Are you playing on 1.8?
Edit: Also, what did the signs next to the yellow wool box say? A creeper blew them up before I could read them. :sad.gif:
Super Hostile maps I've completed: Spellbound Caves (Yeah, I pretty much suck.)
Starting a map over and making periodic backups of your progress are two very different things.
Those would be blaze spawners. They only work on 1.9.
(There may also be some human spawners which 1.8 or 1.9 broke, but the ones at the castle are definitely blazes.)
You sure there even is one? He only added a modified nether in 1.1 because people made portals and got more lava.
Just started Nightmare realm gotta say I love the challenge.
I hope you mean replay them. Anyways, they work, but any traps involving chests and block updates no longer work.
You just lost the game.
He has or you have? Either way, :sad.gif: I thought I had something no one else had thought of yet. Btw, cool "Tarzan Trap" and name.
You just lost the game.
I mean do I need to start all th map again? or just quit?.. I wanna my pink wool >_<
Well you could admit defeat, or dye a white wool, if you can manage to do so...but you'd be forever in the hall of SHAME.
Danger zone.
Well, as you accidentally blew up the chest and the wool there ain't really anything you could've done about it, so I say you either dye or spawn in the wool.
I've been playing your maps since Sea of Flame 1. I'm sure it's no surprise to you or ANYONE else (May even be a compliment to you) that your map making skills have increased massively since you first started; you've learned what works, what doesn't, what challenges are fun and what ones are just tedious.
My question is as follows: Do you have any plans to go back to your 'roots' for one map, and create a "pure" survival SH map with the new skills you've acquired?
What I mean by that is a map that goes back to your old saying of 'the victory monument is a secondary objective, giving the player somethign to do besides surviving'. While it is no doubt that your new maps are a BLAST to play and some of the best CTM maps out there (You DID create the genre), i would still love a new map like Canopy Carnage or Black Desert, maps you can set up on a server or as a world for purposes beyond a CTM game, that still offer more (sadistic) challenge than your regular minecraft.
EDIT: Also, recently you've started completely limiting player access to certain things for challenge: I'm thinking fluids in Nightmare Realm specifically (at least, i haven't found any at my current point). While this is all fine and good, and adds great challenge to the CTM portion, have you ever considered adding them in (for those linear maps) a chest near the 'final' wool as "endgame content", should the player desire to build more on said world?
I mean...it just seems redundant to break some of it, reload Minecraft, and break some more just to make it easier to see.
According to the README:
You could dye a wool, or spawn one in, but that would make it a hollow, unfulfilling victory.
I'd say keep going, but if you don't want to cheat you'll have to accept 18/19. :sleep.gif:
Thanks, but i was talking about Sunburn Islands..
Btw, the release of the maps is like this?:
1.Super Hostile 00
2.Super Hostile 01
3.Super Hostile 02
4.Super Hostile 03
5.Super Hostile 04
6.Super Hostile 05
7.Super Hostile 06
8.Super Hostile 07
9.Super Hostile 09
10.Super Hostile 08
If yes, why he released Sunborn Islands before Nightmare Realm but called Nightmare Realm 08 and Sunburn Islans 09?
When Vechs started Nightmare Realm, he put up a vote for what kind of map people wanted. While waiting for the results, he made Sunburn Island. So Sunburn was released first, but work began on it after work began on Nightmare Realm.
One compromise solution would be to download a fresh copy of Legendary, and copy/past a fresh Starbright cavern into your save with MCedit. You aren't resatrting the whole map, but you'll still have to legitimately overcome the cavern's challenges.
I know Vechs is against using mods (Except a few, namely his alchemy mod, the one that allows handheld torches to give off light and possibly the "Endermen don't pick up blocks" mod.) But what about the most basic of utilities?
Namely I am asking of this: Can I use the Too Many Items mod to spawn in a stack of flint and at the same time delete a stack of gravel I have? Because manually converting a stack of gravel into flint takes forever. Or at least at a 1:2 or ever a 1:4 ratio (1 stack of flint for every 2-4 stacks of gravel used.) If someone could answer this question to me on whether or not such a basic utility would count as cheating, that would be great.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE skeletons!