>: D
Gotta love those slimes. :biggrin.gif:
Vechs probably won't use the Enderdragon, purely because it's terrain-phasing abilities means it can destroy practically anything it wants, including wool. Probably the "Red Dragon", which seems to be normal, would be a better candidate.
They're not currently a problem anymore, check my main thread :tongue.gif:
Danger zone.
If Vechs just puts that wool in the End, it won't be destroyed before the player gets there. Since Enderdragons can't destroy obsidian (Wierd, right?) Vechs can put in a Nether portal in the End for the exit. It should work, and if it doesn't it would definely add a new challenge to a map. Also, we don't know if Red Dragons will be hostile, nuetral, or even passive!
One last thought: Since End portals instantly transport the player to the End, it can be a very effective trap. Just drop people into an unescapeable bedrock box in the End. Or somewhere else which would be difficult, if not impossible to safely escape from.
You just lost the game.
Enderdragons may not destroy obsidian, but they can still go through it.
So no obsidian would be destroyed, just the chest inside.
Oh, and thanks for the trap idea. :biggrin.gif:
(Nether portal exits require hacked in portal blocks, unless something was changed in 1.9_pre5. So that's not exactly a good idea, considering what happened to Kaizo Caverns.)
Red had an idea.
Danger zone.
Legendary highlights:
I almost got across the lava moat at the humble start by using signs to divert the water to it. I didn't get it all the way across but I'm pretty sure it can be done.
I survived every trap except the greenhouse in the East Commons. I even managed to defuse one and take the TNT, but most I blew up trying to do that. Oh, and I found and disabled the unspeakably evil trap.
I found the VM before getting any wool because it showed up on a map of the East Commons. I dug through the wall and bam. Because of this, I did caves of confusion backwards and was very disappointed to find junction 2 at the end.
I did Pain Water the old fashioned way, in about a dozen tries. Actually, I did it twice. The first time a skeleton shot me into the lava on the way back to the victory monument.
I made a nether wormhole from the VM to the magma zone. It wasn't easy figuring out how to do this. The trick was to deactivate all portals in the nether with TNT and then suicide. Then I created a portal at the VM with lava and water. This created a new portal in the nether about 100 blocks from the old one. I reactivated the old portal in the nether and built a road between them. This was much faster than taking a minecart all the way across the map.
I managed to spread grass from the chicken coop. I made a dirt trail all the way to the East Commons but it was so slow that I finished the map before it got there. There was no real purpose to this, I just wanted to see if it could be done.
How is the unspeakably evil trap supposed to be triggered?
Why did you give me stacks of bedrock?
Anyway, thanks for making this map. It was so much fun that I can't even play vanilla Minecraft anymore. I can't wait to play Nightmare Realm.
Speaking of which that'd be a pretty cool map idea, make a Super Hostile Map Hardcore style that would be deviously evil because one death and it's all over.
That's a pretty cool idea. Maybe after Bedrock Hell, or Vechs could do it after SH #10? Hmm...
RFW - #03 - Ender Destruction
I have a server that can be used.
If you have a team or are looking to join a team let's get this going.
Not sure how we'll organize this, possibly use a topic for people to post they are looking for a team and have people gather members from that.
Actually that sounds good, let's use this thread. Post that you're looking for a server or gather people to form a team.
Latest MC video (forum link): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/show-your-creation/videos/lets-plays/2390805
I think I should start with the easier maps
It probobly wont happen, but kaizo was the first map i actually beat, start to finish. Its also the thing that first introduced me to zisteau, who i now see as among some of the best most entertaining people on youtube. It sounds kinda stupid sometimes as its just a map in a video games but i have some good memories in this map, and id like to see another round of it.
And not even something thats more epic like legendary or nightmare realm, but a true sequal. Something that dosnt set out to diminish its predecesour but build on it and become its own thing.
By the way, how long do these maps take to build?! They're freaking HUGE!
Reason being thumbs down can deter viewers..
And I thought the Haunted Mines were ridiculous...
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE skeletons!
Legendary took Vechs about 60 hours.
Seems fun=D
Problem is, they could just spam out so much they destroy the spawners, and maybe themselves.
Technically exists.