its residents was shattered by the deafening sound of emergency alarms triggering. Everybody in the Concourse froze, as if they were incapable of registering the meaning of the blaring klaxons that echoed even in the wide space of the commercial and recreational complex.
But Scott and Tyler both registered it, and knew what it meant. Titan Station was under attack by internal hostiles.
"Famous last words, Fairbanks," Tyler echoed.
A/N: One of the things that fascinates me the most about stories, such as that of Dead Space, that centre on a supernatural inhuman force ravaging the natural human world (a flaky analogy, but accurate enough) is how the men and women of that human world defend themselves against that force. In most cases, these men and women are affiliated with the government, and as a force of authority their defense against the supernatural should be one of the strongest, if not the strongest. Yet time and time again, they are ineffectual in defending that which they have sworn to defend, being outclassed by a mere CEC engineer. (Admittedly, a badass CEC engineer.)
So, I decided to write a story that takes after the other side of the spectrum seen in the Dead Space universe, and write about the struggle of the Sprawl's security officers to hold the line against the threat posed by both the Necromorphs and Isaac Clarke.
This is pretty much the first story I've written in this sort of genre and setting, so please feel free to offer any comments and advice that you can give. Updates will be sporadic, but hopefully frequent; I'm as eager to see where this story goes as much as you are.
Have you ever Role played before:yes,Iv Played From Classic D&D On The Table To,Lord Of The Rings Online
What experience do you have in this area:Alot of Expireince
Are you avalible a lot or not:Im Taking Schooling,So I Wont Be Aavailable At Morning But O nOther Days I Can Be On 6-
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)I Dont Have A Skype
What characters are you good at playing:Any Thing!
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Here Is An Example Story I Made That Is Based On DeadSpace:
The metal and composite hallways of the Sprawl buzzed and teemed with vibrant life as the two suited men armed with SWS pulse rifles walked through them on their routine patrol.
Denied, you have to have Skype
Age: 18
Gender: male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Alot and more than you.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: everything
Are you avalible a lot or not: lots
Do you have skype and a mic: Amazing quality
Time zone you live in:EST
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Im a beast
........No. Definatly denied. We don't have any bear parts, you would have to change your skin. Plus you didn't even answer some of the questions correctly, you just shrugged them off or didn't answer them directly. And your font was crazy annoying to read
No. Your app showed severe immaturity, and you didn't answer most of the questions directly and/or correctly. Denied
Is this you?
Quality is just going to get better and better as we go on..First episode is up! YEAHH
Quality is just going to get better and better as we go on..
Age: 13
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: Been playing for a year and a half. I play on 3 multiplayer servers and have 1 of my own.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: I have made my own very popular multiplayer server
Are you avalible a lot or not: Yes, alot of the time
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary) Yes I do
Time zone you live in: US Eastern
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I am a great actor and i am available very often
Uh, no. Your app was TERRIBLE