xxxHardcorexxx mod. The one they used for Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore.
Admittedly the mod makes it even more difficult by also disabling health regen, but whatever.
You could just set the server on Hard difficulty and blacklist the guys that die (temporarily of course).
While SMP spawn compatibility does require some open air, the issue with Nightmare Realm is more because spawn is like a million miles away from the rest of the map.
The easiest process to play the map on SMP would probably be to first open the map in single player to find the proper starting coordinates and then to teleport people to those coordinates when they join in SMP. Alternatively, you could have everyone join the map once and then edit the player data (with something like NBTEdit) to put them in the proper coordinates.
Please rate and comment so I know what you think of it.
I want to say I traveled NW from the spawn to find the Lime wool...Above ground... It was the first wool I got.
It was also one of the first Vechs maps I played, so im not confident, as its been FORRRREVER.
Just played it again recently for a few minutes...A creeper blew up the white wool chest, so I gave up...
I was sad
There is more white wool in one of the royal tombs. And thanks for the tip.
Are you sure you're not thinking of the white wool? That's the only wool I could find in that direction.
But you'd have more players, and it's suppossed to be hardcore mode. As in dying deletes the entire world. If you're on multiplayer, you don't get hardcore mode, which makes it much easier.
Technically exists.
Well if you really don't like the rules, sure, just ignore them.
Besides, you point out the whole point of these rules - "...to be used in the normal series would require some clever planning and foresight..."
The whole point is to offer an extra challenge. True, later on the challenge will fade when you find battlesgins, or alternative food, but when you're wacking things with a diamond shovel or eating spider eyes...
I accidentally had the game on Peaceful after playing a parkour map. This is what I did in the time:
Anyway, I have a full set of iron armor on SoFII now! Time to TRULY conquer this map!
Fortunately the Minecraft guy cannot kick so overused Chuck Norris jokes don't apply.
Once again Vechs, I praise you on your ability to create a variety of aesthetically-pleasing areas. I never imagined that an entire map encased in bedrock could be so colorful (I mean that both literally and figuratively). The difficulty in this map was much higher than in Sea of Flames; there was never a boring moment.
Some fun highlights:
Taking the TNT from the stone pressure plate traps... thanks for the free resources!
Oh, and before I get, my near-death moment in the actual Ilvern Mines (the place with the railway track and gold ore at the end)... My strategy was to spam lava all over the place, killing mobs and lighting the place up simultaneously. This seemed working, until a cave spider ambushed me and shot me off the walkway. I was burning from lava and dying from cave spider poisoning at the same time, and I had no Splash Potions to spam in my hotbar. My armor was slowly dying, and I hadn't realized the life-saving potential of Ender Pearls at the time. Yelling "I HAVE NOT COME THIS FAR... TO DIE NOW", I lay a TNT block down in the lava with me (why I had a TNT block in my hotbar... I don't know either). The blast knocked me far away with half a heart, and I quickly retreated to take on the area later. Well, that was fun.
Spamming lava into the spider den in Cavern of Sky.. yup. I clearly had not learned my lesson.
Now is the part where I tell my anecdote of me acquiring the red wool... oh boy. Well, here goes:
After getting a full set of enchanted diamond armor and tools, I realized the only wool I didn't have yet was Red. I went back to the Citadel of Demons (by the way, that gravel barrier between the room of Creeper statues and the room filled with diamond... genius. Those blocks alone told me some serious action would be going down. Nice cinematic touch), where I found a 2 block opening. I was met with who-knows-how-many Ghast spawners... and I decided that the best way to tackle the dungeon would be to pillar up to the ceiling, put water above the opening in the bedrock, climb down, get the wool, and CLIMB THE WATER STREAM BACK UP ABOVE THE GHAST SPAWNERS. Thinking back, I was an idiot.
I successfully manged to get down and obtain the red wool, though I must reprimand you for your spelling error on that sign, Vechs. Anyway, all the while, I was being ear-raped with the sound of 10+ skeletons spawning and 10+ Ghasts spawning. Literally, I could not hear myself think from all those clunk sounds and demon-baby sounds. I decided to stick with my brilliant getway and attempt to climb the water stream back up. Not even 1/10 of the way there, I hear God-knows-how-many Ghasts firing at me, and the explosion of at least 8 Ghasts' fireballs pushed me all the way near the entrance and bringing me to half a heart. I tunneled back into the diamond room; no way I was going to try and make a break for the exit.
With moments like these, anyone could instantly know that this map was wicked fun. Another 5-star, high-quality map brought to you by Vechs! However, I do have some criticisms:
Speaking of the Nether, that was the first place I visited in Intersection II. So it was mildly frustrating seeing all these resources being dumped on me at once just for one "mission", kind of like the whole diamond issue in Sea of Flames (but to a lesser extent).
Though this is an unrelated sidenote, you know what would have been cool? If near the end of the map, the wooden pressure plates actually activated TNT. I mean, throughout the map, you're slowly given a false sense of security while activating wooden pressure plates; you only watch out for the stone ones. Why not punish the player at about Intersection III for doing this, when you start pulling the big guns out?
Though I don't recall the specific title, there was a dungeon in Intersection III called something like Grave of the Dragon. The difficulty in this place was ludicrously low. Though this wouldn't be a problem anywhere else in the map, this is the last Intersection. An area like this just seems lazy and not very well thought-out. I literally only used one water bucket to obtain the wool. I got in, used water to bridge to the dragon, used water to climb up to the wool chest, and got out. I'm pretty sure that this whole endeavor took less than five minutes, and I'm absolutely positive that I did not take any damage. A rework in this specific dungeon would be nice.
My last criticism (people who have played Kaizo Caverns will probably know what I'm about to say) is the black wool in its entirety. It was placed in a random location and guarded by 3 cave spider spawners. Look, I would still be on the fence about this even if it was any other colored wool, like Blue or Green. A wool should not be just placed randomly somewhere without any protection or challenge in getting it. Still, to emphasize on this further, this is the infamous black wool. And it was just out there in the open, up for grabs. If you were to change this somehow by adding an extra dungeon housing the black wool, that would be greatly appreciated.
Still, this map was a cinematic work of art, and I felt really proud when I completed the Victory Monument. Thank you Vechs for this fabulous form of entertainment known as your iconic Super Hostile map series. I'm looking forward to beating more of your maps in the recent future.
Here you go, organized in a handy "hint tier" form.
Lime wool small hint:
Lime wool medium hint:
Lime wool location:
Black wool small hint:
Black wool medium hint:
Black wool location:
Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it
i have also started spellbound caves with one of my friends so look for that to!