The bonus layer seems to be the problem - think about it. When the game converts the world to Anvil, (I'm guessing) it reads layers 0-128, and converts them. But then, the game notices there is an extra layer - which it has no idea what to do with. At this point, it probably freaks out - and when it tries to do the emergency save, the world, which is now incompatible with Anvil (and maybe even the old version) becomes corrupted.
Well I know all that. My question was, for the sake of confirmation that is is just the world conversion: "Does the bonus MCedit layer created on an anvil world also cause problems? Or is it specific only to the old format to anvil conversion?" Because for all I know, something could have been changed in Anvil that would cause the MCedit bonus layer on an Anvil - 256 world to have problems. Testing, in the name of science.
Danger zone.
Grats on 1000th post, btw.
Have you tried backdating an already Anvil world (with blocks on BONUS LAYER)to a mcr world? I'm assuming it thinks that the top layer doesn't exist and basically thinking that all blocks are transparent, that may be causing the light problems and block update problems. It may just be that holy **** it doesn't know what's happening with the blocks and spazzing out like ****. Putting blocks on layer 257 in an anvil world may cause SOME **** to happen but I don't know what could possibly come out of it, don't have MCEdit on me at the moment.
I haven't tried that, but I can only assume the universe would collapse in on itself and we'd be forced to eat through a straw for the rest of our unnatural lives, because we'd all be turned into gods shaped like Pink Unicorns with broken horns.
Danger zone.
Sorry. I guess I was more elaborating on the problem than directly answering your question.
I'm not entirely sure, but the game might possibly read only the .mcr file, which is left behind after converting the world, hence, only blocks below layer 128, and ignore the .mca fil completely. Just a guess.
Then again, it is also quite likely that the save would be corrupted entirely.
I plan to pump out episodes daily depending on my work schedule, look forward to future updates!
Oh man, I totally misinterpreted your question and just spent about an hour digging through the converter's source code (Mojang released it a few weeks ago or so). haha.
I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with the converter itself. It all comes back to the lighting engine. If you ever derped around a little on top of a mcedited world then you probably noticed the lighting was weird up there. The tops of layer 127 blocks were always very dark no matter what the light level logically should have been. Layer 126 blocks, the proper build limit, were all lit correctly.
Honestly, I'm surprised this didn't cause any other bugs up until now.
The anvil converter copies over everything all the way up to and including layer 127, all of that bad light data as well. Copying bad data makes bad things happen. XD
Anyway, I took my working copy of Kaizo Caverns and used the new mcedit to fill layer 255 (the new 'bonus' layer) with bedrock.
The map seems to still be working fine. No crashes or the like.
However, the tops of the layer 255 blocks also seem to have just as glitchy lighting as the layer 127 blocks used to have.
Personally, I think it would be best to just not use the 'bonus' layer. Continuing to do so would be just asking for something like this to happen again.
I finished it in 1.1. I haven't updated to 1.2 yet because Anvil will mess up all my maps and I'm waiting on an update to existing maps before updating to 1.2.
I never play survival Minecraft anymore, only custom maps. So until I come across a custom map which requires the new content, I don't patch Minecraft. I have an addon, Minecraft Magic Launcher, which makes it so the game will only update a patch when I specifically tell it too.
EDIT: Since the fix for maps so that they can update to the Anvil format is so simple... just removing layer 127, I'll probably wait for a Super Hostile map I haven't finished yet to be updated, then update to 1.2 I mean I could fix it myself, but I've never used MCEdit before.
EDIT: Looks like Hybran's suggestion of Kaizo or Infernal Sky will be my Let's Play. Sounds as good as anything else, I haven't seen a video of either done in a while.
EDIT: And I agree with Kamyu. With 254 layers, I see no reason to try and put things on the 255th bonus layer. It's just asking for later glitches when some part of the game's code is changed.
The blackened library was really hard though. We should have gone to the crystals first for armor, but we went with only our man pants into the library. the blaze and the overall size really threw us off guard. we fell down to the wool with feather boots, but my friend thought the blaze spawner was a secret chest, so he towered up and activated it. we ended up towering a shield around us to shield us. We ended up running from the evil blaze. So this place was really hard. although we didn't have much armor.
The tenuous crystals were my favorite place aesthetically. The glowstone, stone brick, ghosts, it was fun to snipe the ender crystals. The wool was well protected by skeletons. I used to really hate skeletons, but now i hate blaze thanks to this map
The Rumbling Caverns were where we went next. This place was tricky, we got so overwhelmed by ghasts. so many spawned. The wool was hard to get from the lava. the axe was a nice find, but one my friend got it, he looked at an enderman and it nocked him in the lava. This place was awesome from the traps too. And the pink wool was nicely hidden and scary to get without a creeper going off.
The dark willow was very pretty from the vines. I loved the ambient lights too. The water mushroom cave was nice for food at this point. The wool here was fairly hard from the creepers, and i got lost trying to get out, but it wasn't too hard.
The Arcane enchants was amazing too. I remember rushing the blaze spawner and just destroying everyone of them. The place itself was so fun from the potions, enchantments, and cafeteria. The blaze were really hard too. nice place here, it got me exited for fall kingdom. The nether portion was really hard. I remember caving myself in next to the great, but my friend set off a creeper that destroyed the ground and i fell in lava. We ended up tunneling to the wool
The Fleece-ception was pretty cool too.
The skittering mine was really fun for the diamonds, but the tnt kinda failed. The cave spiders and silverfish made it really interesting.
The rattle bone crypts were really fun too. my friend and I would each take a lane and just run from room to room searching for chests and wool. Nice place here. very challenging.
now the Black heart citadel. this place was amazing! We made fire resistance potions, which made it fairly easy. It was still a blast to light and destroy spawner after spawner slowly advancing. The red wool was really fun to get with the bedrock fog level too. this was the most fun place overall.
SO I LOVED IT!!! Check my sig if you'd like to see my friend and my LP of it! Nice map, Can't wait for fallen kingdom and CC or Back desert.
Okay, so it's an idea for map.
So, you use the new world height to make a huge area enclosed in bedrock.
Inside it, you have a bunch of spheres of material, spaceshipes, stars, inhabitted spheres, etc.
And yes, you guessed it.
You could have a huge starmap in the starting zone, and make people create spacewalks to other places.
You could make players navigate terrain on the bottom of planets.
The red/black wool dungeon could be a nether portal in the middle of a lava black hole, complete with ghasts and blazes.
The nether could be like the early stages of the universe, where the planets are still forming, and the stars, using proximity bombs, could
These are all ideas I cam up with for a map like this.
Hope you like it!
I suppose so. Though I would doubt that Jeb has any intention of changing something like this again, if ever at all.
Posts like these annoy me because it displays a blatant disregard to even bother checking even just one page back to learn about others that might be having the problem, versus just saying what we already know.
Danger zone.
See the post above yours. Really, you think when someone LITERALLY JUST POSTED THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS NOTICED THAT you wouldn't go off and post the same thing agian.
Technically exists.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE skeletons!