Plus, which direction do you reccomend to go at the first intersection?
Super Hostile maps I've completed: Spellbound Caves (Yeah, I pretty much suck.)
Why would you want to push a mob spawner block? Or were you hoping to have a sticky piston arm that pulls the spawner into a room of bedrock just out of the players reach?
Or did you want to make a tunnel of bedrock, and have pistons push the spawners out, locking the player in the tunnel untill the player manages to deactivate/destroy the spawners or gets killed.
Guess it doesn't really matter, since it doesn't work. :tongue.gif:
Also, you wouldn't happen to have some schematics for some traps would you Vechs? The only ones I can come up with are landmines and tunnel bombs that are very unlikely to be triggered.
I'd say go to east commons and make a base there
A bedrock tunnel with glowstone lighting that switches the glowstone with creeper spawners, possibly.
As soon as I reached the swamp I attempted to light up the entire ground, and I have to say that it was quite enjoyable. I love working my way through the waves of monsters pushing my torches forward, but as soon as I reached intersection 4 without even a hint as to where the wool would be, I actually felt a sense of "despair." After browsing the 4 hams I found out that the chest was hidden in a random tree, and I immediately turned my attention to intersection 4. I dreaded having to go back and search the entire cavern for a small chest, and it wasn't until I completely both the Merciless Magma Zone and Peaceful lake that I decided to finally look for it. Just as I though, the process was tedious and uneventful, and I felt no sense of accomplishment after finally finding it.
My question to everyone here is-
Does anyone else feel the same way, or am I alone in this? And Vechs what is your opinion on these random chests? An even better example would be the chests high up in random trees on Canopy Carnage. I personally can't even imagine looking for these, and they are part of the reason I gave up on that map. I knew I wouldn't enjoy looking for them, so why even try?
thats a pretty good idea
You had access to iron and flint and steel, you could have burned down the swamp.
That being said, I agree with your comments on canopy carnage- I enjoy the open worlds, but some hint as to where to look for the wool or a storyline for each piece of wool is appreciated. The hints regarding the sunken ship and the camps were good hints and gave reason to go to specific places, but beyond that, the forest was a bit too frightening to explore except at a snail's pace.
Ya, I guess I always forget that fire and lava won't destroy the chests (Crazy minecraft physics). But even then it seems like it would be hard to search out the chest in the darkness of the ceiling.
I guess it also just depends on how you like to play these maps. Like you said, you like to explore the tops of trees and build structures on them, where as I would much rather just build a small base in each area, conquer it, and move on to the next part. That's also probably why I only played an hour on both Canopy and Black Desert, and many weeks on both Kaizo and Legendary. My two cents for Vechs would be to keep the random chests out of the linear maps.
I completely agree with everything that you said, but this last idea I think is perfect. The bonus chest found while exploring can still bring excitement to the player without the frustration of exploring just to find the wool.
A personal example of this was when I was making my way through the East Commons. I saw the one giant tree in the center of the island and decided to climb up it just to explore and get a better view of the entire area...
You could have two layers of rock over a spawner and have the piston push one layer out of the way effectively opening up the spawner.
This right here is a perfect example of a well-designed map (and I mean the SH series as a video game map/level in general, I think we can all agree that the design of this series is at if not above par of most modern video game level designs). I had no idea that chest was there. I had no desire to go anywhere near that big stupid tree after Canopy Carnage. You've been rewarded for your endeavor and exploration, while I have not been punished for avoiding a tedious expedition to a location of ambiguous wool-promise.
My thoughts on the Swamp of Despair are much the same as well: the most successful games seem to make the accomplishment of the primary goal a matter of difficulty, and the highest reward a matter of exploration and completion. A thought for future SH maps: place some sort of hacked item in these difficult-to-find chests, something that can only be found in said chests, and have it be a post-monument-completion collect the several hidden whatchyamathings side-quest.
That perfectly states exactly what I would like to see in future maps. I'm not sure if this is what you were refering to by the hacked items, but I think it would be great if in a map like legendary there is a hidden chest in the nether that contains either a glitched grass block or glitched armor in a chest. It would be towards the end of the map so players won't receive these things to early, but it would be an added bonus to stick around and play the map longer. It isn't essential to find these items, but it gives the players that spend more time on the maps an added bonus.
I'm pretty sure that the chest in the tree contained the glitched armor that I found, and I thought that the armor was a great reward (even if it wasn't intentional). I often make a second save file just to mess around with the armor and take a swim in the Merciless Magma Zone.