Things like this make all my efforts worthwhile.
My favorite method is to go around the side wall, and use the "What do you think you are doing?" sign to just block the lava when it comes down, and continue around the edge. I like the irony of using that specific sign to stop the lava.
thats not legit or allowed. u used the SMP spawn for SSP. you technically actually cheated [STAY OUT POIROT] but in a way its legit and very smart, only you broke the rule. vechs, u should make it so u can only go out of the smp water and not in
lol vechs u should LP ur maps, Map Dev vs. Map
Herp derp.
I don't know why I didn't do that -- I could easily just remove the top 5 or so water blocks from the SMP pillar, and call it a day.
Oh well. It's not really a big deal how the player gets to intersection 01.
Well , seconded . It IS a good idea and would certainly have stopped me from swimming up the water column to investigate the roof of Legendary's world .
Ninja'd by Vechs . Yes , that would work as well but why leave even a 5 block gap ? A 1 or 2 deep depression and a sign indicating a Jump down point for the SMP players would be good .
Start the Multi-player experience with a leap of faith .
Wow... I feel like a super dumb-ass right now... :sad.gif: ... But! Point for you Vechs for making me look stupid! :laugh.gif:
You could have even used it as an extra troll.
Make what looks like a 3x3 (or whatever size) pool of water that goes all the way to the ground, but make the water only 1 block thick and 23(?) blocks off the ground with another little one block of water somewhere between the "pool" and the ground.
If they miss the extra 1 block... *SPLAT*
LOL ! And the evil death traps just keep on coming ! < sigh > As if Vechs isn't bad enough .....
What I objected to was what my inquisitive nature uncovered from behind a wall of gravel ! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS .
EDIT : To poster above . He is working on 8 still . Its ROM hack hard and set in a nether dimension . Start to worry now my friend , start to worry now !
AT LAST I have done it. Legendary has been conquered. It took me weeks of holding down shift to place blocks over ledges but I have been successful. My tour of duty saw me killing things every way you could imagine. I've suffocated spiders with sand, punched creepers off cliffs, trapped skeletons and zombies in water until the bubbles stopped. I've pummelled pigmen with my bare hands, harpooned ghasts to a vengeful, arrow filled grave. I've even torn up the very earth on which I stood and bashed it repeatedly against the distorted faces of my foes until there groans of pain are the only thing that give away what they once were. There was seemingly no end to the means I would resort to in order to retrieve every last piece of coloured wool.
But it was not all glory and success. After reaching the black wool and safely escorting it back to the victory monument I was ready to call it quits. I had rushed to the face of evil and had no desire to return to intersection five and finish what I started. I'd been to hell and back and lived. With the most difficult wool in my possession I could claim to have won couldn't I? Alas I was mistaken. The game taunted me. Every time I told myself I had won the little voice from beyond the veil laughed back at me. So I was lured back to finish what had begun so many weeks ago. But I was rested and strengthened. I brushed aside the box and taco like so many zombies before me.
With legendary now a vacant shell, littered with the remains of my victims, I retired to the sunburnt islands, content to relax. My sword was heavy and notched by the bones of skeletons. My helmet battered by the blows of zombies. My boots stained with spider ichors, crushed underfoot. My armour dulled and ash blown from creepers who had come too close.
The suns of those sandy islands offered no respite. Again the call of battle needed me to accept the charges. But after legendary the mindless rabble of the sunburnt islands offered little resistance. Even their nether fortress was smote with ease.
Now I lie dormant, awaiting the next bastion of evil that dares to challenge me.
Now onto a more serious note: Legendary was seriously incredible. I had never thought that minecraft's rather limited combat system could hold for me such room for improvement. I have few words to say against the seventh instalment of super hostile and here they are.
Fluffy bunnies of joy: Yeah it was hard but it wasn't really very interesting especially when you compare it to its closest brother which is probably the nether fortress in sunburn island. That one had a rather interesting layout that I really enjoyed. Nether levels in general are preferable to me because normal enemies require spawners so I don't really need to worry about dark places as much.
And that's it. On a side note which do you guys fear more? An inescapable pit of lava or an inescapable void like you find beneath the bedrock. For me its the void but I don't know why.
Void . Every time . Horrible roasting death ? Pshaw ! Who fears that any more ! The aching , mind gobbling , shrieking void ? Has me trembling like a new born colt whose just realized that the playful kitty before him is actually hungry .
Ah ! Sneaky AND vicious : I LIKE IT ! Of course , this IS Vechs we are dealing with - we will be lucky if its 1 x 1 x 3 .
Nice narrative! made me read all the way :biggrin.gif:
Wow, that was quick! Thanks guys, I'll keep that in mind.