As you wake, you hold your head and think. Where are you? What world is this? Who are you? Why are you here? You venture into a home, hoping to find answers...
Rules for the map are included at the start. Note that this is not even close to a finished version. Constructive Criticism is appreciated, as well as suggestions.
First puzzles:
Green Cloth is a slightly different color than TNT
The maze is actually quite tiny
Get the lever before you go for the door
A lever is in one of the dispensers
The button is very well hidden! look up
The first jump is the most difficult. Try to look at it from another angle
Mavert town:
Start at the back of the train station
The flint & Steel is in the restaurant!
Crappy Trailer!
Download And How to Install
Download includes Map (From Beyond) and texture pack. You MUST use the texture pack or else some traps won't work and some of buildings won't have their greater aesthetic value
How to Install:
1. Download the Zip
2. Unzip FromBeyond.zip
3. Put the "FromBeyond" folder into the "Saves" folder in the ".minecraft" folder
4. Put FromBeyondTexture.zip into the "texturepacks" folder in the ".minecraft" folder
5. Play!
Change Log & Achievements
1.2 - Added two more towns, more Storyline (5/11?11)
1.1 - Fixed Character Spawn Point (4/30/11)
1.0 - Demo Released (4/23/11)
Hey downloaded the server. Well done! Did a great job with it! Fun and actually kind of tricky. Puzzles are well made. I did do it on peaceful though. Might have to turn on the monsters and try it again :biggrin.gif:. A little sad that it was just a demo, but now i cant wait for the final. Great job guys. Have a :Diamond:.
That is weird, I changed the spawn position before I uploaded the map using MCEdit.
I'll change that now. Expect an update soon, there is more on the way! (and some answers to questions)
EDIT: I tested, i see the problem. It works if you just kill yourself. I uploaded a fiedx version though (1.1)
Great map so far, can't wait to see more in the final version, only suggestion I have so far is to maybe add a few check points. The map isn't to challenging or to easy.
As you wake, you hold your head and think. Where are you? What world is this? Who are you? Why are you here? You venture into a home, hoping to find answers...
Rules for the map are included at the start. Note that this is not even close to a finished version. Constructive Criticism is appreciated, as well as suggestions.
First puzzles:
Mavert town:
Crappy Trailer!
Download And How to Install
Download includes Map (From Beyond) and texture pack. You MUST use the texture pack or else some traps won't work and some of buildings won't have their greater aesthetic value
How to Install:
1. Download the Zip
2. Unzip FromBeyond.zip
3. Put the "FromBeyond" folder into the "Saves" folder in the ".minecraft" folder
4. Put FromBeyondTexture.zip into the "texturepacks" folder in the ".minecraft" folder
5. Play!
http://www.mediafire.com/?uhud6q8v02y6y62 (Version 1.2)
http://www.mediafire.com/?7u44ujbjgorqode (Version 1.1)
1.0 is not available for download as it spawned the character incorrectly, otherwise it is exactly the same as 1.1
Change Log & Achievements
1.2 - Added two more towns, more Storyline (5/11?11)
1.1 - Fixed Character Spawn Point (4/30/11)
1.0 - Demo Released (4/23/11)
50 Downloads - 5/4/2011
100 Downloads - 5/7/2011
200 Downloads - 5/13/2011
250 Downloads - 5/14/2011
500 Downloads - 5/18/2011
750 Downloads - 5/21/2011
Help Me Out
Send me a PM or reply here!
Also, if people want to test what we have next, you are very welcome! send me a PM
I'll change that now. Expect an update soon, there is more on the way! (and some answers to questions)
EDIT: I tested, i see the problem. It works if you just kill yourself. I uploaded a fiedx version though (1.1)
reviews please
I forgot to mention the end of the map is the ice town (no storyline there...yet)