Ellie: Who says that I'm not?
- The Last of Us
Single-player commands, it's also how he gives you the Knockback X sign on Rage quit holidays, the highest any enchantment can go is V, with Single-player commands it's like 126, so you could get a sign with Knockback XXXX which would send a Giant to the other side of the galaxy.
Also, I realized that with the diving helmets, we're one step closer to a remake of The Endless Deep. Corals, an underwater enemy mob, and you should be set to do it, Vechs. :smile.gif:
I beg to differ, sir. i beat the Flaming Sea with a laugh and a prayer.
Went back to Spellbound caves today, continuing my playthrough of this lovely little map. Got a few more pieces of wool today, not too hard yet.
When you laugh, I laugh (or go 'O.o why is that funny?').
When you laugh, my friend Dara yelps and hides under the table.
When you fail, I laugh.
When you fail, Dara cheers.
When you die, I facepalm.
When you die, Dara cheers more.
Whenever you say something, I do different things depending on what you're saying/what I'm doing.
Whenever you say something, Dara whimpers or at least looks scared.
So you can tell that my opinion of you is very random, and Dara is absolutely terrified of you.
Random statement that (sort of) connects to what I've been talking about: I will be putting #10 on my server once my friends get back on.
Thank you Vechs.
Nice video length. xD
um I think spoilers would be good here (I put some in for you)
Sea of Flames II complete!
Stupid Dismal Deep Darkness...
Can anyone help me? Co-ords? A map of the place?
I know what it looks like btw, that's what YouTube is for.
CTM Maps beaten: SOF2, IS2, SI, SC, Rugged Horizons, From Ashes, Decent into Darkness Currently playing: Kaizo
After finishing SH#10 I need moar :/
Oh sorry didn't even think about it, adding them now.
I believe Sea of Flames II, Infernal Sky II, and Kaizo Caverns are all balanced for 1.0.
Plus rage-quit holidays. :wink.gif:
It gives the impression that with blocks and ladders I should be able to build downwards.
Is this possible? If so, can someone link a youtube video on the technique 'cause no matter how much 'shift' I use to sneak, I can't build straight down.