I'm pretty sure you have played Super Hostile maps sometime. Maybe you conquered the Sea of Flames or rose victoriously from the hell that is Legendary. But, sometimes you may get stuck. And then you give up and don't give the awesome maps a chance! I am here to help you continue your journey through the map that you may be stuck on with this Super Hostile Guide. Oh, and before anyone asks I asked Vechs (Yes the burden himself!) if I could make these and he said it was ok! So without further ado! I present to you the beginning of the Super Hostile Guide!
(If this is in the wrong forum section please let me know ]^_^)
If any of you guys know where any of the wool are please post here and I will credit you and add the location to the list
Difficulty System: NOOB EASY HARD Sssssssssssuper HARD Now you're in for it!: I HATE YOU VECHS [IHVY] Pronounce it like ivy.....Whatever now on to the walkthroughs!
Each level guide comes in its own little organized spoiler package!
Please Note: There is more than 1 way to get a wool. We are explaining the most straight forward way.
Guide Community:
Vechs (giving me permission to make this thread, creating the series and genre)
Zap_12100 (tips, Victory Monument locations)
Redstone_Fanatic (tips)
JordyCharlieBoz (ideas)
mike678 (offer to help)
MrL567 (submitting a wool guide)
M1ke52 (submitting a wool guide)
Oversoul96 (submitting a wool guide)
Herrete (submitting ALL of Sunburn Islands(THANK YOU!))
Xtremekiwi (Submitting wool guides)
Sea of Flame II
You spawn on an obsidian platform...you see islands and a giant sea of lava. You become bored and decide to complete a "Victory Monument" that is shown on the signs. But, there are many risks to doing this...
I might post the first version to!
Difficulty: (So Far but, it could be just me)
Rating from Vechs: Average
Victory Monument Location:
Difficulty: Even though this is the first map, V2's Victory Monument is kinda hard to find at first.
From spawn go towards the only tree on the island and look for the sign over there that says something like: " TWANG For you Cleo" (Reference to
Zombiecleo, an AWESOME letsplayer!!) while facing the sign turn around and drop down to the ground below[/n]. You will see a tunnel filled with cobwebs.(TIP: Swords break cobwebs easily so use them! Even though the 2x more damage applies to it) Go through the tunnel and you will see a minecart track. Follow it to an area made of Lapiz blocks. Welcome to Arcane Ruins! Vechs even set up sort of a base in it for you! Go further into the big room until you see an opening on the left side of the wall. Big lava room and an awesome obsidian platform houses the legendary VICTORY MONUMENT! Go further into the room to a smaller room at the end. The pressure plates do NOT trigger TNT or a death of any sort.
My Deathcount=7
Wool Guide:
This map has a "Dungeon System" to it. There are dungeons all over the place. I'll give you a HINT: LOL! like this ISN'T a spoiler thread!. There are 16 wool so 16 dungeons. Don't think you'll finish this map in 1 sitting! Its pretty darn long! Now for the wools:
White Difficulty:
Dungeon 1: Spire Caves: White wool: From spawn do you see those giant obsidian towers? Go to the easiest access point and make a bridge. Walk straight and you will see sign: AREA: Oblivion Spires. Go straight some more and you'll see a hole in the ground and some mossy and some glowstone. Sign: Dungeon 1: Spire Caverns. Pretty straight forward: Fall down get blown to bits...DIE. Kill some spawners...DIE. Or you can do it
Zombiecleo'sway and make sort of a tunnel. So see the lava window thingy? Theres coal below it so fall down and if your low health...DIE so follow the coal path and you will finally get to a brick and glass room. Break it open and claim the WHITE WOOL.[WARNING] Vech's has a MAJOR trap going on during this last part of dungeon 1. CAREFULLY...take out the spawners and get to the white wool reward room (I guess I'll call it that in this walkthrough, or a fleecy box whatever).
-Take out the creeper spawners on the first floor first!
-Don't go through this level like a bat out of hell! Trust me, this DOES NOT WORK! DONT TRY IT! You will DIE!!!
-Finally, there's a hole at the entrance to the white reward room. It's actually the entrance to Dungeon #2. This can be easily missed!
My Deathcount=3
Orange Difficulty:
Entrance to Dungeon 2: Spire Depths is that giant hole in front of the white wool fleecy box. Though this area is an actual "HELLHOLE" its actually kind of linear. From the entrance you want to drop down to the right left. Slay those monsters and there spawners. If you Read the "Joehills" signs you are going the right way. Under these signs however, are some eh I'd say mediocre goodies like tracks and stuff. So keep going through the dungeon and you'll find a HUGE wall of bedrock housing spawners. Grab the wool and get the heck outta there!
-Once again take your time!
-Watch Joe Hills Let's Plays of this series!
-Good Luck!
-You WILL DIE! Many many many many MANY times!
My Deathcount=8
Magenta Difficulty:
To find this dungeon you must enter the big volcano. Once inside, walk counterclockwise to a staircase. At the bottom is the entrances to dungeon 3 and 4 and there is a chest with some junk. My Walkthrough:
Walk down the stairs and you will see 3 ways to go: left, right or straight. Go straight and you will end up in a lava room with furnaces. All 12 furnaces have a full stack of coal! Head down the hallway but look out for the mobs coming in from the rooms! If you keep going straight and turn right down some stairs, you will get to a checkered floor with holes in it above lava. Straight ahead of you is a wall which, above it has the magenta wool fleecy box. Careful though, because spider spawners are etched in a room in the wall. Also, there is a skeleton box across from the fleecy box where the wool is kept. You can "tunnel rat" into the wall and up but a few layers in is a bedrock layer. Once you get the wool, there are many other treasueres in the dungeon.
My Deathcount=0 (YAY! )
Light Blue Difficulty:
To find this dungeon you must enter the big volcano. Once inside, walk counterclockwise to a staircase. At the bottom is the entrances to dungeon 3 and 4 and there is a chest with some junk. My Walkthrough:
All I can say is run around and don't get killed. The wool fleecy box is by some ghast spawners and a giant pit sort of close to the middle.The 3 chests in the grave really helps. Good Luck!
Tip: The tracks from Arcane Ruins going to Citadel of the Suidae are above this area and is close to the wool.
Yellow Difficulty:
The dungeon is located on the first island of "Oblivion Spires" and the entrance is a mossy cobble building .
M1ke52's Walkthrough (edited a little for spelling and grammar):
Don't Blow It can be a very easy or very difficult dungeon based on how well you react to Creepers. The walls are filled with lava and creeper spawners surround every corner. The key things to ensure are to take it slow and steady, create man-made barriers and watch out for the hidden spawners at various corners, as one explosion can make the dungeon so much harder. It's a pretty straight maze and you can't really get lost, remember, bows and arrows are your best friend! My review of walkthrough: 9/10
Lime Difficulty:
This dungeon is in the giant death fortress. It's easy to get to. Just go to the big volcano, go inside and you'll find the bridge!
So basically 2 people submitted guides for this dungeon. I guess I'll put in both!
Herrete's guide:
This will be probably full of mobs, beware your fps. Going directly to the wool is a bad idea, I recommend going up first to the spawner towers and destroy them. The fleacy box is behind the central tower. In front of it there's a hidden spawner group, so be careful. There's also a big staircase in front of the chest, that's Dungeon 8 entrance.
Xtremekiwi's guide (He makes good guides on the main thread from time to time):
The citadel courtyard is not the bridges, but it's the courtyard itself, but I recommend you get on them anyway. There are four towers, each containing a ghast spawner, and a small obsidian house next to it containing 8 spawners each: 4 skeleton spawners and 4 zombie spawners. The wool chest is on the other side of the dungeon signs down below next to the entrance to Rageshadow Depths. There is a Fun Box right in front of the wool chest, though. I recommend taking out the towers and the spawners first, unless you plan to use them for a spawner trap. I don't recommend it, because the whole place has a bedrock ceiling keeping it eternally dark. There will be a lot of monsters in the courtyard after dealing with the spawners, so I recommend retreating and waiting for the monsters to despawn before heading back in.
My guide:
Once you get into the fortress you will want to walk around the "courtyard" and avoid getting blown to bits by the ghasts and dancing to the arrows of skeletons. Really, the wool is just in the back. The entrance to the depths are in front of it. And yes, there are ALOT of mobs
-Arcane Ruins Coal: The tracks going to Arcane ruins from spawn have rooms on the side with coal
Endless Deep
Coming soon...
Infernal Sky II
Coming soon...
Kaizo Caverns
Coming soon...
Black Desert
Coming soon...
Canopy Carnage
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Nightmare Realm
Coming soon...
Sunburn Islands
Coming soon...
Note: my spoilertags may be messed up
:::Orange::Purple::Blue::Yellow::Lime: 35% Complete
(Each counts as 5%)
Click on my sig to download the best map series ever made!(And counting!)
Those brick-and-glass structures are called Fleecy Boxes. They're only in Sea of Flame II, Infernal Sky II, and Nightmare Realm. The rest are in ordinary chests.
BTW, are you going to do the RFW maps too?
Those brick-and-glass structures are called Fleecy Boxes. They're only in Sea of Flame II, Infernal Sky II, and Nightmare Realm. The rest are in ordinary chests.
BTW, are you going to do the RFW maps too?
I plan to do ALL of Vech's maps but I need some input and help. Ex: someone can say where the wool is in Map X and where it is such as area Y. Something kind of like that. Yes I know Joehills calls them "fleecy boxes".
I like the idea. You need to play through the map and get them all first and then go back and do them again writing down what you do. The first time you do it, it is obviously going to be harder. But the 2nd time you will know that for example you dig though a wall near the start of the map you can get to an area that otherwise would have been hard to get to. That is if that is the direction you want this guide to go. A sort of quick way to finish sort of thing. Or you keep going the way you are and its more of a 'here is how i did it, I can tell you were it is and be careful guide'.
But yeah would be nice to have a guide up just in case people get really stuck. ie the Black wool on CC required a few hints. Impossible to see with 1.8 void effect.
I like the idea. You need to play through the map and get them all first and then go back and do them again writing down what you do. The first time you do it, it is obviously going to be harder. But the 2nd time you will know that for example you dig though a wall near the start of the map you can get to an area that otherwise would have been hard to get to. That is if that is the direction you want this guide to go. A sort of quick way to finish sort of thing. Or you keep going the way you are and its more of a 'here is how i did it, I can tell you were it is and be careful guide'.might might
But yeah would be nice to have a guide up just in case people get really stuck. ie the Black wool on CC required a few hints. Impossible to see with 1.8 void effect.
Appreciate the feedback man :wink.gif: Yeah,I basically went with the "here is how I did it idea. I also want people to submit their own experiences cause I might not get all the maps done :tongue.gif: plus, the series is growing at a rapid rate so the OP will get VERY long.
I've completed nightmare realm, Legendary, kaizo caverns and about 80% of sea of flames. Though on sea of flames my memory is a little fuzzy. Let me know if there's anything in particular you need.
Yeah it did take me ages to find the SOF2 victory monument. Every other map could have the VM in an easy to find location, even in Legendary...but this? It was hidden well. Legendary just took some time to get to.
Yeah it did take me ages to find the SOF2 victory monument. Every other map could have the VM in an easy to find location, even in Legendary...but this? It was hidden well. Legendary just took some time to get to.
Exactly. Legendary was just: find Intersection III and go to Home of Victory. Sea of Flames is like: OH! Your'e never gonna find me you need to go through a small little tunnel filled to the brim with cobwebs that looks like a little indent in the side of the island! So yeah, IMO Sea of Flames II is the 2nd hardest Monument to find next to Black Desert.
Sea of Flames II is the 2nd hardest Monument to find next to Black Desert.
In my opinion, ordering the monument's "get-to" difficulty, from easiest to hardest, would be this:
Infernal Sky II - You can see it from where you spawn. Nuff said.
Endless Deep - Again, easy to see from the ocean surface (around the starting area).
Nightmare Realm - Easy to get to, sure. You'll have a bunch of ghasts and whatnot joining you.
Kaizo Caverns - Once you get to Intersection I, which isn't that difficult.
Legendary - Once you get to Intersection III, which is difficult.
Canopy Carnage - Sooner or later you'll come across the dock, which has a nice straight path to the temple.
Sunburn Islands - The entrance is pretty hard to see, although it's in plain sight.
Sea of Flame II - Generally you wouldn't think to cut through those webs. But you can get to it from Vech's Piggy Temple (a.k.a. Cathedral of the Suidae)
Black Desert - All I will say is that the cake is a lie. ._.
In my opinion, ordering the monument's "get-to" difficulty, from easiest to hardest, would be this:
Infernal Sky II - You can see it from where you spawn. Nuff said.
Endless Deep - Again, easy to see from the ocean surface (around the starting area).
Nightmare Realm - Easy to get to, sure. You'll have a bunch of ghasts and whatnot joining you.
Kaizo Caverns - Once you get to Intersection I, which isn't that difficult.
Legendary - Once you get to Intersection III, which is difficult.
Canopy Carnage - Sooner or later you'll come across the dock, which has a nice straight path to the temple.
Sunburn Islands - The entrance is pretty hard to see, although it's in plain sight.
Sea of Flame II - Generally you wouldn't think to cut through those webs. But you can get to it from Vech's Piggy Temple (a.k.a. Cathedral of the Suidae)
Black Desert - All I will say is that the cake is a lie. ._.
Want to know were some wool is to add to your guide?
My guide for the rotten caves ((dungeon 13 I think)). MAKE GLASS BRIDGES! Mobs can not spawn on glass to bridge and mine till you find a pit in the water. Once in the water you'll see glowstone. Follow the path and you will find the wool for that area. Note there zombie spanwers in the wall so disable thoose. If you die don't worry, as long as you havea bed in the arcane ruins you can run back to the caves and get your stuff back.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I beat two super hostile maps, see of flame 2 and spellbound, have to finish more. Plan to do inferno mines for lulz and win when it goes out. Have fun!
Want to know were some wool is to add to your guide?
My guide for the rotten caves ((dungeon 13 I think)). MAKE GLASS BRIDGES! Mobs can not spawn on glass to bridge and mine till you find a pit in the water. Once in the water you'll see glowstone. Follow the path and you will find the wool for that area. Note there zombie spanwers in the wall so disable thoose. If you die don't worry, as long as you havea bed in the arcane ruins you can run back to the caves and get your stuff back.
I'd like to contribute some good strategies for some dungeons in SoFII.
Dungeon 5: Yellow Wool
This dungeon is filled with creepers. The entire dungeon is also under lava. If a creeper blows up, lava will come pouring in.
A good strategy is to use the lava to your advantage. Every few blocks, break part of the wall to let lava in. This will keep the creepers away from you. While doing this, make a bridge on top of the lava so you can move around while the monsters die. The lava will act as a mob killer and a light source, so the creepers won't be able to spawn anymore. If you do this right you will pretty much end up covering the entire floor with lava, not including the bridge you made for yourself. To get to the fleecy box, go straight until you hit a wall, and then turn right. Next you'll want to turn left. Then take a right, and then you'll be next to a glass wall surrounded by lava. Dig through the glass to get to the wool.
Dungeon 14: Green Wool
Supplies to bring: Water Bucket, Bow, Arrows, Ladders (optional), building blocks.
This dungeon is quick and easy. Use the water bucket to make an obsidian path across the lava, and use ladders or blocks to climb to the open spots in the bedrock walls. In the second wall there is a ghast spawner. Quickly get up to it and destroy it so you can get the wool safely. Climb up to the fleecy box with ladders or blocks and get your wool.
Are you a Super Hostile beginner? Loaded up Infernal Sky II and don't know what to do? Here is a basic guide!
You will want to get a "style" of working your way through dungeons and what not, but if you are clueless, here's something to get you started.
Infernal Sky II is the best map for beginners - if it's not your thing, you can try Sunburn Islands, although that one is slightly harder (IMO).
Spawn! Read those signs ASAP, and quickly - sunlight is of the essence. Your spawn is not completely fenced off! Put on your MANPANCE, wield your sign, and craft your snowballs into snow blocks real quick. Snowballs do no mob damage (except for Blazes; won't be seeing any of those real soon), and the blocks will be needed for some bridging).
Look around (notch up to Far real quick if you can), you should see the VM, a Fleecy Box to your right, and a tree. The wood is very important to get started! Try and dig some gravel on your way, you'll need it.
Head to your left and climb up. But, oh noes! The hill doesn't connect with the other side! Whip out that snow real quick and bridge over. Don't bother lighting it up just yet, save that for later.
From there, go straight on forward to the tree. You'll need to pillar up a bit to reach it - this is where the gravel is useful. As you're going along, you should notice a glass path - remember that, you'll want to head there next.
Chop down that wood real quick - all of it. At the top is a chest with some saplings, remember to grab those. If night has fallen, stay up on the hill - the glowstone and height will protect you. Grab the dirt too - you want to be able to grow trees back home. There's also a bit of coal, mine that but don't make it into torches just yet.
Find a place to set up shop. Spawn is a good place, purely because the glowstone means lighting is provided, so you can save torches.
Try not to use the coal you've got - instead, grow those saplings, cut down some wood, make a furnace and cook the logs into charcoal. With patience you will have plenty of charcoal - also build up a supply of planks, stone, tools, and use the charcoal for torches.
Next you'll want to do three things:
- Get to Intersection I (go back to the foot of the tree hill and descend to the glass)
- Get to the Victory Monument (bridge over!)
- Get your first wool! (to the right of spawn, you should see a brick-and-glass box, that's your target)
But that's for you to figure out yourself!
This Guide has been discontinued by me. However, please check out matt_minouf's guide here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1172310-super-hostile-guide-wip/
Also, if you want to test my parkour map, the link is here:
Map Thread
More coming soon!
I'm pretty sure you have played Super Hostile maps sometime. Maybe you conquered the Sea of Flames or rose victoriously from the hell that is Legendary. But, sometimes you may get stuck. And then you give up and don't give the awesome maps a chance! I am here to help you continue your journey through the map that you may be stuck on with this Super Hostile Guide. Oh, and before anyone asks I asked Vechs (Yes the burden himself!) if I could make these and he said it was ok! So without further ado! I present to you the beginning of the Super Hostile Guide!
(If this is in the wrong forum section please let me know ]^_^)
If any of you guys know where any of the wool are please post here and I will credit you and add the location to the list
Difficulty System:
Each level guide comes in its own little organized spoiler package!
Please Note: There is more than 1 way to get a wool. We are explaining the most straight forward way.
Guide Community:
Vechs (giving me permission to make this thread, creating the series and genre)
Zap_12100 (tips, Victory Monument locations)
Redstone_Fanatic (tips)
JordyCharlieBoz (ideas)
mike678 (offer to help)
MrL567 (submitting a wool guide)
M1ke52 (submitting a wool guide)
Oversoul96 (submitting a wool guide)
Herrete (submitting ALL of Sunburn Islands(THANK YOU!))
Xtremekiwi (Submitting wool guides)
Sea of Flame II
You spawn on an obsidian platform...you see islands and a giant sea of lava. You become bored and decide to complete a "Victory Monument" that is shown on the signs. But, there are many risks to doing this...
I might post the first version to!
Difficulty: (So Far but, it could be just me)
Rating from Vechs: Average
Victory Monument Location:
My Deathcount=7
Wool Guide:
This map has a "Dungeon System" to it. There are dungeons all over the place. I'll give you a HINT: LOL! like this ISN'T a spoiler thread!. There are 16 wool so 16 dungeons. Don't think you'll finish this map in 1 sitting! Its pretty darn long! Now for the wools:
-Take out the creeper spawners on the first floor first!
-Don't go through this level like a bat out of hell! Trust me, this DOES NOT WORK! DONT TRY IT! You will DIE!!!
-Finally, there's a hole at the entrance to the white reward room. It's actually the entrance to Dungeon #2. This can be easily missed!
My Deathcount=3
Entrance to Dungeon 2: Spire Depths is that giant hole in front of the white wool fleecy box. Though this area is an actual "HELLHOLE" its actually kind of linear. From the entrance you want to drop down to the
rightleft. Slay those monsters and there spawners. If you Read the "Joehills" signs you are going the right way. Under these signs however, are some eh I'd say mediocre goodies like tracks and stuff. So keep going through the dungeon and you'll find a HUGE wall of bedrock housing spawners. Grab the wool and get the heck outta there!TIPS:
-Once again take your time!
-Watch Joe Hills Let's Plays of this series!
-Good Luck!
-You WILL DIE! Many many many many MANY times!
My Deathcount=8
To find this dungeon you must enter the big volcano. Once inside, walk counterclockwise to a staircase. At the bottom is the entrances to dungeon 3 and 4 and there is a chest with some junk.
My Walkthrough:
Walk down the stairs and you will see 3 ways to go: left, right or straight. Go straight and you will end up in a lava room with furnaces. All 12 furnaces have a full stack of coal! Head down the hallway but look out for the mobs coming in from the rooms! If you keep going straight and turn right down some stairs, you will get to a checkered floor with holes in it above lava. Straight ahead of you is a wall which, above it has the magenta wool fleecy box. Careful though, because spider spawners are etched in a room in the wall. Also, there is a skeleton box across from the fleecy box where the wool is kept. You can "tunnel rat" into the wall and up but a few layers in is a bedrock layer. Once you get the wool, there are many other treasueres in the dungeon.
My Deathcount=0 (YAY!
To find this dungeon you must enter the big volcano. Once inside, walk counterclockwise to a staircase. At the bottom is the entrances to dungeon 3 and 4 and there is a chest with some junk.
My Walkthrough:
All I can say is run around and don't get killed. The wool fleecy box is by some ghast spawners and a giant pit sort of close to the middle.The 3 chests in the grave really helps. Good Luck!
Tip: The tracks from Arcane Ruins going to Citadel of the Suidae are above this area and is close to the wool.
The dungeon is located on the first island of "Oblivion Spires" and the entrance is a mossy cobble building .
M1ke52's Walkthrough (edited a little for spelling and grammar):
Don't Blow It can be a very easy or very difficult dungeon based on how well you react to Creepers. The walls are filled with lava and creeper spawners surround every corner. The key things to ensure are to take it slow and steady, create man-made barriers and watch out for the hidden spawners at various corners, as one explosion can make the dungeon so much harder. It's a pretty straight maze and you can't really get lost, remember, bows and arrows are your best friend! My review of walkthrough: 9/10
This dungeon is in the giant death fortress. It's easy to get to. Just go to the big volcano, go inside and you'll find the bridge!
So basically 2 people submitted guides for this dungeon. I guess I'll put in both!
Herrete's guide:
This will be probably full of mobs, beware your fps. Going directly to the wool is a bad idea, I recommend going up first to the spawner towers and destroy them. The fleacy box is behind the central tower. In front of it there's a hidden spawner group, so be careful. There's also a big staircase in front of the chest, that's Dungeon 8 entrance.
Xtremekiwi's guide (He makes good guides on the main thread from time to time):
The citadel courtyard is not the bridges, but it's the courtyard itself, but I recommend you get on them anyway. There are four towers, each containing a ghast spawner, and a small obsidian house next to it containing 8 spawners each: 4 skeleton spawners and 4 zombie spawners. The wool chest is on the other side of the dungeon signs down below next to the entrance to Rageshadow Depths. There is a Fun Box right in front of the wool chest, though. I recommend taking out the towers and the spawners first, unless you plan to use them for a spawner trap. I don't recommend it, because the whole place has a bedrock ceiling keeping it eternally dark. There will be a lot of monsters in the courtyard after dealing with the spawners, so I recommend retreating and waiting for the monsters to despawn before heading back in.
My guide:
Once you get into the fortress you will want to walk around the "courtyard" and avoid getting blown to bits by the ghasts and dancing to the arrows of skeletons. Really, the wool is just in the back. The entrance to the depths are in front of it. And yes, there are ALOT of mobs
-Arcane Ruins Coal: The tracks going to Arcane ruins from spawn have rooms on the side with coal
Endless Deep
Infernal Sky II
Kaizo Caverns
Black Desert
Canopy Carnage
Nightmare Realm
Sunburn Islands
Note: my spoilertags may be messed up
:::Orange::Purple::Blue::Yellow::Lime: 35% Complete
(Each counts as 5%)
Click on my sig to download the best map series ever made!(And counting!)
BTW, are you going to do the RFW maps too?
I plan to do ALL of Vech's maps but I need some input and help. Ex: someone can say where the wool is in Map X and where it is such as area Y. Something kind of like that. Yes I know Joehills calls them "fleecy boxes".
But yeah would be nice to have a guide up just in case people get really stuck. ie the Black wool on CC required a few hints. Impossible to see with 1.8 void effect.
I like the idea. You need to play through the map and get them all first and then go back and do them again writing down what you do. The first time you do it, it is obviously going to be harder. But the 2nd time you will know that for example you dig though a wall near the start of the map you can get to an area that otherwise would have been hard to get to. That is if that is the direction you want this guide to go. A sort of quick way to finish sort of thing. Or you keep going the way you are and its more of a 'here is how i did it, I can tell you were it is and be careful guide'.might might
But yeah would be nice to have a guide up just in case people get really stuck. ie the Black wool on CC required a few hints. Impossible to see with 1.8 void effect.
Appreciate the feedback man :wink.gif: Yeah,I basically went with the "here is how I did it idea. I also want people to submit their own experiences cause I might not get all the maps done :tongue.gif: plus, the series is growing at a rapid rate so the OP will get VERY long.
Thanks! I plan on making a guide as detailed as possible! Basically, its to help people if they get stuck!
To mike678: I'm aiming on renovating this thread tomorrow with more info now that people are actually seeing it :smile.gif:
Danger zone.
Exactly. Legendary was just: find Intersection III and go to Home of Victory. Sea of Flames is like: OH! Your'e never gonna find me you need to go through a small little tunnel filled to the brim with cobwebs that looks like a little indent in the side of the island! So yeah, IMO Sea of Flames II is the 2nd hardest Monument to find next to Black Desert.
In my opinion, ordering the monument's "get-to" difficulty, from easiest to hardest, would be this:
Infernal Sky II - You can see it from where you spawn. Nuff said.
Endless Deep - Again, easy to see from the ocean surface (around the starting area).
Nightmare Realm - Easy to get to, sure. You'll have a bunch of ghasts and whatnot joining you.
Kaizo Caverns - Once you get to Intersection I, which isn't that difficult.
Legendary - Once you get to Intersection III, which is difficult.
Canopy Carnage - Sooner or later you'll come across the dock, which has a nice straight path to the temple.
Sunburn Islands - The entrance is pretty hard to see, although it's in plain sight.
Sea of Flame II - Generally you wouldn't think to cut through those webs. But you can get to it from Vech's Piggy Temple (a.k.a. Cathedral of the Suidae)
Black Desert - All I will say is that the cake is a lie. ._.
Cool! I actually might use these! :wink.gif:
I'll use some of it :wink.gif:
Figured out how to use spoilers again eh?
I'd like to contribute some good strategies for some dungeons in SoFII.
This dungeon is filled with creepers. The entire dungeon is also under lava. If a creeper blows up, lava will come pouring in.
A good strategy is to use the lava to your advantage. Every few blocks, break part of the wall to let lava in. This will keep the creepers away from you. While doing this, make a bridge on top of the lava so you can move around while the monsters die. The lava will act as a mob killer and a light source, so the creepers won't be able to spawn anymore. If you do this right you will pretty much end up covering the entire floor with lava, not including the bridge you made for yourself. To get to the fleecy box, go straight until you hit a wall, and then turn right. Next you'll want to turn left. Then take a right, and then you'll be next to a glass wall surrounded by lava. Dig through the glass to get to the wool.
Dungeon 14: Green Wool
Supplies to bring: Water Bucket, Bow, Arrows, Ladders (optional), building blocks.
This dungeon is quick and easy. Use the water bucket to make an obsidian path across the lava, and use ladders or blocks to climb to the open spots in the bedrock walls. In the second wall there is a ghast spawner. Quickly get up to it and destroy it so you can get the wool safely. Climb up to the fleecy box with ladders or blocks and get your wool.
Hey, xen3000, Problem? :tongue.gif:
Thanks everyone for your wonderful walkthroughs! I will DEFINITELY be using these :wink.gif:
SuperHostile Wiki?
I wish I knew how to make one. But, that would be alot freaking easier instead of this! :dry.gif:
You will want to get a "style" of working your way through dungeons and what not, but if you are clueless, here's something to get you started.
Infernal Sky II is the best map for beginners - if it's not your thing, you can try Sunburn Islands, although that one is slightly harder (IMO).
Spawn! Read those signs ASAP, and quickly - sunlight is of the essence. Your spawn is not completely fenced off! Put on your MANPANCE, wield your sign, and craft your snowballs into snow blocks real quick. Snowballs do no mob damage (except for Blazes; won't be seeing any of those real soon), and the blocks will be needed for some bridging).
Look around (notch up to Far real quick if you can), you should see the VM, a Fleecy Box to your right, and a tree. The wood is very important to get started! Try and dig some gravel on your way, you'll need it.
Head to your left and climb up. But, oh noes! The hill doesn't connect with the other side! Whip out that snow real quick and bridge over. Don't bother lighting it up just yet, save that for later.
From there, go straight on forward to the tree. You'll need to pillar up a bit to reach it - this is where the gravel is useful. As you're going along, you should notice a glass path - remember that, you'll want to head there next.
Chop down that wood real quick - all of it. At the top is a chest with some saplings, remember to grab those. If night has fallen, stay up on the hill - the glowstone and height will protect you. Grab the dirt too - you want to be able to grow trees back home. There's also a bit of coal, mine that but don't make it into torches just yet.
Find a place to set up shop. Spawn is a good place, purely because the glowstone means lighting is provided, so you can save torches.
Try not to use the coal you've got - instead, grow those saplings, cut down some wood, make a furnace and cook the logs into charcoal. With patience you will have plenty of charcoal - also build up a supply of planks, stone, tools, and use the charcoal for torches.
Next you'll want to do three things:
- Get to Intersection I (go back to the foot of the tree hill and descend to the glass)
- Get to the Victory Monument (bridge over!)
- Get your first wool! (to the right of spawn, you should see a brick-and-glass box, that's your target)
But that's for you to figure out yourself!