will be fixing on it some more during this week, like the redstone torch thing and such.
then extending it a bit, I have some new ideas for new areas you see..
Wow, Very detailed, Very fun, You deserve some ! That was an awesome map, And I got 33 slimes, w/o completing, coz i'm still working on completing it. :smile.gif:
thanks man :biggrin.gif: tell your friends about it :biggrin.gif:
It looked good from the start, until a creeper blew up the objective and I don't know what to do. I'll start over and maybe play on peaceful (Yes I'm a sissy).
Followed mossy cobble path for a few feet.
Punched creeper, lost half my health.
Heard spider hiss and another SSSSSSSSS simultaneously.
Went to peaceful.
OT: one twisted storyline. And it's amazing. A few things though:
- take out initial redstone torches, took all my willpower to keep looking for lever parts after I popped a RS torch on the door and it opened.
- the signs really add to the story, but could you also make some of them directional? I went in a loop a couple of times.
- Some starting gear would be nice. even a wood shovel, wood sword, and one cooked fish would do. Most people don't go camping without any supplies but a tent and a bed xD.
- as stated previously, replace gravel with something less common but still fits in, ex. clay or snow. Gravel adds to the whole abandoned theme, but blends in too well. For both the guy playing and the guy building it.
This would make the 2nd one improved IMO. Anyway, pretty nice map. Complex, mazey, but has a solid storyline. Also liked how you cited some real nazi experimenters and turned MC's failed model of a pig into a twisted human experiment.
PS I'm on the 4 broken minecart rails above a lake of lava, and I'm pretty confuzzled. Help?
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Quote from spaz102 »
Actually, that's the best mental image ever. A dying, drowning man stuffing his face from a massive wall of cake, and carving out a monstrous underwater cake picture. I'd pay to watch that irl.
[quote=Rotten194][quote=mcnugget] "Love cabin"[;/quote][quote=mcnugget]creepers.!
PS I'm on the 4 broken minecart rails above a lake of lava, and I'm pretty confuzzled. Help?
I'm stuck on that, too. There was some gravel I managed to get to, and I dug it out, and it took me to this super huge cave system. I'm pretty sure it's off course. I got lost and had to die... x.x
Followed mossy cobble path for a few feet.
Punched creeper, lost half my health.
Heard spider hiss and another SSSSSSSSS simultaneously.
Went to peaceful.
OT: one twisted storyline. And it's amazing. A few things though:
- take out initial redstone torches, took all my willpower to keep looking for lever parts after I popped a RS torch on the door and it opened.
- the signs really add to the story, but could you also make some of them directional? I went in a loop a couple of times.
- Some starting gear would be nice. even a wood shovel, wood sword, and one cooked fish would do. Most people don't go camping without any supplies but a tent and a bed xD.
- as stated previously, replace gravel with something less common but still fits in, ex. clay or snow. Gravel adds to the whole abandoned theme, but blends in too well. For both the guy playing and the guy building it.
This would make the 2nd one improved IMO. Anyway, pretty nice map. Complex, mazey, but has a solid storyline. Also liked how you cited some real nazi experimenters and turned MC's failed model of a pig into a twisted human experiment.
PS I'm on the 4 broken minecart rails above a lake of lava, and I'm pretty confuzzled. Help?
yeah, im going to make it better in the next one. and initially i was thinking of making you to burn the swastika in the end to make an exit, but i thought that would be too mean. I was going to focus on more on the nether portal and making it sort of a portal to other continents and connect it to others of the worlds mysterious things (pyramids, and other ruins, the yeti)
PS for the part youre in you have to get out of there, there's just supposed to be a secret chest in there.
I'm stuck on that, too. There was some gravel I managed to get to, and I dug it out, and it took me to this super huge cave system. I'm pretty sure it's off course. I got lost and had to die... x.x
you have to get out of there, there's just supposed to be a secret chest in there.
Hi dude. sorry about the lets play i got caught up in a new computer and well. i got HD so check out my newer videos and stuff. i will be sure to pick up where i left off.
and as for the second part. whens that coming? LOVE TOO help
yeah youre not supposed to go further in the lava cave by the train tracks, just find a chest
and as for the second part, I'm sittin juggling between making a brand new map or continuing this. if i make a new one i will try to make it pretty scary and have a scarier theme to it.
Anytime, Dont forget to rep! :biggrin.gif:
media fire says its a Invalid or Deleted File.
fix plz?
fiiixed :biggrin.gif: sorry :biggrin.gif:
awesome :wink.gif:
thank you
will be fixing on it some more during this week, like the redstone torch thing and such.
then extending it a bit, I have some new ideas for new areas you see..
My friend
thanks man :biggrin.gif: tell your friends about it :biggrin.gif:
Followed mossy cobble path for a few feet.
Punched creeper, lost half my health.
Heard spider hiss and another SSSSSSSSS simultaneously.
Went to peaceful.
OT: one twisted storyline. And it's amazing. A few things though:
- take out initial redstone torches, took all my willpower to keep looking for lever parts after I popped a RS torch on the door and it opened.
- the signs really add to the story, but could you also make some of them directional? I went in a loop a couple of times.
- Some starting gear would be nice. even a wood shovel, wood sword, and one cooked fish would do. Most people don't go camping without any supplies but a tent and a bed xD.
- as stated previously, replace gravel with something less common but still fits in, ex. clay or snow. Gravel adds to the whole abandoned theme, but blends in too well. For both the guy playing and the guy building it.
PLEASE GIMME SOME FLINT N STEEL I WANT SO BADLY TO BURN THOSE SWASTIKASThis would make the 2nd one improved IMO. Anyway, pretty nice map. Complex, mazey, but has a solid storyline. Also liked how you cited some real nazi experimenters and turned MC's failed model of a pig into a twisted human experiment.
PS I'm on the 4 broken minecart rails above a lake of lava, and I'm pretty confuzzled. Help?
I don't want to know.
I'm stuck on that, too. There was some gravel I managed to get to, and I dug it out, and it took me to this super huge cave system. I'm pretty sure it's off course. I got lost and had to die... x.x
thanks :biggrin.gif:
yeah, im going to make it better in the next one. and initially i was thinking of making you to burn the swastika in the end to make an exit, but i thought that would be too mean. I was going to focus on more on the nether portal and making it sort of a portal to other continents and connect it to others of the worlds mysterious things (pyramids, and other ruins, the yeti)
PS for the part youre in you have to get out of there, there's just supposed to be a secret chest in there.
thank you :biggrin.gif:
you have to get out of there, there's just supposed to be a secret chest in there.
and as for the second part. whens that coming? LOVE TOO help
and as for the second part, I'm sittin juggling between making a brand new map or continuing this. if i make a new one i will try to make it pretty scary and have a scarier theme to it.