Oh, now you've gone and done it.
I really hope Vechs won't read this topic for a few days. If he does, we're screwed.
Now I have to restart.
I was at the skittering mines, too.
(Don't you hate it when you forget things?)
MCedit. There's an unstable version for 1.1 I believe, along with an Ender Crystal schematic on the creator's thread. If you aren't familiar with this, you may want to read up on MCedit before attempting.
Danger zone.
Awesome, thanks!
CTM Maps beaten: SOF2, IS2, SI, SC, Rugged Horizons, From Ashes, Decent into Darkness Currently playing: Kaizo
I don't think climbable vines are going to break Cenote of the Apprentice because you need a block behind them to go up
How so?
All it does there is give you a potential alternate route up.
A route that requires you to be around the edge. Where all the dark spots are. Where all the monsters spawn.
You can only climb vines that are against blocks (vines in the open still slow your fall though).
Going based off that, it's going to make it tougher for people who are new to SH maps, because they'll be all HURR CAN CLIMB VINE FAST WILL END MAP FASTURR, and then get shot by a skellie while climbing vines and just be confused and sad.
Cats on cats on cats in space.
Quick! Everybody report that post so it's removed before Vechs sees it!! D:
I second that! Canopy Carnage 2, here we come!
full hearts of damage. it can't kill you because poison doesn't depleat all of your hearts and leaves you with a minimum if half a heart left. A bit like the poisonous head crabs from half life.
A reckoning is not to be postponed indefinitely. Lacre cannot bury the law. All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
Only maps I'm frustrated with are Canopy carnage and the underwater map. Canopy was built toward the bottom of the map, so bedrock fog is everywhere. Makes the map really scary. :sad.gif:
Problem is, zombie flesh is far more common than spider eyes. Why bother with spidey eyes when I've got 50 flesh items in my chest?