OK, would you like to replicate the dungeons perfectly? Because we can probably write up a slingshot script that allows for making ladders fall, having lightable deku sticks, pushable blocks without the power glove, and player velocity destroying webs.
Also, we were planning on making custom mobs anyway. Have you tried to make any yet?
Oh, btw, if you need Ocarina of Time textures at all, check out my thread, it has dumps for Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, and might be useful for making the textures =3
Damn, have you gotten some good work done, Yaroth!
I can't wait until the map comes out. Also, in AC, are you going to try to make a ridable epona? Is it even possible?
I am a HUGE OOT fan, & I would love to see this when finished! You are doingan awesome job so far from what I can tell, & I can't wait to see it, great job! :smile.gif:
I have been a huge Legend of Zelda fan since I was a child, heck, I still AM child. LoZ is huge for me, I grew up with it and I will grow old with it. I've played the very first LoZ games, and I will continue to play them and any future ones. However, my all time favorite game is Ocarina of Time. This map? What you're doing? This is beyond fantastic. This is just jaw-droppingly amazing. It made my night to see some of the videos on YouTube. I've come out of my Minecraft-forum retirement JUST to leave this reply. Once everything is completely finished, will you have a map available for downloading? I just scanned over the main post here, I was more interested in the screen shots. I'm super-nerd, you see, on top of exploring this map I do a lot of LoZ roleplaying. I also do more in-depth roleplays in recreated Minecraft worlds. I'd love to be able to use this map for roleplaying as well, it would be just. I can't even describe how happy and awesome it would be.
Even if you don't make the map available, I still thank you from the bottom of my heart for going through the effort to make all of this. This is just amazing. I'd beg to be able to help with making everything but I'm not that great of a builder. I'm a stranger to you, so this probably doesn't mean much but you have absolutely ALL of my respect for creating this. All of it. I can't wait to see this when it is 100% done. This is going to be a complete recreation, right? The dungeons will be wickedly fun. Keep up the brilliant work!
Alright so where to start! Sooooooo I got extremely pissed with AdventureCraft I had errors popping up left and right on a bunch of work I was doing that month after my last update... well let's just say I gave up on the map... but I decided to go back and well start again from the save file of the last update I posted... sooooo beginning this week I will start updating the map and finish every area that I have not done, number 1 priority in this map as of now, is to finish hyrule field. That is what i will work on for the coming days as I would love to have it finished already. For all the followers I have had this past year, thank you for the support. I will start updating the map as of tomorrow or well tonight i guess if I don't knock out.
So I was able to work on the map a bit more. Here is the gate into hyrule castle. I am using 1 type of stone for everything as a place holder. Once I have everything in place the way I want it to look. I will change it to look more colorful or whatever. Hope you all like what it looks like so far.
So I was able to work on the map a bit more. Here is the gate into hyrule castle. I am using 1 type of stone for everything as a place holder. Once I have everything in place the way I want it to look. I will change it to look more colorful or whatever. Hope you all like what it looks like so far.
Here's what everything looks like now with some details put in.
Looks really nice so far. Loving the detail you put in, vs other projects that just don't do OoT justice.
If you need some friendly faces to beta test your map and advertise for you, I'd be happy to make the first let's play video the second it is released.
So much detail in such a short amount of time. Keep it up!
Thanks, I also wanted to ask how effect blocks work, I can't seem to get them to do anything. I am working on the Great Fairy Fountain near hyrule castle, but I know the effects block can allow me to get particles to float down like in the game. I can't seem to get it to work though. Any idea?
you, sir, are ****ing awesome.
Hope this helps =)
(just kidding..... kind of, haha) :smile.gif:
Damn, have you gotten some good work done, Yaroth!
I can't wait until the map comes out. Also, in AC, are you going to try to make a ridable epona? Is it even possible?
If it is, then I'd literally start crying.
Keep up the good work, Yaroth! :biggrin.gif:
Even if you don't make the map available, I still thank you from the bottom of my heart for going through the effort to make all of this. This is just amazing. I'd beg to be able to help with making everything but I'm not that great of a builder. I'm a stranger to you, so this probably doesn't mean much but you have absolutely ALL of my respect for creating this. All of it. I can't wait to see this when it is 100% done. This is going to be a complete recreation, right? The dungeons will be wickedly fun. Keep up the brilliant work!
Looks excellent, as usual. Glad to have you back!
Haha thanks man, I missed working on this project so with the new year I decided to go back and try fixing it and I was able to so back to work!
Looks really nice so far. Loving the detail you put in, vs other projects that just don't do OoT justice.
If you need some friendly faces to beta test your map and advertise for you, I'd be happy to make the first let's play video the second it is released.
So much detail in such a short amount of time. Keep it up!
Thanks, I also wanted to ask how effect blocks work, I can't seem to get them to do anything. I am working on the Great Fairy Fountain near hyrule castle, but I know the effects block can allow me to get particles to float down like in the game. I can't seem to get it to work though. Any idea?