3. The map was featured on the front page, on the 20 of July 2012! Was quite a nice surprise, truth be told. That said, they were a little late to the party, as one of the first comments on the article cleverly states!
Welcome, ladies and non-ladies, to yet another custom map adventure. What you see before your eyes is a picture of the Castle of Madness, ruled by yourself. That's right: You are the Monarch of Madness. King of the unstable, leader to insanity, czar of craze - call it as you like. However, not everything is completely whack here, as there is still an easy to follow story in front of you. Fifty years ago, you went to sleep, but why exactly? You know not. All there is left of your past presence are a few notes written by your butler, who took care of you a long time ago.
What exactly is mad in this beautiful structure? And how far will you have to go in order to understand your new task? Is there a reward at the end, or will darkness invade you? Only one way to know:
All these rules and more are also in the map, in the form of a rule book from version 1.3.2 and onward! That said, it's a good idea to read through these first just to get a good idea of what you're getting yourself into! Trust me, you'll thank me later.
1. Do not break blocks and do not place blocks, unless told to. If you are told to place a block, and you misplace it, you have the right to break it and replace it. If you're in an impasse where you can only get out by breaking, say, a wooden plank, go right ahead. Some traps are like that.
2. Do not craft anything. And that means, anything. Everything you need will be given to you when needed.
3. Do not use mods. It might screw something up. If you have some mods installed, and the game crashes or won't let you spawn right, it might be caused by your mods.
4. The difficulty USED to be unimportant, but since version 1.6 of the map, playing on easy or higher is strongly recommended. I can't force you to play with mobs on, but they will certainly add an important dose of madness. Some places will also require you to change difficulties, but if you're on multiplayer, just play on easy.
5. The length is rather long - or at least, it was when the map first came out. It took me 2 hours and twenty minutes to complete everything in it myself, and I made the map. Take that as you will. Of course, with maps that can take almost twenty hours to complete these days, around three hours shouldn't seem too intimidating... right?
6. For those of you who enjoy taking the time of checking every nook and cranny of a map, there ARE Easter eggs and various little gags. They may not be related to the story in any way, yet they might add to your experience during the exploration of this fantastic kingdom where the grand dominate the puny, and rats dominate everyone with a weak immunity system. Also, if something tells you "your current destination", chances are it's your current destination. If you need a flint and steel to access something, and you don't have one yet, don't assume you missed it and you must give one to yourself. That's wrong.
7. You might have guessed this one by now, but if you despise reading, avoid this map entirely or disregard the signs in-game. Unfortunately, I love babbling aimlessly, so you'll find plenty of signs everywhere. You can just break them if you hate them that much, though.
8.THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE BY FAR: Some of these rules will have to be broken, but only at some specific points throughout the map. When, you ask? I won't tell you. Use of your own judgement to determine when you should disobey the rules.
In any case, from the 1.4 version and onwards, the rules will all be in a handy book you can find at the beginning, just so you remember them throughout the whole adventure! Also, this isn't a rule, but an important tip: the coordinates of spawn are x: -63, y: 48 and z: 9. If you spawn on the roof, get down and into the room of those coordinates. You can sleep in the multiplayer spawn lobby to reset your spawn.
To play this map, you need to download it. That was kinda obvious, so I'll simply add that I'll always keep previous versions available, if you want to try them. I still suggest downloading the first or second one, as they're the newest version. If you don't know how to install maps, you type "%appdata%" to search your system, get inside your .minecraft folder, and find the "saves" folder. In there, you can find your Minecraft worlds. Go download the map file, and it'll give you an archive. Archives are tiny files that keep a lot of things in them, kind of like a beehive. The files in it don't sting, though. Just extract the files from the archive, using an appropriate program, such as winzip (for .zip files) or winrar (for .rar files). The files inside should be named "Monarch of Madness" with a version number. Put that in your saves folder, and bam! Ready to play.
Note that I do exclusively use adfly on the main download links, as well as the most recent mirror links. I have set them up on August 4th 2012, because I revamped everything and put the main files on Fileswap, while keeping them on Mediafire as well. If you don't like adfly that much, and want the main downloads without passing through it, just download through the mirror on Mediafire... But really, it's just a few ads that barely last a few seconds and that you can ignore, yet give me some money to keep working on both this map and other projects. My thanks go out to all those who support me with adfly! And even if you don't, I still love you - just a little bit less. (If Fileswap doesn't work, try Mediafire through the mirror, and vice-versa.)
For multiplayer, you can either install the map on your server the classic way, or for a simpler approach, check out the Adventure Lobbies! It allows you to play maps online in lobbies, without having to install anything. Just go to the map list, and choose "Monarch of Madness" to play this one! You have a maximum playtime of five hours, but within that time, you should be done with the map easily. If you plan on playing the map multiple times with breaks, though, it might not be your favored option, yet keep it in mind!
So long as you have have the download for your version of Minecraft, don't worry. The first version number indicated is the map's version, which isn't important to you.
- Messed around with the command blocks a bit more, reducing lag around the bridge explosion and overall making everything better. Minigame in the Nether with creepers now functions correctly with a mob griefing control.
- Slightly modified a part of the Nether.
- Slightly modified a part of the End, for convenience.
- Bugfixes and even more bugfixes.
- Changed a long series of maps into a book.
- Added sprinkles of madness.
- Added a command block to disable mob griefing and mob loot, allowing you to remain on normal difficulty throughout the entire map! (Even though the signs still say otherwise.)
- Changed some aesthetics.
- Turned "keepitems" on, so dying won't let you lose anything.
- Bugfixes and bugfixes and bugfixes.
- Added preview of next map.
- But not really.
- A few grammar fixes here and there.
- Bugs were squashed, the environment got changes that could have been made a long time ago... So that's that.
- Books! Yes, I have added even MORE content for you to read! Go nuts!
- Re-added Herobrine.
- Added a lot of content to both the Serene and Deserted Meadow.
- Added three new noteblock songs.
- Added lots of points to the map, for a new grand total! Scoreboard coming soon.
- Fixed plenty of bugs and problems.
- Prepared the map for 1.3 Minecraft additions - even though the update is out, none of its new content has been integrated. That'll be in an update between 1.3 and 1.4, sometime.
- Made some challenges easier, some, tougher. Balancing.
- Added a zest of madness.
1.2.4 and below:
- I was too lazy to make a changelog. Not like I could change that now anyways.
Here are some screenshots! In order to avoid spoiling anything, they have been put inside spoiler tags, so you can safely scroll to the bottom without ruining the surprise. Some of them are very revealing, however. If you are already convinced and want to play, don't look at them if you'd rather preserve the surprise. If you don't care about spoilers at all, then feel free to look at all of them.
Here I'll post videos that players of this map share with me! (As well as the ones I just happen to stumble upon. I just love watching people blown away, both literally and figuratively, in this map!)
If you make a let's play or other videos of this map, please share them on this thread! Post a comment with the video embedded in it, or give a link to it and I'll add it here!
The Yogscast
UberHaxorNova and SSoHPKC
Antvenom and CavemanFilms
Note: This was the first LP ever made, to my knowledge. As you can see below, Potty here played the map in its very first version (the first video was uploaded on July 1st 2011). Therefore, much respect!
The resource pack I can recommend for the map is called Ghost's Rustic, a beautiful x64 pack. If you can handle it, I seriously recommend you give it a shot.
If you find any other resource pack that's easier to run but still has a darker/medieval feel to it, I'd recommend using those. You don't want lag to ruin your enjoyment of the map, after all!
The scoreboard was implemented after the 1.3.2 update, so the max score possible is now going to remain the same forever! Any player who directly commented with their score in the past has been added, and any who wants to add their score can do so now! The scoring system used to be a joke, but now that it's a fully-implemented system of leather and saddles, you might as well aim for the top score!
If you want to add your score, however, you must show a screenshot of the inventory you place inside the score box at the end of the scored section of the map. I didn't ask for screenshots before, but now, I do! Besides, the score box has to be there for something.
If I happen to stumble upon fan-made content for the map, be they reviews, pieces of art, trailers or anything else, I'll post them here! If you made anything, please share it!
A wonderful piece of art, made by DordtChild, based on the Yogscast's playthrough of the map!
A video review of the map, courtesy of Llamapantsful!
Thanks to Mojang for this magnificent game called Minecraft!
Thanks to my friends TapeitorDieGuy and Natey9 for help with the story-line!
Thanks to SimsterAce for making the map's official trailer!
Thanks to Zinn for pointing out the mysterious cause of a grand fire! From now on, the castle shouldn't burn to the ground for no apparent reason. Unless you do that yourself.
Thanks to Revolvee for allowing me to build off of his base model of the castle, originally named "Castle Estel", which I found beautiful. If you want to see amazing builds, check his channel out! Definitely worthwhile! Seriously, you won't regret it.
Thanks to Ghostsniper and SMP for allowing me to recommend their wonderful texture packs!
Thanks to all the games I've played before, since a lot of them inspired me in the creation of this map. (Yes, reference pros, you'll see an abundance of references and quotes.)
Thanks to lasarus for making the ImageToMap program, which certainly has many uses! It helps condense a lot of text into a few item slots. Less signs, more maps! Even with the book and quill that are now available, maps give you plenty of opportunities!
Thanks to me (I feel horrible saying that, but I must) for putting everything together and making it an adventure! DarkoHexar, The_Forgotten, ThePenFactory, Bubble_Man... No matter the name, map-making's my game!
Finally, thanks to everyone who will play this map, comment on it, make videos of it or give any other kind of feedback! You're all loved equally!
I, The_Forgotten, am irresponsible of any damage or problems caused by this map and anything related to it. If you don't like it, however, you have the right to hate me for it.
Do not give out copies of this map without asking me first. Linking to this thread or videos of it is perfectly fine, and if I approve of them, other websites can showcase it. However, do not claim it as your own, nor modify it for your own selfish purposes of evil.
You have no right to make money off of my work or those of others. Monetizing videos in which you play or showcase the map, however, is perfectly fine.
Well, a few weeks to be honest. I started immediately after finishing my previous map, and I put more time and effort into this one. I'm very pleased with the end result, but I plan to add more to it as time goes by.
Just another little detail: There are secrets in this map, so looking around pays off! I will probably add more content to the map in the future, including new mechanisms, puzzles and a longer story, if possible. Stay tuned for that, and tell me how it goes for you!
Really enjoying it, recorded a video and will upload to youtube tonight and send you the link.
My views so far, really fun, very difficult for me, but it's impressive and I had alot of surprises, will definately be trying out some of your other maps.
Glad you found it fun, because that was my main goal during the making of the map. I'll be looking forward to that video, as I find it entertaining to watch playthroughs!
Have another part uploading, which has me actually solving stuff, not running around mindless.
Again, great map, will definately make a part 2 to this one.
I did find it, but that's because I just couldn't wait to see it :tongue.gif: Indeed, my Youtube channel is "DarkoHexar", so it's not an impersonator or anything of the like. Do you mind if I post this video in the video section of the first post?
So, I just played your map, and I was blown away just by how awesome it looks. The castle is so pretty, I couldn't bring myself to blow it up Dx.
Anyway, the story is pretty cool, and the puzzles where fun :smile.gif:. Although the jumping puzzles were pretty hard for me, but meh.
Have you made any more maps? Because I'd love to play them :biggrin.gif:.
Also Potty, I love your let's play :tongue.gif:. and I'm in love with your accent, haha ;D.
I did want to add a certain difficulty element, and I guess I simply thought of inserting it among the jumping puzzles =P I wasn't aiming for an overly difficult challenge, but if you had some trouble, I guess it's better than being too easy!
I also wouldn't have been willing enough to use the "griefing" tools at the end either... Anyways, in the downloads section, I have a link to my first map, but it's not as great as this one. You can still try it for a more serious approach at a storyline
Ok I just finished it...
And I just have to say thats its too awesome for words!! I liked the portal song, that mustve taken a while to do. Also I liked how in the end you let us wreck havoc on the castle :smile.gif: But for the sidequest was there supposed to be nothing? I also saw that I didnt go against any mobs so it didnt matter if it was on peaceful or not.
Now Im probably gonna go try out your other map :smile.gif: 10/10
Wow, I lose my Internet connection for about a day, and I come back to this? Haha, thanks for the comments everyone, I'm happy you liked the map. I may make more maps in the future, and I have to bring something up: At the end of the map, a bonus quest is featured. That quest in question is not yet completed, and is indeed coming in a future update. Therefore, I'll be working on that!
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and if I missed any of your inquiries, then call me a turnip!
Alright, after watching some video playthroughs, I have found a few issues to correct. Therefore, in a day or two, the map should be 5% more bug-free! (If everything goes according to plan...)
Speaking of video playthroughs, I found this one by chance!
Refridgecopter gives a good idea of what this map has, although he did skip some secrets... Well, they're called secrets for a reason! Thanks to him for the videos!
Does the monarch of madness know Lord Sheogorath? (first question that popped into my mind)
This map looks great, gonna download it
Haha, I see you found my inspiration! I like to imagine that he does, but that's up to you... (Your thoughts on that may change during the playing of this map!)
I'm about to start recording a walkthrough of the map, in case anyone wants hints, tips or simply a full playthrough of the Monarch of Madness by its creator! I may or may not cover secrets, though, so that'll be up to you!
Also, over 700 downloads? I'm speechless! (Or in this case, ink-less.)
-Rules and Tips-
TextureResource Pack--Credits-
What exactly is mad in this beautiful structure? And how far will you have to go in order to understand your new task? Is there a reward at the end, or will darkness invade you? Only one way to know:
2. Do not craft anything. And that means, anything. Everything you need will be given to you when needed.
3. Do not use mods. It might screw something up. If you have some mods installed, and the game crashes or won't let you spawn right, it might be caused by your mods.
4. The difficulty USED to be unimportant, but since version 1.6 of the map, playing on easy or higher is strongly recommended. I can't force you to play with mobs on, but they will certainly add an important dose of madness. Some places will also require you to change difficulties, but if you're on multiplayer, just play on easy.
5. The length is rather long - or at least, it was when the map first came out. It took me 2 hours and twenty minutes to complete everything in it myself, and I made the map. Take that as you will. Of course, with maps that can take almost twenty hours to complete these days, around three hours shouldn't seem too intimidating... right?
6. For those of you who enjoy taking the time of checking every nook and cranny of a map, there ARE Easter eggs and various little gags. They may not be related to the story in any way, yet they might add to your experience during the exploration of this fantastic kingdom where the grand dominate the puny, and rats dominate everyone with a weak immunity system. Also, if something tells you "your current destination", chances are it's your current destination. If you need a flint and steel to access something, and you don't have one yet, don't assume you missed it and you must give one to yourself. That's wrong.
7. You might have guessed this one by now, but if you despise reading, avoid this map entirely or disregard the signs in-game. Unfortunately, I love babbling aimlessly, so you'll find plenty of signs everywhere. You can just break them if you hate them that much, though.
8. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE BY FAR: Some of these rules will have to be broken, but only at some specific points throughout the map. When, you ask? I won't tell you. Use of your own judgement to determine when you should disobey the rules.
A wonderful piece of art, made by DordtChild, based on the Yogscast's playthrough of the map!
A video review of the map, courtesy of Llamapantsful!
Well, a few weeks to be honest. I started immediately after finishing my previous map, and I put more time and effort into this one. I'm very pleased with the end result, but I plan to add more to it as time goes by.
Hope you enjoy it! If anything jumps out at you as being either extraordinary or horrible, please say so.
Glad you found it fun, because that was my main goal during the making of the map. I'll be looking forward to that video, as I find it entertaining to watch playthroughs!
I did find it, but that's because I just couldn't wait to see it :tongue.gif: Indeed, my Youtube channel is "DarkoHexar", so it's not an impersonator or anything of the like. Do you mind if I post this video in the video section of the first post?
I did want to add a certain difficulty element, and I guess I simply thought of inserting it among the jumping puzzles =P I wasn't aiming for an overly difficult challenge, but if you had some trouble, I guess it's better than being too easy!
I also wouldn't have been willing enough to use the "griefing" tools at the end either... Anyways, in the downloads section, I have a link to my first map, but it's not as great as this one. You can still try it for a more serious approach at a storyline
And I just have to say thats its too awesome for words!! I liked the portal song, that mustve taken a while to do. Also I liked how in the end you let us wreck havoc on the castle :smile.gif: But for the sidequest was there supposed to be nothing? I also saw that I didnt go against any mobs so it didnt matter if it was on peaceful or not.
Now Im probably gonna go try out your other map :smile.gif: 10/10
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and if I missed any of your inquiries, then call me a turnip!
Refridgecopter gives a good idea of what this map has, although he did skip some secrets... Well, they're called secrets for a reason! Thanks to him for the videos!
Does the monarch of madness know Lord Sheogorath? (first question that popped into my mind)
This map looks great, gonna download it
Haha, I see you found my inspiration! I like to imagine that he does, but that's up to you... (Your thoughts on that may change during the playing of this map!)
Also, over 700 downloads? I'm speechless! (Or in this case, ink-less.)