Enjoy making Canopy Carnage II without MCedit? :huh.gif:
anyone who can figure out who I once was gets a diamond
Quick! Do what I, and many, many others have done in situations similar to this multiple times in the past!
don't push it....
A wild Goreae appeared!
Goreae used Overused Question!
It's not very effective...
Go, Isaac!
Isaac used Logic.
It's super effective!
Goreae fainted!
Normally, I hope I'm a fairly polite person, but I'm really sick of seeing people post this over and over. Can't they read? If they took enough time to read the new difficulty ratings, why in the world couldn't they also read the criteria for the difficulties?
Sigh. What a world we live in.
EDIT: Hey, I have the Stuck at Home badge! Exactly 413 posts! Cool!
Especially when Vech's had just mentioned this in one of his most recent videos.
even if no one bothered to update mcedit there could still be new maps they just couldn't take advantage of the new height.
There's non McEdit minecrft editers. Voxel Sniper, World Edit. There's probably more. And people can update McEdit withiot codewarrior. I shall firmly stand by my opinion that you are melodramatic and overreacting..
Technically exists.
I really hate all of these people complaining about McEdit going away. READ THIS: MCEDIT IS NOT GONE, IT IS SIMPLY THAT DEVELOPMENT HAS STOPPED This means that good old Vechs still has the old McEdit. (And can therefore still have us die in a fire/ pile of silverfish.
Thanks and have a great day!
TkTech is working on a continuation, but he sees cleaning up the code as a higher priority than adding new features. I've taken a look myself and there is definitely work to be done.
If you know how to program in Python (and you're relatively confident you won't destroy things), you could actually help. But otherwise your best bet is to wait and do nothing.
WorldEdit is a very nice tool and can make more "natural" looking terrain than MCEdit, but it's not as powerful.
Isaac gained 2338 EXP Points!
Isaac grew to Lv 79!
I don't know about Vechs, but if it's harder you're looking for, I think I could fancy something harder.
Danger zone.
atm, mcedit does not work with ANY MAPS that use the new anvil format, but now it's open source, so someone will pick up the torch and carry it to the end of minecraft itself.
anyone who can figure out who I once was gets a diamond
Have you done Ragequit Holidays?
You just lost the game.
I personaly haven't, but captain sparkelz faild 7 times playing through it. that means he would have died 7 times playing it
anyone who can figure out who I once was gets a diamond
Nah, if he had did it full legit... well, I don't know if he'd be able to do it full legit. It's a rare thing. 7 times would be a small fraction of the legit deaths. And accident here, a screw-up there. It would add up.
Danger zone.
We've acknowledged that. As well as he didn't finish development, he discontinued development.
Danger zone.