Thank you for being so prudent with the invalid ID issue, such professionalism is wonderful. Also curse for your prudence, I need to sleep and keep studying for finals.
There's the oops. XD
SolitaryWolfXD is ahead on that goal (he's trying to achieve the same thing). He's already done three maps, almost four. Better hurry up!
My Adventure
aha! I am not the only one to experience this.
Maybe someone could explain but a few animals, not only a pig, but a few cows and chickens as well are in "god mode" so to speak.
In a chunk/area very closeby the first "forest" you encounter in version 1.0a (at least for me) is where this occured (occurs? if this is consistant).
It isnt a big deal, of course since there are many, many more animals to kill/breed across the area and map, but It just surprised me and made me curious of course
P.S. I only read back about 5 pages in the topic here to see if anyone else has mentioned this, so if this has been answered previously, I apologize.
My brain likes to take the name too seriously. o_0
Have any of the others been updated since then?
@Amaross - Yup, I saw that too. A couple cows and some pigs. I figured it was just a glitch that came from MCEdit or something.
Any map in version 3.0+ is specifically 1.2 compatible. Any map in version 2.0 is compatible with 1.2.5+, due to 1.2.5 fixing the Anvil conversion bug. The maps not updated to 1.7.3+ yet are Endless Deep, the Black Desert, Canopy Carnage, and Legendary, though they can all be played in 1.2 - they just don't have features from 1.7.3+.
Nightmare Realm is a special case. As it was made for 1.8/1.9 prereleases, it is balanced around the new hunger and combat systems, but does not include features such as potions, which were added later. However, it still plays very well in 1.2.
Basically, the most playable maps at the moment are Spellbound Caves, Lethamyr, Sea of Flames II, the Infernal Sky II and the Kaizo Caverns II. Note that Pigget Panic and Ragequit Holidays are also updated for 1.0.0+.
Sunburn Islands can basically be played in any version from 1.8 onwards.
Nightmare Realm is in the middle. It has 1.8 features, has only Blazes as the 1.0 feature and nothing beyond.
Fair call. I'll revise my message.
I is good at pointing out flaws!
Sunburn Islands, despite coming after Nightmare Realms numerically, was made for Beta 1.7.
Edit: also, IIRC, Legendary doesn't have anything from Beta 1.7 was because it came out late in Legendary's development for Vechs to utilize any piston based traps
Okay, fair enough. But it was released in 1.7, so it was played in 1.7 onwards.
Yes you are!
Go for it. Start with Spellbound; finish with class with Nightmare Realm.
Slight correction: Legendary was ready for a June 28th release, while Beta 1.7 was released June 30th.
Awesome, thank you! Guess I'll go with Infernal Sky and Sea of Flames then, since those are the ones I haven't seen an LP of yet.
CilantroGamer has a speed run of Kaizo Caverns if you're interested in those:
I think he's been doing some other maps as well on livestreams or something.
I've gotta agree with Foot on this one. Vechs, you've been getting so much critiscm on Lethamyr. The dungeons are very boring, many of them are just rooms made out of stone bricks. And the terrain isn't designed very well in the map, the Hardcore format is flawed, etc. etc. I would suggest you actually back down on this one, Vechs, and take this out of Hardcore mode and put it in the Super Docile series. I know you said yourself that it's no masterpiece, just something to tide us over until Fallen Kingdom. So why brand it with the Super Hostile label? For everyone here, that label is associated with quality, and that's not what Lethamyr is. And Vechs, I'm not flaming you. I'm just sayin'.
P.S. Some people might disagree with me saying that there has been a lot of critism on this map, but there has. In LPs of Lethamyr, conversations on the Minecraft Forums, and more. I think no one has really critisised the map on this thread so far because they're scared people will get angry at them, or they think Vechs couldn't have possibly made a mistake with this map and they were the only one who didn't like it.