Ooh, a CTM pro? Thanks, but really, I'm not. At least, I wouldn't consider myself a CTM pro. Maybe I am, though. It's all a matter of opinion!
Anyway, here's an update on Kaizo. Yes, I'm finally posting one. This is the first update so far that I've posted. This is probably going to get overshadowed by the people posting that the downloads are broken.
So, I'm going to be walking through my playing of the map very quickly, up until Intersection 2, because most of what happened at Intersection 1 wasn't all that interesting.
So, I spawned in the bedrock place! Walked through to the Lonely Lava cavern, took most of the supplies from there (even found a few hidden chests) and went on to Intersection 1, after going through the jumpy puzzle and getting the white wool. After going to Starbright Caverns, punching the tree there, making a pickaxe, and taking the enchantment table there (and getting the orange wool) I came back to the VM and started to build a humble base. Vechs, thanks a million for that enchantment table early on-- really helped me out. :smile.gif:
Yada yada, mined coal, mined stone, farmed trees, made stone pickaxe and sword, avoided various pitfalls and traps, went down to the mossy cobble dungeons, owned some spiders, blazes, and zombles like a boss, got past the cave spider spawners, and to Intersection 2. I'm ashamed of myself, but I had to go and look up the location of the magenta and yellow wools. I collected those wools, and that's all the wool I have right now (although I kept on playing, and I'm glad of it).
So, I went to Cavern of Sky at Intersection 2, because it sounded the least evil (and looked the least evil). I decided to go check out the hole in the floor leading to the cavern. Broke the spider and cave spider spawners, and hopped into the Nether, not knowing at all what to expect. Well, Vechs, I have something to say about the Nether area. Before you go to the Nether, you really are surviving on food from chests, and using stone tools. You aren't very well off, but after going into the Nether, you have tons and tons and TONS of supplies. There are tons of chests in that room you spawn in, in the Nether, that give you lotsa combat supplies, potions, etc. Also, there's mushrooms of both colors and netherwart, all unguarded, in the Nether, so that after you go to the Nether, you have infinite food by farming big mushrooms. This wouldn't be such a big deal to me (I mean, free stuff is good, right?) except that it's easy to pass by that little opening to the cave that leads to the Nether and, instead, go right into Cavern of Sky. Also, if you went to another area first, like the Mines, or Twisting Dark, you would have almost no resources, so it would be pretty much impossible to beat those areas!
So, all I'm saying is that you might want to move some of those supplies in the Nether to a more obvious place in the Overworld, that's guarded by spawners. It seemed a bit cheap that you could get all that stuff by the luck of whether you entered the portal or not. But anyway, it's okay because I got all those supplies anyway. But I really am glad I went to Cavern of Sky first.
So, after collecting the stuff from the Nether (but not going into that evil-looking fortress yet), I went back to the VM and farmed mushrooms because I was bored. I had plenty of bonemeal, so farming big mushrooms isn't a problem. I got 3 stacks of each type of mushroom (yeah, I know I went overboard, but I was bored, and now I have food for the rest of the map).
Then, I went into the actual Cavern of Sky cave. This is a really nicely designed area, and it's fun to go in there. Collected Rockbane from the chest, pillared up with Feather Falling boots from the beginning of the map, and mined some iron (about a stack and a half). Went back to base with Rockbane, made iron block, danced around at the VM for a while with awesome Rockbane, anddddd... went back to Cavern of Sky. I stored Rockbane safely in a chest at the entrance to Cavern of Sky, and then made a pathway up to the left, to that dark area that you can't see from the entrance of the cavern. Well, I'm glad I did, because there was tons of coal and stuff there! Score!
After lighting up that whole area (making sure it was safe for me to take Rockbane there, because I really don't want to lose that thing), I went over and mined 13 stacks of coal with Rockbane (again, I know it's overkill, but now I'll have torches and coal for the rest of the map). Rockbane is so awesomely overpowered, seriously.
After putting Rockbane and the coal safely away at the VM, I went back to Cavern of Sky yet again to investigate that little stone house to the right. Went in, purposely broke the gravel in that passageway, made a tunnel through the lava and silverfish mess, and walked across the bridge to that stone brick place. I won't bore you with the details of exploring that place, but I did and obtained the blue wool and supplies. I don't get how the blue wool was there, though, isn't that one of the last wools? I suppose, then, the pink and lime wools, and some of the other earlier ones are in Twisting Dark and Ilvern Ruins and Mines. That really sucks for people that went to those places first, because then they wouldn't have gotten the supplies from the Nether.
Anyway, that's where I stopped playing for now. 6 blocks on the monument, (5 wool, one Iron Block). I only have one death so far, and it was a stupid one too-- falling down one of those pits in Starbright Cavern (at least I recovered my stuff). So far, this is probably my favorite Super Hostile map so far, but it's insanely easy. Part of the reason it's so easy is because of those supplies in the Nether, sitting there unguarded in that room you spawn in. Without those supplies, I have a feeling that most of the beginning of the map would ACTUALLY have been nearly impossible. The fact that Vechs put the pink and lime wools, which are early on, first makes me think I wasn't supposed to have the supplies from the Nether in that part, which was kinda unfair. But anyhow, I digress.
Taking on a tradition from Hybran, here is the "picturemobile!" Click on the spoiler to see what supplies I have at my base in my chests, the VM so far, and my little base at the VM:
Please, I'd love any replies on my progress so far, because I feel like this will be overshadowed by the people posting about the download link. :sad.gif:
There's saplings, wood, dirt, and trees in Starbright Caverns. In the room with the enchanting table, there's a chest with saplings incase you don't get any from the tree. :smile.gif:
Also, there's 3 intersections, not 2, so you haven't encountered the whole thing yet. But trust me, the whole map is tons of fun, not just the first two intersections.
Wow, you started Nightmare Realm? Awesome! How many wool do you have already? I'd love to see some pics of your base, the VM, etc.
at the bottom of vechs' post there is a direct link to the mediafire page
Only one I think,
My head hurts thinking about it. It's like some sorta Klein bottle.
You're overthinking things. Based on your logic, a closet would be outside of a house.
You just lost the game.
Infernal Sky II [x]
Spellbound Caves [x]
Sunburn Islands [x]
Sea of Flame II [x]
Kazio Caverns is next on my list... get er done!
Mini-update to Nightmare Realm:
The annoying part? I went to take a screenshot of where I had tunneled around the Caves of Madness. But I had to turn on far render to see it. Upon which I noticed as soon as I took the screenshot... that I could see both the wool box and the gold from where I was standing. DERP. So the entire adventure was useless... other than letting me know there wasn't more lands on the other side of it.
Also managed to find Dungeon Bunkerstien. I had some issues with creepers blowing up, and wanted to return later better equipped. I can't see two feet in front of my face, and even torches don't light the place up well. With the horrible view distance, I keep getting turned around easily.
I went off to the ice lands place, and got the wool in the Icy Caves without anything interesting happening. After I placed it in the victory moment, I crafted the snowballs I got from creeper explosions into snow blocks, and since I was so close to Eternal Tears, I climbed out to the first two pillars and disabled the Ghast spawners. It'd probably be quicker and easier to go from the spot I reached on the side of the Caves of Madness, but honestly I prefer to try and tackle wools without skipping the majority of the challenge, even if I'm allowed to.
At this point I'm officially confused though. As best as I can tell, the wools I'm aware of are...
Home of the Swarm - 1 wool
Enderman Forest - 2 more wools in caves
Endless Tears - 1 wool
This means that I still have 6 more wools that I don't know where they are left. From what I've heard about this map before, it doesn't have a Nether section like Legendary. And unless there is something on the other side of Home of the Swarm, or Endless Tears, that would mean all 6 remaining wools are somewhere in the ice lands, or there's another section of the map on the other side of the ice lands. Which either option would make the ice lands far larger than I originally thought they were.
Since Gold is in Home of the Swarm, and I seriously doubt Diamond is in the Enderman forest, that means Home of the Swarm and the ice lands are the only place left that Diamond could be located. I'm starting to get the suspicion though that there's only one diamond block on the map, enough to put it in the victory monument if you don't lose it, but not enough to craft any armor or weapons with.
I tried climbing to the bottom of a pillar in Endless Tears, with the goal of bridging out from down there, but I got hit by a Skeleton. I'm not sure if it'd be easier bridging near the ceiling where skeletons can't reach me but I'll trigger more Ghasts, or at the bottom where I'm likely to encounter more Skeletons but no Ghasts
I'm not asking for someone to tell me where the diamonds are. It's up to me to figure it out.
*brain shatters*
Karilyn.exe has encountered an error and needs to shut down.
To answer your question Vechs does consider turning void fog off cheating. He intentionally uses it in parts of his map, I think he said it somewhere in his Spellbound cave developer commentary. BTW nice update i enjoy reading them, never played NR so can't tell you anything
Try this link:
Hopefully this is a temporary issue, and they will fix it soon. MediaFire seems to have trouble redirecting.
Urban doesn't necessarily mean a modern city,it just refers to a city environment.It'll probably be a big ruined walled castle city thing.
Hey,Vechs,got any special ideas for things to do with the increased world height coming in 1.2?
I know you do.
I've got a few myself for you.
How about a map set in a grassy,slightly hilly set of rolling plains,with nothing around but grass for miles(with no resources below the surface,just being a few layers of dirt to bedrock),having the real parts of the map take place within a HUGE,dark and rather haunted wizards's tower?
How about that thing you said in one of your Spellbound Caves video where you're stuck on the side of a block,on the side of a stupidly tall cliff,leading to a drop into water?
How about having a map using the normal 128 block height for about the first half of the map,with a bedrock layer underneath,and having the transition to "chapter 2" of the map(like the Nether part in Legendary)be accesible by an Obsidian Caves or something area leading down under the bedrock layer,with signs saying things like "The nightmare's only just begun..." with the cave opening up to a massive,dark vista giving an impression similar to the one that you got when you saw the underground in Black Desert the first time,possibly switching genre in the process(the map begins a Linear-Branching and becomes an Open World map after the transition).
How about remaking Canopy Carnage but with even bigger trees holy **** that would be amazing
Yeah, I know. I'd just been expecting a modern city when he said urban, not the medival style, and was wondering if in his commentaries he'd said anything. I don't watch them because I might actually play Spellbound Caves.
You just lost the game.
At this point, my great fear is that there is only one wool inside that chest, and that a stray skeleton might somehow manage to knock me off on the return trip. I'm tempted to go and aid guard rails to the entire bridge if it turns out to be true. That wouldn't take me too long, though it would use 3 times the materials. I have tons of sandstone that I got from tunneling around the edge of the Caves of Madness.
So I climb back out to where I was before, and start to try and go around the pillar, when I see something terrible in the distance. The wool box has two ghast spawners around it. This picture also captures the ghast spawner which killed me previously on the pillar to the left, though it's a little hard to see.
Unfortunately I also realized that I apparently did not identify the block type correctly from such a far distance, and that the glowstone was not illuminating Gold ore after all.
So I did the thing any sane person would do... Try and disable the spawner on my current pillar. I kill two ghasts as I climb up around it to the spawner, when a 3rd spawns directly in my face. I fire at it 3 times, and somehow miss all three times. Jeb really needs to fix the Ghast hitbox, and it finally managed to blow up the block under my feet.
Sandstone is not sufficient for the task at hand. WE MUST BRING OUT THE COBBLESTONE. 3 dead ghast's later, a cobblestone walkway around the stalactite, a cobblestone pillar upwards, I had destroyed the ghast spawner, and was sprinting wildly back down the bridge, as the half dozen ghasts that I had failed to kill were firing after me. Went and restocked on cobblestone since I was now out, and waited for the ghasts to despawn. One ghast spawner down, two to go.
With a new stack of cobblestone I started a staircase up towards the wool box. Got about 10 blocks away from a spawner when a ghast spawned and managed to knock me off. Should've built better rails.
Now, FYI, I'm doing this entire thing ass naked. Which is proving to be wise, as there's no real chance of me dying from anything other than falling into the void.
Keeping some better railings this time, I learned a new technique for spawners. Spawners seem to take about 15 seconds to fully charge. They spin slowly, and speed up over time. You can back out of their spinning range though, and when you step back in they spin at the same speed.
So what I started doing was bridging forward, as the spawner spun, counting up to about 10 seconds. Then I would go back down my bridge to the edge of the spawner's range, and wait for it to spawn a Ghast, then I'd step out of range and kill the ghast. This way, the spawners didn't have a chance to spawn multiple Ghasts on me, and I had all the time in the world to kill it, and I'd have a full 15 seconds to bridge out again.
Repeat 3 times, and I accidentally had a ghast catch me on fire. I had to retreat down the full length of my bridge to get to a place safe enough to have the fire burn out and regain my health, but then I skillshotted the ghast, and finished up my bridge and destroyed one of the two spawners. Since I was now within range of the second spawner, it spawned a ghast which spewed a ton of flame charges at me, and took me a while to locate. Now it was as simple as repeating the trick a second time. Only took two ghast kills this time to destroy the spawner.
I poked my nose inside the wool box and found 9 Magenta wools. My fears were luckily unfounded. Crossing the starting island to the victory monument, I got a strange feeling, turned around, and saw a creeper that somehow had managed to follow me, and killed him. I'm not sure when I developed this sorta 6th Creeper Sense, but I'm not complaining. I'm a little surprised this is the third wool, but then again the order of the wool on this map has been surprising me all game. The ease of the wool was probably worthy of being the third wool though.
All things considered, with a little bit of brains, I managed to make this dungeon anything but "Eternal Tears"
I was still curious about the glowstone, so from the wool box, I examined the area, and I could see something under the glowstone in the darkness which I hadn't been able to see before. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm going to have to bridge out there and check it out. You can see it about 10 blocks above and below my cursor. It might not be possible to see if you don't have high contrast on your monitor; try looking at your monitor from an angle. I don't know what it is, but it's definitely not bedrock.
Took a stack of cobble, and underestimated the distance, because I couldn't reach still. But what I did see was that it was better than gold ore. It was gold blocks! Hundreds of them. With that, I could have a lifetime supply of powered rails. Since gold blocks are 9 gold bars, that will make powered rails significantly cheaper for me to produce than normal rails. I have a feeling I'll be using these to help get the last few wool back to the victory monument, once I start hitting the single-chance wools.
Sadly, all the leaves on the map appear to be birch leaves, so I can't make a lifetime supply of golden apples.
The weird thing was, there was also snow blocks mixed in with the gold. For what reason? I'll never know. But I had originally thought they were ghast spawners, due to the similar color. I grabbed 18 blocks of gold before I heard the cries of a demonic aborted fetus. Crap, guess there was a ghast spawner in here after all. Well, I didn't have enough cobblestone to make a protection against falling to my death, and I had no idea where the spawner was. So this was going to turn ugly fast.
No reason to be greedy, let's get the **** outta there. Hauled ass as the Ghast fired at me, but it missed every time. I returned to the first stalactite and ascended. Right at the very top, I heard the twang of a skeleton, and I looked around trying to figure out where the shot came from, when a second arrow hit me and knocked me back. I held forward as hard as I could, and landed on a lower level of my staircase without dying. I crept slowly back up the staircase, and managed to locate the skeleton before he saw me again. Three sniper shots later, and he was dead. I trotted down, and gained my second victory monument point.
I was singing this song the entire time, FYI...
♬ Oh ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road, ♬
♬ and I'll be in Scotland before ye. ♬
♬ But me and my true love will never meet again, ♬
♬ on the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. ♬
What base? All I see is a single chest, a furnace, bed and crafting bench.
The snow isn't just that little cave, it's more than that.
maybe i'm doing something wrong, PROBABLY NOT but please, check it out.So, i tried to download Sunburn Islands for version 1.1, but the download link goes to just mediafire.com, not the especific link to the ACTUAL download of the map.
maybe i'm doing something wrong, PROBABLY NOT but please, check it out.So, i tried to download Sunburn Islands for version 1.1, but the download link goes to just mediafire.com, not the especific link to the ACTUAL download of the map.
maybe i'm doing something wrong, PROBABLY NOT but please, check it out.