Mm. I had to venture into a flooded dungeon to find dye for the Brown Wool.
When going through the pyramid, I found a random item brown wool. One wool down, 2 ore blocks down!
Technically exists.
I found that to!!!
I was in the corridors when I rounded a corner and saw a brown block on the ground. Heard the plop pick up noise, checked my inv and low and behold....Brown wool. lol
So I guess I'm the second conqueror. I didn't actually need to go to any of the structures Vechs put in, although if I'd known there was a chest with Brown Wool inside I definitely would've paid a visit. It was a pain trying to get Cocoa Beans - in the end I used MCEdit to find a dungeon. It was flooded with water, though, so no mobs there.
Otherwise it was quite fun. There was some gravel on the roof on the rail line which I had to be careful not to activate, so as to block up the rail line. I actually obtained about 50 iron from the walls of the tunnels, so if you need a quick ore fix there's a place to go.
At one point Minecraft crashed while I was riding a minecart, and when I reloaded the map an infinite number minecarts were going along the track, one after the other. Probably a glitch.
P.S. If we refer to Super Hostile as "SH" for short, would Super Docile make it "SD"?
EDIT: Oh, I forgot:
ACHIEVEMENT GET: Frugality - Didn't eat a single piece of food through the entire map (though I stockpiled a ridiculous amount of Beef).
ACHIEVEMENT GET: Zistonian - Keep a sign in the hotbar through the entire map.
P.P.S. I also get why it's called Hills of Moo now - too many cow spawners!
it's because the place is covered with
I feel like limited tools in the beginning and being forced to use wood tools for almost the whole map would make it much more difficult and meet the status of rom hack hard. I feel too many people can beat the rom hack hard maps atm and it should be as you stated "You will never beat this map, you will only occasionally hear about someone else who did."
Anyways, my VM now looks like this:
Also I decided to keep track of my deaths and how I died. Click the spoiler if you can't read the signs and/or if you want to find out how I continue to unintentionally kill myself.
Death 2-5: Caused by starvation. (I was hoarding food instead of eating it...)
Death 6: Caused by Ninja Ghast. (I got the orange wool back to the VM, then I went back to the ribbon spire to see if I could disable the ghast spawners. I placed some torches everywhere, and a ghast spawned and flew out the opening. I chased him, then another ghast killed me from behind. (It could have been the same ghast though. I never did see that ghast again, but that means that ghast was very intelligent. It went around the entire spire just to catch me off guard...)
Death seven: Caused by Void. (I was walking on the clay path to the snowy area that apparently causes crashes, shooting arrows into the swarm of mobs that had spawned on it. I took a step forward and fell downwards. I lost my first bow there. :sad.gif: I did kill every mob except for one or two on the clay path though. :tongue.gif:)
Death eight: Caused by Ninja Creeper. (I was walking somewhere then a creeper killed me. Nothing special.)
Death nine: Caused by falling into the lava bridge. (A few pages back I posted an image of my wheat farm, cobblestone generator and failed attempt to make a fishing pool with one water source. I had to move the lava to where it would be convenient for me, and since I had no way to get the lava, I decided to make a bridge for the lava to get it to where the water was. About halfway through the project, I fell into the lava. I managed to jump out, but I burned to death shortly afterwards.)
Death ten: Caused by falling off the lava bridge. (The lava bridge was almost completed at this point. My shift key stopped working for a moment and I fell down onto the clay path, between to pillars of flowing lava. (I almost fell into the hole that caused death seven.))
Death eleven: Caused by shooting self off a bridge. (This is embarrassing... I made a bridge up to the light gray wool, set the tree on fire and grabbed the wool. On my way down I thought it would be fun to shoot some creepers. Just after killing the last one, I right clicked for a second and shot a bow. I shouldn't have kept walking down the stairs, but I did. I defied physics by shooting myself in the back with an arrow I shot forwards which knocked me off the bridge I made. I did manage to recover my items though.)
Only two of my deaths so far have been caused by mobs and only one of them has been because of the map. The rest were caused by me being far too carefree and stupid. DX
Anyways, I know have four pieces of wool and a block of iron. Not much, but it's more then I've ever had on any CTM map before.
...you need the ores fir the metal bloccks... derp.
im pretty sure its real men play Any Map By Vechs.
Well, this is confusing.
Edit: Pic now works.
And real woman BEAT every map played by Vechs
XD had to
Or you could craft the block out of ingots (or gems). Or you could find the block itself in a chest.
You don't need special ore just for the block.
It's disappoint, not dissapoint.
What makes a man?
Also nice triple post. :tongue.gif:
This is true.
*looks at ZombieCleo*
Wait wait wait.
Played by Vechs?
You don't need iron or diamond mines to have metal blocks? Nightmare realm only has two diamond blocks (at least from what I found.) So he could implement this set up for iron as well? I just think a map where you're forced to use a wooden sword would actually be super challenging and would make a map truly rom hack hard.
Also it gives more opportunities for dungeons. You don't know whether your going into a wool dungeon or a dungeon with 10 iron ingots. This would make any move you make more strategic or you'd be ****ed.
While the wooden sword does have less durability, there is still the crappily designed "jump and strike" critical hit system which makes fighting alot easier. Maybe golden swords instead? They seem like crap.