Special project I'm working on right now:
Obligatory link to my puzzle adventure map.
Also, anyone know where to find magenta wool on infernal sky II?
Also, congrats on 500 pages. Heres some of my maps progress:
He said it would be more about exploration and setting up permanent, well-functioning bases than his other maps. In for example Legendary you would always be on the move and there would never be any reason to build all those cool things you'd want in a proper base, but he wanted that to be possible in 10. That's what I can remember from whatever post I read thousands of pages ago. I assume and think it is open-world too.
You can only hide pistons around the edges, so at least one of the sides of a removable floor pit must be only two blocks long or wide, which makes for a very easily escapable trap.
But I have plans for pistons.
Zisteau? Are you listening? Your weapon has become 250% more potent.
Excellent use of the Slowpoke meme.
Danger zone.
Somehow I managed to not lose a single item going through it. No wait, lost the minecart that you provided to get there but I don't think that there is a way to save that.
Loved the dropping the minecart through a block mechanic. I have never seen it before and It's an awesome way of making a 1 way door.
You do have a slight bug with it. I managed to get through a second time, rather sneakily I might add, using some also interesting minecart mechanics :wink.gif:.
Didn't manage to get anything new the second time through tho, also your pixel art skills are top notch although I was surprised at the use of torches for illumination.
done that so far, only 2 deaths (Canopy carnage)
Twitter: @itsMCrew
I am trying to imagine a castle that goes from top to bottom of the map with caves and catacombs under it.....boss rooms, very few safe areas and at the very top a mob spawner that pops out....Vechs. We all fail.
All I ask...think about it. ^^
/Joe Hills refrence.
Beaten SH maps: 00, 01 ver 1 and 2, 03 ver 1, 04, 07 (YAY) and 08 I didn't finish. All except the non-existent red wool.
Ok i will play super hostile with you pm me your server ip
Several pages ago everyone (OK, at least three people and their supporters) had some ideas for a castle themed map, or at least a section of one. So I kind of expect that to be a map in the near future. Also, Vechs, if you make a map based on a Castle you may want to look up actual castle design and defense structures.
You just lost the game.
Wouldn't that be the training map? :tongue.gif:
You just lost the game.
Thanks for the Obsidian.
Danger zone.