Famous last words?
inb4 the next patch has a map format which allows infinitely high builds, and is capable of stacking chunks on top of each other as high as a person is willing to build (All things considered, this shouldn't be impossible, as if horizontal travel is effectively "infinite" (up to the Far Lands at least) by stacking chunks side by side, and Anvil made it possible to stack two chunks on top of each other, then it should be theoretically possible to stack "infinite" chunks on top of each other, creating a new chunk as the person goes higher, just like it creates new chunks when you travel horizontally.
After all, the current map size allows you to build something up to a maximum of 255 meters tall. However will someone complete their life long dream of creating a 1:1 replica of the Eiffel Tower (324 meters tall FYI)?
I STRONGLY approve of this idea if it means we get more dungeons like Legendary's Tacos. It may not have been especially hard, but it was incredibly cool looking!
That actually sounds really interesting! If it would be anything like Deep Space Turtle Chase (another adventure map, really awesome check it out!), the environments could be amazing! The only think I wouldn't like is the excessive bridging, but still, space!
Okay, so here's the Kaizo Caverns update:
Back in Kaizo Caverns! I forget whether or not I posted last time about my conquests getting the light gray and cyan wools, so I'll put that in here. As for light gray, I pillared up to the ceiling, made a walkway across, and got the wool without too much trouble. That cheaty hole before the wool was devious, and I almost walked into it, but fortunately I saw it just in time. This wool was more hard in terms of finding it on the ceiling, and not in terms of mobs (there was only one little skeleton spawner before that wool). Those supply chests in the mossy cobble house-thing were nice, too.
Okay, time for Cyan. I had a pretty good idea of where I thought it was, because briding over to the Light Gray, I saw that hole with the gravel around it. I went around the right side of the Cavern of Sky, destroying the few spawners that were there, and lighting up the whole area. When I got to the pillar that was holding up that lava lake, I heard blazes. *%#&. I had no fire resistance potions on me, but I was in full iron armor, I had plenty of regen potions, a good enchanted Zistonian battlesign, and some food, so I just ran right in there. Bad idea.
As soon as I dropped down into that hole, I noticed that there were tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of cave spider, regular spider, and blaze spawners. Ah crap. I ran to the wool room, broke the glass, went inside, got the Cyan, annnddddd.... tons and tons of cave spiders came into the Fleecy Box just as I was trying to come out. In my panic, and while fighting them, I didn't notice my armor breaking. I popped a regen potion and tried to pillar the heck out of there, cave spiders and blazes all attacking me, when I heard more breaking. Noooooo.... my armor! I quickly pressed E and noticed my iron armor was completely gone. So, I jumped off of my pillar, and cowered in the wool room. Eventually, I decided that with the amount of spawners outside, I would have to tunnel. So I tunneled through the ground through the Fleecy Box, and came up far away from that pit. The blazes were still shooting at me, but I threw my last regen potion and hightailed it back to the VM. Still only 1 death, at this point! Yay!
Now, the Cyan wool was pretty dang hard. There were so many spawners there, and I nearly died. But, in general, I just want to say that, while this map is really fun, it was incredibly easy overall and shouldn't have been rated "Hard" before the rating changes. You'll hear more about that later, though.
After resupplying, I bridged over to Intersection 3. That creepers-falling-from-the-ceiling trap right before Intersection 3 was devious, but I managed to plug up the holes before any more could come down. I was very paranoid about the pressure plates, wanting to keep my death count at only 1, so I destroyed all of them. As far as I know, none of them were trapped, though.
Yay! Intersection 3! The places here are "Grave of the Dragon", "Spine Forest", "Planar Warp" and "Citadel of Demons". All of those sound pretty evil, but the fact that Planar Warp and the Citadel are on one direction makes me think that they are black and red wool, so I'll go to those last. First, I'll do Spine Forest, because it sounds the least evil.
So, with plenty of potions, a bucket of water and one of lava, tons of food, iron armor, picks and swords, etc., I went into Spine Forest. Getting my first glimpse of it after coming down that passageway, it certainly looked evil. Those giant pillars just spelled "spawner" to me. Well, not literally, but you get what I mean. I put on the diving helmet and the feather boots supplied to me, and I jumped straight into the water, because I saw some glowstone that looked like a focal point for the area. After swimming across the lake, with surprisingly no mobs, I dived down to the mossy cobble place, broke in, and found the brown wool after going through only a couple wools! The blazes were no trouble at all, and neither were the creepers. I got out of there, and back to the Intersection. I was in a bit of a daze at this point, because Brown wool was so dang easy! I'm not trying to boast about how good I am at Minecraft (because I'm not) but the brown wool was far too easy! I never got below 8 hearts with it, and for a late-game wool in a map that used to be rated Hard, it was kind of ridiculous.
After bringing the wool back to the VM and resupplying, I went to Grave of the Dragon. After walking through that cave and seeing all that lava, I was glad I'd brought an 8:00 minute fire resistance potion with me. I drank the potion and swam through the lava to the fleecy box. Green wool. Swam out, blazes did no damage because of the potion.
Seriously, Vechs? This wool was the easiest of all! I LITERALLY did not take any damage at all in this place. Really, for a map rated Hard, this is the easiest map I've ever played! I love this map, but it's WAYYYYYY too easy! Seriously!
OK, so, even though that was easy, I'm sure Planar Warp is going to be really hard, right? Right. Right?
So, next I go to Planar Warp, after putting the Green wool on the monument. After walking around a bit, I found the Black wool. A couple cave spiders fell down from that opening after coming out of the wool room, but I just ran away. WAT? Black wool is supposed to be hard! This wool was SO easy! I love this map so much, but it's insanely easy!
After bringing the Black wool back to the VM, I realized the gold block was still missing from the monument. I also realized that I hadn't explored the Ilvern Mines yet, so I decided to go there. The mines were harder than the Brown, Green, and Black wools all combined. I don't feel like writing a ton about the Mines, even though it was a huge operation to get the Gold, so I'll just provide a couple key things that happened.
-Drop lava on mobs.
-Get shot off main walkway by cheaty skeleton.
-Tons of regen potions, panic and run around on the ground.
-Go back to base to resupply (still only 1 death in the whole map, though).
-Come back, dig down through walls.
-Drop lava EVERYWHERE.
-Destroy 1 million cave spider and silverfish spawners.
-Drop more lava.
-Destroy more spawners.
-Obtain gold block.
Yay! I came back to the VM with 3 stacks of gold. Smelted them, put on the monument, resupplied, and went to Planar Warp again. After looking around more in there (Planar Warp), I put water to go down to the voidfog area down there. Figuring Citadel of Demons would be there, I went down there and CHAOS ensued. I ran through the gravel room with the ghasts, the castle-y place, the big room with bridges, turrets, and spawners, the creeper room with giant creeper statues, and into a-- DIAMOND ROOM!
I could not believe my eyes when I saw this room. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought my trusty pick, Rockbane, along because I was afraid I was going to die with it on me. But, I went all the way back to the VM (at this point, I hadn't uncovered the shortcut yet, so it took forever) and brought Rockbane all the way back. That took about forever. Then, I mined about 9 stacks of diamonds, and went back through Planar Warp to the VM. But, I got lost in Planar Warp, and found the Secret Shortcut Tunnel! Yay! I could not believe my eyes when I came up in Starbright Caverns! Vechs, I don't know how you do this stuff, but your maps always seem to connect around to each other! Amazing, simply amazing.
So, I came back to the diamond room (and the travel time was much quicker this time, because of the shortcut). I looked into the next room, and saw Ghast spawners--
and there, on a cliffhanger, is where I stopped playing and where I'm leaving it off! The only block left to get is the red wool, and I assume it's in that giant room, so I'm almost done with the map!
BTW, Hybran, will you reply to my update? I want to know that you read it.
Thanks for reading, everyone! Tune in next time for another adventure in Kaizo Caverns!
Deathcount: Still only 1
Thanks! (And I am sure its the host because when I just play a vanilla randonly generated map rather then a costom map it works 100% fine)
Thankyou for Reading!
I'm having this same exact issue. I'm going to guess that it's due to the new lighting tweaks in 1.2 and how MCEdit'd worlds have weird lighting conditions.
Well that isn't very nice >_> some of us just don't post much. I like reading what other people have to say more than discussing things myself, (though I'm trying to fix this) and I'm certain there are more people like that. Not everyone with a low post count are noobs. At least, that's what you seem to be implying, anyways.
And as long as I'm posting, I might as well ask if there's netherwart in Nightmare Realms again. Nobody responded to my question a few pages ago, and I can't find any information on it.
There is. You have to look in the little corridors in the wall that are in around the middle of the room in the wall. There should be a small intersection.
The Citadel of Demons was so, so evil. I died twice in there before getting the red wool. I'm too tired to write exactly what happened in the Citadel, but I used pistons to get to the wool. The cheaty ghasts, though, had other plans. They somehow blasted me through a block, and that somehow blasted me through the floor. Argh! I did get the red wool, though.
The whole map felt like a real journey. It wasn't a too long map, but it wasn't too short either. I thought that, because there were only 3 intersections, it would feel like a small map, but the distance between Planar Warp, the Citadel of Demons, and spawn felt very large, even if it actually wasn't.
Here's the victory picture!
Wow, I can't believe it's over. I think I'm going to play Nightmare Realms next, or maybe Sea of Flame II. Wish me luck!
Oh, and one more thing-- if you read my progress updates and saw this last post too, will you reply to me saying "Nice job" or something? I feel like my posts were getting lost in the sea of people complaining about download links and Minecraft 1.2 breaking things. If you read my progress updates on the map, thank you very much!
Anyway, guys, it's been a great journey. See you on the next map!
Dude, i just beat Kaizo Caverns the other day, nice job. I know what you went through
Thanks! I'm actually not amazing at the maps either, but usually a lot of tunnel ratting and using tactical things like TNT and pistons gets me through pretty well.
BTW, the red wool is
NOW you see why I didn't post wool recounts. I went straight in from the sides and got blown off by the skeletons, then I finally got onto it. Getting in was easy with diamond armor and stuff and pillaring. I got to the start again by Ghast fireball MLG prostyle jumping. Anyway, nice job, but Intersection 3 was hard for me because
Also, nice job revealing your secret.