According to Minecraft Wiki, there could be creeper dungeon but it's very very very rare.
You did not read this on the Wiki, you must have read it somewhere else. The Wiki states, "No naturally occurring spawners will spawn mobs not on the above list, such as passive animals, Creepers, and Endermen; however, if a map editor or mod is used to create a spawner for any mob, it will function as expected."
It has been suggested that MC vanilla would not use naturally occuring creeper dungeons due to the likely damage to the dungeon and dungeon chests from creeper explosions.
For those of you who did not get enough redstone dust from the redstone ore to make a working piston, use the following method:
1 Create the obsidian generator as shown in the video tutorial, but replace the extended piston with two cobblestone blocks
2 Place the lava and water source blocks as shown in the tutorial
3 Put at least 10 or more cobblestone blocks on your hotbar
4 When ready to make obsidian, place 1 redstone dust as shown in the turorial
5 Break the cobblestone block above the redstone dust and allow the lava to drop down
6 As soon as the obsidian appears, put a new cobblestone block above the obsidian, displacing the falling lava (be careful to not put it where the lava source block is)
7 Break the obsidian and collect the block
8 Repeat steps 4 - 7 until you have enough to build a nether portal
Using this method you should still have enough leftover redstone to create several redstone items (jukebox, clock, map etc.) to complete the challenges. If this info was helpful to you, click my little green "+" button. :wink.gif:
... This island scares me (because of the "Ghasts" which seem to be embedded in the wall)
I don't like the nether either. But instead of asking Kalvin to make it easier for everyone, I cheat in the nether and put it on peaceful when trying to go to the blaze and ghast islands. I built a good base around the portal and expanded, then I just wait until the ghast is gone and work slowly toward the other islands. If I hear a ghast, I run back to my base or build a cobble box and wait until it is safe. Eventually, I will have to build a killing floor if I want to get a ghast tear or blaze rods for potion brewing. The iron for armor helps a lot!
"+" me if this was helpful to anyone.Kalvin, thanks for this custom map. Among the SkyBlock genre it has a lot of originality, puzzles, fun and challenge. And it takes more that a day to complete, so the fun lasts.
Complete all official achievements. Well, travelling 1 km (1000 m or blocks) requires a minimum of 385 iron ingots (375 for 1000m of track and 10 for a minecart and a powered minecart to push). This does not include the use of iron for other official achievements or challenges. I could easily estimate 37-55 (or more) ingots used for these items. In short, to successfully complete all challenges and achievements that require iron ingots, we need approximately 437 ingots (assuming no inventory losses due to death). Probably more for additional armor. I used some in the nether for iron doors on my base. I would say 475-500 would cover everything and give leeway for creativity and accidents.
So far I have only collected a total of 330. Are there more somewhere?
Are we allowed to go to the mainland to mine it? Can we go through the overworld or should we go through the nether?
First of all THNX Kalvin for creating this challenge!
We're playing the SMP version which starts a little disappointing since there's only one grass block and NONE dirt blocks, so unless someone can explain to me how one can create dirt out of thin air, we cheated 64 dirt blocks :smile.gif:
This is our status sofar, please note that we have several mods installed on our server (e.g. Xie's farm mod, RP2 ect..) so that's where the big red apple tree is from (which can be created by converting fallen apples into seeds)
Next big build will be a floating lake and our townhouse :smile.gif:
We do have some questions:
- How does one spawn cows in Minecraft 1.1
- Are there enough diamonds in the nether to make a pickaxe,create enchanting table and Jukebox? (we saw some Diamond ore, just before we got killed by ghasts and pigmen)
- There is NOTHING at level 1.... believe me we searched :wink.gif: (see image)
- What does the challenge creator (Kalvin) see as a good Netherbase?
- Where do we find the rest of the Iron... we found one stash in the nether (couple of stacks of Iron ore, also just before we got killed, so it's still there waiting for us, but we were kinda wondering if it's enough to complete the 1000m of track challenge)
Now some tips for everyone wanting to play the SMP version (believe it worth it)
- Copy the DIM-1 and DIM1 directories to the directory of your SMP world (otherwise you get a normal generated nether or End both do not contain any goodies)
- make sure that you have opped your players otherwise it's impossible to place blocks
- be prepared to die a 100 deaths before reaching the bedrock startpoint (or cheat and switch to creative and fly, but you have to type really fast)
The building blocks for the Portal to The End....
Well, SMP version was discontinued.I have no idea to fix fix the spawn point problem.
If you can find some fixes. Please tell me and i may re-continue the SMP version :smile.gif:
The biggest challenge was to solve the "how do you download it" puzzle. I clicked on the SMP link (want to play with a friend). That took me to the usual Ad.Fly page. Waited the obligatory 5 seconds and clicked on "skip add". That sent me to a Filecopter page. Waited the obligatory 10 seconds for the "Download" button to become functional and clicked that. Another page popped up (very rude, but you get what you pay for) that appears to be completely unrelated advertisements. Closed that, and now I'm left with the filecopter page with a lot of advertisment links I can click on, but no download link for this file.
Ultimately I had to view the HTML source for the FileCopter page to find the hidden link to the download file and manually reconstruct the URL in the address bar.
I suggest that you either have a talk with FileCopter about how aggressive they are in depricating the links to your download relative to the advertisements they're pushing, or just move to a different file hosting service. I expect they get paid for having posted the advertisments whether your fans find your download or not, but it's very unfriendly to the fan base.
You did not read this on the Wiki, you must have read it somewhere else. The Wiki states, "No naturally occurring spawners will spawn mobs not on the above list, such as passive animals, Creepers, and Endermen; however, if a map editor or mod is used to create a spawner for any mob, it will function as expected."
It has been suggested that MC vanilla would not use naturally occuring creeper dungeons due to the likely damage to the dungeon and dungeon chests from creeper explosions.
For those of you who did not get enough redstone dust from the redstone ore to make a working piston, use the following method:
1 Create the obsidian generator as shown in the video tutorial, but replace the extended piston with two cobblestone blocks
2 Place the lava and water source blocks as shown in the tutorial
3 Put at least 10 or more cobblestone blocks on your hotbar
4 When ready to make obsidian, place 1 redstone dust as shown in the turorial
5 Break the cobblestone block above the redstone dust and allow the lava to drop down
6 As soon as the obsidian appears, put a new cobblestone block above the obsidian, displacing the falling lava (be careful to not put it where the lava source block is)
7 Break the obsidian and collect the block
8 Repeat steps 4 - 7 until you have enough to build a nether portal
Using this method you should still have enough leftover redstone to create several redstone items (jukebox, clock, map etc.) to complete the challenges. If this info was helpful to you, click my little green "+" button. :wink.gif:
I don't like the nether either. But instead of asking Kalvin to make it easier for everyone, I cheat in the nether and put it on peaceful when trying to go to the blaze and ghast islands. I built a good base around the portal and expanded, then I just wait until the ghast is gone and work slowly toward the other islands. If I hear a ghast, I run back to my base or build a cobble box and wait until it is safe. Eventually, I will have to build a killing floor if I want to get a ghast tear or blaze rods for potion brewing. The iron for armor helps a lot!
"+" me if this was helpful to anyone.Kalvin, thanks for this custom map. Among the SkyBlock genre it has a lot of originality, puzzles, fun and challenge. And it takes more that a day to complete, so the fun lasts.
So far I have only collected a total of 330. Are there more somewhere?
Are we allowed to go to the mainland to mine it? Can we go through the overworld or should we go through the nether?
If by "just edited" you mean edited months ago. I read this wiki way back in October. With regard to creeper spawners it has not changed.
Perhaps you read about a possible proposed creeper dungeon that never got implemented.
Whatever. The only place you will find a creeper dungeon is on a custom map not in MC vanilla.
Reduced the Nether difficulty
Well, SMP version was discontinued.I have no idea to fix fix the spawn point problem.
If you can find some fixes. Please tell me and i may re-continue the SMP version :smile.gif:
Thanks for the map
no, you make cobblestone by running water into running lava. To make obsidian, you make water run into still lava.
Ultimately I had to view the HTML source for the FileCopter page to find the hidden link to the download file and manually reconstruct the URL in the address bar.
I suggest that you either have a talk with FileCopter about how aggressive they are in depricating the links to your download relative to the advertisements they're pushing, or just move to a different file hosting service. I expect they get paid for having posted the advertisments whether your fans find your download or not, but it's very unfriendly to the fan base.