Super Hostile maps I've completed: Spellbound Caves (Yeah, I pretty much suck.)
There are a total of 7 victory blocks in the nether. 5 of them are wools.
This next story has some pretty major spoilers, so only read if you have found the brown wool.
I had a feeling that the area might be a trap so I took caution in digging up the grave. I made sure that I wasn't standing on the gravel as I dug it up, but then I realised that the whole map was covered in sand. Now I have fallen into way too many lava traps to dig up blocks anywhere near sand without making sure I'm on solid ground. The only solid ground I could see was the tombstone, and thinking I had outsmarted Vechs I jumped onto it and proceeded to dig up the gravel. Indeed the sand did collapse, but I was overcome with fear as I heard the sound of multiple TNTs. With some quick thinking I switched to my sandstone and began building a pillar up and away from the TNT, but my efforts were useless. The TNT went off after I had only placed two blocks, and those two blocks weren't enough to escape the blast radius. I flew off my tower into the remaining TNT. There was enough left to both kill me and destroy all my items.
After I respawned I came back, dug up the other tomb, and found the wool in less then a second. Some how it seems I always choose the path that leads directly into your traps. You win again.
For now.
Technically exists.
My favorite map was the Black Desert, and the Sunburn Islands. Unlike say, the Infernal Sky, it is easy to find specific challenges, but you are free to take on these challenges whenever you want.
To bad. The next map is goign to be a open-world, nether/hell/wasteland, ROMHack hard map.
Technically exists.
Actually I remember Vechs posting that the next map is not gonna be "Whatever gets the most votes.". He said that he was gonan try and get an average difficulty. Because ROM-hack and Average got almost even votes with Hard getting around 50% of each (Almost no one voted for easy), I think it's gonna be hard instead of ROMhack-hard. Who knows, he may have changed it, but I remember him saying it.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE skeletons!
Currently Playing Yogbox mods pack.
I just end up using 12 string to make a bed, 2x2 square of string = 1 wool. With the amount of spiders I seem to find, I could make a line of beds from the initial spawn to the victory monument. Just need to go back to some zones to find the wools and I'll be done with Legendary.
AE ( Astaldo Erulisse ) AKA "The Elite Clan of Win" Hath created a roller-coaster in the ROM-hack Hard map of Legendary near the Victory Monument. Please post hate mail now :3
Technically exists.
I liked Zisteau's Kazinator better.
Do you not mean instead of *trollface*
Also, Please direct me to intersection 4.
I am lost.