If you wish to play this map in Minecraft 1.0.0 then download this updated Vanilla version: DSTC V1.2.1. This doesn't have the bells and whistles of the 1.8.1 full installer, but it has everything that the vanilla version had before(yes the maps are vanilla, but no the voice acting). The only change I had to make was replaceing redstone that was on glowstone to keep it from popping off, but it anyone has any other problems please post them here.
If you wish to play this map in Minecraft 1.0.0 then download this updated Vanilla version: DSTC V1.2.1. This doesn't have the bells and whistles of the 1.8.1 full installer, but it has everything that the vanilla version had before(yes the maps are vanilla, but no the voice acting). The only change I had to make was replaceing redstone that was on glowstone to keep it from popping off, but it anyone has any other problems please post them here.
Are you guys waiting for the mods to be compatible with 1.0.0 before you make the modded version for 1.0.0, or are you no longer going to use mods for the map?
How did they make it so each map has a message instead of a map and how did they spawn in so many different maps plus what mod is it that changes the name of items
How did they make it so each map has a message instead of a map and how did they spawn in so many different maps plus what mod is it that changes the name of items
The vanilla version just doesn't have any special sounds(and it changes from night to day but they make the sun look like a nebula or something to keep the space theme). They still have the maps but no voice acting. I'm going to wait for the mod version since voice acting sounds really cool and I can't read some of the words easily since the player's hands cover part of the map.
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Minecraft 1.0 compatible installer with all the bells and whistles should be available in 1-2 weeks. I have finished hammering out some developer permission issues that had the possibility of becoming a problem. Some last few components still need to be updated. Thorough testing is also still needed. No, I will not be accepting beta testers from Minecraft Forums.
NOTE: Information on the included mods in the installer can found found in the "Included Mods.txt" file included with the installer. Several of the mods (like the item name changing mod) were developed in-house by official VoxelModPack developers and are available exclusively in The Deep Space Turtle Chase installer and The VoxelModPack.
I love this adventure map, it is definitely my favorite!
But... one thing. I got to the part where it warns me about the Di-hydrogen Monoxide, and how inhaling it is poisonous... You guys do realize that Di-hydrogen Monoxide is water, right? And also, the abbreviation for Di-Hydrogen Monoxide is, well, H2O, not DHMO... If you guys wanted a deadly gas, why not just have Sulfur trioxygen, or SO3 (this element is found in acid rain)? It sounds exactly like what you guys were trying to come up with, because if you do inhale small amounts of SO3, it can cause severe burns because it is very corrosive.
It says my jar file has been modifyed, and i have forced uptated it many times. And when i say yes on do you still want to install it, when i try to play on minecraft it freezes at done loading
whenever i try opening the file in the unarchived file i download it says there was a console error Ive tried looking at tutorial videos but they didnt have this problem and this is on the mac
Erm, I really like the looks of this mod, but I don't have a 1.8 jar to try it out on, only the final release one. I used to have backups of all of them, but my hdd went, and now I don't. How can I backdate it so I can use the full extent of the mod, instead of the oh-so-lacking vanilla version.
To begin with, I agree that this map is incredibly fun. It's unique, it has a really nice story behind it, and the scripting is done really well. That said...
I'm a bit insulted by everyone saying how this is the greatest map ever. True, it's awesome work and all, but this was done by a GROUP of people, most of whom work on modding and know all sorts of things about code and redstone and all that. People like Vechs, BlametheController, and others...for the most part, they work alone; they might have some people play-test the maps, but they do the bulk of the work on their own. In my opinion, they deserve far more credit than these guys simply because they work alone and create maps that rival this.
Just my thoughts. I'm in no way trying to diminish how fun this map was, but to say that the works of others who've put lots of time into their stuff is worse than this is honestly insulting.
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Teacher, gamer, and writer.
Creator of "The Wizard Gandy" Minecraft map series.
I just downloaded DSTC. I really want to play it, and I have an alienware, so I pretty sure it should have worked. I deleted my old mincraft.jar (after backing it up) then went and got a new one, clearly 1.0.0. But when I go to install it, the installer says that my minecraft.jar is modified, or 1.8.1, and when its done installing, and I load minecraft, its just a black screen, forever. Can anyone help!?!?
Here are instructions on how to install this on a mac. They may not be the best but they seem to work. I have included the 1.8 mine craft folder which is un-edited. So if you want to add mods to that go ahead.
miencraft 1.8 installation
1. go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?77zoawwj43c2g33
2. open the zip file
3. place the mine craft folder into ~/Library/Application\ Support
Note: when you launch mine craft click NOT NOW when asked if you want to update
1. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?g3cso3ea43bdp33
2. Click download and it should give you a .zip file. Unzip it.
3. Go into the folder: DeepSpaceTurtleChase_Client1.2 and click Adventure Installer Not Windows.jar
4. click "Set Target Minecraft Folder…
5. Double click Library from the list that comes up
6. Double click Application Support
7. click once on Minecraft then click Choose. You have now installed the client. For best performance download the .zip file here: http://www.mediafire.com/?jhs04cc34pi5h6t (place in ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/Textures)
1. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?aj5hsz7dphicas2
2. Click download.
3. Open the .rar file using the program of your choice.
4. Place this folder in your desktop.
5. Rename the folder: Bukkit server
5. Go into the folder and rename the .jar Craftbukkit.jar
6. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?w8uuuyg7jfnmdns
7. Click download
8. Place this file in the Bukkit server folder
9. Click the LaunchServer.command file and this will start the server
Note the first few signs and all the sounds will not work. This is because the server is supposed to be launched using a .dos file which is not compatible with macs. The .dos file enables the sound, I think.
When I try to run the multiplayer server, I get this on the cmd prompt.
C:\Documents and Settings\G-Man\Desktop\Bukkit server\DeepSpaceTurtleChase>java
-Xms1024M -Xmx1580M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui
Error: Unable to access jarfile craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Documents and Settings\G-Man\Desktop\Bukkit server\DeepSpaceTurtleChase>pause
Are you guys waiting for the mods to be compatible with 1.0.0 before you make the modded version for 1.0.0, or are you no longer going to use mods for the map?
The vanilla version just doesn't have any special sounds(and it changes from night to day but they make the sun look like a nebula or something to keep the space theme). They still have the maps but no voice acting. I'm going to wait for the mod version since voice acting sounds really cool and I can't read some of the words easily since the player's hands cover part of the map.
NOTE: Information on the included mods in the installer can found found in the "Included Mods.txt" file included with the installer. Several of the mods (like the item name changing mod) were developed in-house by official VoxelModPack developers and are available exclusively in The Deep Space Turtle Chase installer and The VoxelModPack.
But... one thing. I got to the part where it warns me about the Di-hydrogen Monoxide, and how inhaling it is poisonous... You guys do realize that Di-hydrogen Monoxide is water, right? And also, the abbreviation for Di-Hydrogen Monoxide is, well, H2O, not DHMO... If you guys wanted a deadly gas, why not just have Sulfur trioxygen, or SO3 (this element is found in acid rain)? It sounds exactly like what you guys were trying to come up with, because if you do inhale small amounts of SO3, it can cause severe burns because it is very corrosive.
I'm a bit insulted by everyone saying how this is the greatest map ever. True, it's awesome work and all, but this was done by a GROUP of people, most of whom work on modding and know all sorts of things about code and redstone and all that. People like Vechs, BlametheController, and others...for the most part, they work alone; they might have some people play-test the maps, but they do the bulk of the work on their own. In my opinion, they deserve far more credit than these guys simply because they work alone and create maps that rival this.
Just my thoughts. I'm in no way trying to diminish how fun this map was, but to say that the works of others who've put lots of time into their stuff is worse than this is honestly insulting.
Teacher, gamer, and writer.
Creator of "The Wizard Gandy" Minecraft map series.
I have a YouTube channel!
miencraft 1.8 installation
1. go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?77zoawwj43c2g33
2. open the zip file
3. place the mine craft folder into ~/Library/Application\ Support
Note: when you launch mine craft click NOT NOW when asked if you want to update
1. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?g3cso3ea43bdp33
2. Click download and it should give you a .zip file. Unzip it.
3. Go into the folder: DeepSpaceTurtleChase_Client1.2 and click Adventure Installer Not Windows.jar
4. click "Set Target Minecraft Folder…
5. Double click Library from the list that comes up
6. Double click Application Support
7. click once on Minecraft then click Choose. You have now installed the client. For best performance download the .zip file here: http://www.mediafire.com/?jhs04cc34pi5h6t (place in ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/Textures)
1. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?aj5hsz7dphicas2
2. Click download.
3. Open the .rar file using the program of your choice.
4. Place this folder in your desktop.
5. Rename the folder: Bukkit server
5. Go into the folder and rename the .jar Craftbukkit.jar
6. Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?w8uuuyg7jfnmdns
7. Click download
8. Place this file in the Bukkit server folder
9. Click the LaunchServer.command file and this will start the server
Note the first few signs and all the sounds will not work. This is because the server is supposed to be launched using a .dos file which is not compatible with macs. The .dos file enables the sound, I think.
C:\Documents and Settings\G-Man\Desktop\Bukkit server\DeepSpaceTurtleChase>java
-Xms1024M -Xmx1580M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui
Error: Unable to access jarfile craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Documents and Settings\G-Man\Desktop\Bukkit server\DeepSpaceTurtleChase>pause
Press any key to continue . . .