To install:
Copy the folder "Kanto 1.1" into your saves directory in your .minecraft files.
Open your /bin/minecraft.jar in winrar or similar program
Drag the files INSIDE the mods folder (not the folder itself) over to the minecraft.jar
Download mods from the links in the section below
(note, pokemobs may clash with ID's, if so, you may want to downgrade to 1.8.1 or 1.0)
1.0: First Release!
1.0.1: Added bucket of water that was missing in the vending machine's.
Fixed gate wiring at oak's lab.
1.0.2: Last questing in Blaine's gym fixed
1.0.3: Ledges near viridian escapable. Fly signs changed to make sense
1.1: SMP compatible, Pokemobs included, NPC signs, New little features, Newer version of HM mod
[spoiler]ENJOY IT!!!
Don't Place Blocks
You can only destroy blocks you have permission to do so with. These are:
Clay: Aqquire the diamond shovel.
Golden 'CUT' leaves: Aquire HM CUT
Blue surf Gates: Aquire HM SURF
Play on at least easy.
I am getting a black screen. Does the mod work?
Thats because HM Mod is colliding for item id's with another mod, back up your jar and make a fresh one with HM mod and Modloader and it will work fine.
What are the diamonds for?
They are a score system, collect them.[/spoiler]
Watch the old progress of construction video's here
A quick buck will help make up for the lost eating and sleeping that occurred in the making of this map
Please support these guys, without them, my map is no fun[/spoiler]
Feel Free to use this for videos and things... even use as your own base for gaming (note there is nothing below the region at the moment, dont hunt for ore )
if you do make a video, please drop a link here so i can share it too )
Many thanks to Noppes for the mod!
ok i will do if it is a missed thing glad i could help you find them
thanks for that, i know i had a mate do a test run and he mentioned it, silly me forgot it :biggrin.gif:
i guess 1.0.1 is coming up already (there is a bucket of water missing in the vending machines on 1.0... just drink the milk one and use it :tongue.gif:)
(Preferred Link)
(Direct Link) http://www.mediafire...hn47au9ou521lki
OPTIONAL MOD: Anti-Greifing Mobs http://www.mediafire...d9jya94qv1479yg
(dont forget to give the thread a bump if you like it, help keep it alive)
To install:
Copy the folder "Kanto 1.1" into your saves directory in your .minecraft files.
Open your /bin/minecraft.jar in winrar or similar program
Drag the files INSIDE the mods folder (not the folder itself) over to the minecraft.jar
Download mods from the links in the section below
(note, pokemobs may clash with ID's, if so, you may want to downgrade to 1.8.1 or 1.0)
HM Mod tutorial:
Download the most recent versions of the mods
Pokemobs: http://www.minecraft...-pokemobs-v047/
Modloader MP: http://www.minecraft...tils-teams/#MLM
Modloader: http://www.minecraft...ything-updated/
Pokemon HM Mod: http://www.minecraft...17#entry8921117
Itemspawner: http://www.minecraft...spawner-sspsmp/
Animal Bikes: http://www.mediafire...2104y6wag6dh3h7
1.0: First Release!
1.0.1: Added bucket of water that was missing in the vending machine's.
Fixed gate wiring at oak's lab.
1.0.2: Last questing in Blaine's gym fixed
1.0.3: Ledges near viridian escapable. Fly signs changed to make sense
1.1: SMP compatible, Pokemobs included, NPC signs, New little features, Newer version of HM mod
[spoiler]ENJOY IT!!!
Don't Place Blocks
You can only destroy blocks you have permission to do so with. These are:
Clay: Aqquire the diamond shovel.
Golden 'CUT' leaves: Aquire HM CUT
Blue surf Gates: Aquire HM SURF
Play on at least easy.
Lets Plays
[spoiler]Do i need the HM Mod?
I am getting a black screen. Does the mod work?
Thats because HM Mod is colliding for item id's with another mod, back up your jar and make a fresh one with HM mod and Modloader and it will work fine.
What are the diamonds for?
They are a score system, collect them.[/spoiler]
Watch the old progress of construction video's here
A quick buck will help make up for the lost eating and sleeping that occurred in the making of this map
Please support these guys, without them, my map is no fun[/spoiler]
Feel Free to use this for videos and things... even use as your own base for gaming (note there is nothing below the region at the moment, dont hunt for ore
if you do make a video, please drop a link here so i can share it too
Many thanks to Noppes for the mod!
it comes with a custom made mod for this map... HM Mod
break themfor now, i shall look at that one for you, that wiring was one of my biggest flaws in my tests, i may have missed it
thanks for that, i know i had a mate do a test run and he mentioned it, silly me forgot it :biggrin.gif:
i guess 1.0.1 is coming up already (there is a bucket of water missing in the vending machines on 1.0... just drink the milk one and use it :tongue.gif:)
they are a score system... adding that to the post now :tongue.gif:
i will be making a pokemobs version when he updates... if you do a playthrough, be sure to leave me a link :biggrin.gif:
actually its his chest... his pc is the glass thing :tongue.gif:
ah, haha... i get you now. just burn it or something. it is useless stuff
This map is awesome by the way, +1 internets for you, good sir.
yeah, i had a whole team coming up with those things, it was a LOT of fun making it.
see instructions (the entire contents of the folder goes into your jar, so Noppes folder goes into it too)