This project took a ridiculous amount of time and energy to realize, so I thought the only way to do it justice would be to create a fitting video for it, rather than just post a bunch of jpegs. It was inspired by the massive buddha statues scattered throughout southeast Asia. The video is in 720p and I recommend watching it at full resolution with the sound turned up on your speakers or headset.
*EDIT*: no I don't use any mods or hacks, everything was mined and built legit. That's why I show the cobblestone mine in the beginning and the huge areas cleared out in the nether about halfway through.
Gamers. Whether thou be a troll or a modder, a complimentor or a criticizer, we may all come together to consecutively, and completely accurately, post the lyrics to the song "Still Alive".
Oops, I put that in the video description, forgot it in the forum post. I don't use any mods or hacks. That's part of the reason I show my bedrock level mines and nether mines where I got all the cobble and netherrack.
And why are you sacrificing pig meat to a pig god?
Not only is that the most impressive pig (legit or not) I've ever seen, but the temple around it is beautiful. And you've also made a really amazing video. When I saw the second pig, my mind was blown.
*EDIT*: no I don't use any mods or hacks, everything was mined and built legit. That's why I show the cobblestone mine in the beginning and the huge areas cleared out in the nether about halfway through.
Link to the full version:
Here's the embedded version:
And why are you sacrificing pig meat to a pig god?
The Sun rises in the North!Now these points of data make a beautiful line...
Oops, I put that in the video description, forgot it in the forum post. I don't use any mods or hacks. That's part of the reason I show my bedrock level mines and nether mines where I got all the cobble and netherrack.
We fear his wrath. We must appease him.
Good job
Simple Coords - Simply displays your coordinates.
SaturationDisplay - Displays your hidden saturation.
How to not die in a cave
And your bird can swing
But you can't hear me
You can't hear me
Hahaha god that would drive me mad, except that I have my games backed up on a thumb drive.
Time for a colossal sheep and cactus farm to get the green wool.