I'm personally kind of against Hunger Games. Forgive me if I seem a bit weird about it, but I just don't see any joy in watching kids kill each-other. They do that all by themselves without a fictional book to depict it. (oucwatididthar)
Danger zone.
Yeah, that's a point that gets a lot of people fired up about it. It's not weird at all, you shouldn't be reading the Hunger Games for the killing part alone.
I made a "Hunger Games" map as well so I guess I'm guilty.
Yes I see what you did thar.
well, don't bring supplies like YOUR ONLY WOOD SOURCE with you through dungeons...
ouch. That sounds like the red wool, the hardest wool in the map. looks like it killed you ahead of time.
Played far too carelessly and got my map deleted before even finding the first wool.
I guess I'll have to learn how to spend my nights inside the base, not outside "hunting for bones". <.<
Speaking of that;
So there aren't random ores under the terrain? Is it all a huge cobble mass or what?
OH MY GOD THANK YOU I LOVE YOU. I have 13 of the 16 wool, and am delving for the 14th, and I've still not found the monument.
Actually, if you carry a bed with you, and quickly make it day as soon as night falls, you'll never need a base.
Iron and Coal,probably Redstone(although I didn't look for it). There's s certain dungeon that will have a lot of what you need. Once you find it, you shouldn't need to dig underground too much. I completed half of the map with the resources in that dungeon before I died.
Yes, and if you're fast enough, you can run around where you slept and collect all the bones on the ground. There's really no need to be out after dark.lol
For some reason I could swear that Lethamyr had the insomniac special rule. I was so convinced I couldn't use beds.
...That's it, I'm going insane.
EDIT: Found one of them... or at least their dungeon. I assume Red by the looks of it.
EDIT2: Shock of shocks, I found them both in the same dungeon, along with diamonds and gold to finish the VM. If I make it out alive, Lethamyr is done!
I'm more than sure it doesn't, since Vechs kindly provides you with beds at several points.
Vechs, now some feedback... Lethamyr did feel rather lazy. There were multiple copies of basically the same dungeons, with very little in them. Only the Black/Red wool dungeon, and the shroom place felt really unique, in terms of dungeons, while he others literaly were copies of each other. I'd really like to see Lethamyr re-released with some varying dungeons, because when I saw that same staircase design for the 5th time, I nearly just left, out of sheer annoyance. However, the Hardcore mode made it really, really difficult, and the part I enjoyed most was the map. I scoured the map, looking for structures, and made notes, drew on it, and had a blast in that regard. finding the VM was a total pain in the ass though. I enjoyed stumbling upon wool while looking for a spot that turned out to just be a large bunch of clay or gravel though - that was especially fun. I'd just really like to see more variety with the dungeons.
Difficulty-wise, it was excellent. That was hard, much of the time. Too many Blazes though. I hate them so much. Same with Poison Spiders, but they're acceptable. The only catch was the Hostility of the map was, as I mentioned previously, really awkward There would be long stretches of basically nothing, and then brief, adrenaline filled, dungeons and a wool gained. And sometimes really easy boxes in the open
The terrain needs some more interesting features too. Spending twenty minutes wandering through a really boring field, with no worry of mobs was dull, and I can't say I enjoyed that part.
Definently not the best Super Hostile, but I really enjoyed the mapping part of it - it was a really new concept that I didn't expect to enjoy, since I'm a fan of linear-branching style, but had a lot of fun with!
And since I marked it up so much, here's my map of Lethamyr, being the drawn upon version of the provided map.
WARNING: It is so spoilery that it's almost funny. Every wool is spoiled here
Thank you for sorting that out! I have no clue where did I get that from.
Congratulations on beating Lethamyr too!
No prob, and thanks
Probably gonna head into the forest. Now if only Jeb fixed the lighting glitches...
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE skeletons!
How'd you get that giant map of the whole island? I've just been making in-game maps (I'm up to 3 at this point) and looking at where I haven't gone. A giant map to use would've been really helpful...