Forum Discussion & Info

Discussion and suggestions to the main forum and site, also solutions to any forum problems you may be having.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Current member title list >>
by PuyoDead
1,766 183,461
What to do if your thread or post has been marked as spam >>
by citricsquid
0 32,619
Frequently Asked Questions >>
by Pluto_
0 47,374
Make a users online section >>
by ZombieHorse
2 311
Trouble with signin code going to wrong old email [SOLVED] >>
by ScotsMiser
1 374
How did you guys find the Minecraft forum? >>
by hooty557
10 901
How to fix “exceeded your maximum upload limit of 100mb” >>
by Daiginn
12 500
Why are necroposted threads being locked or deleted if there is an engaged conversation resuming? >>
by allyourbasesaregone
13 500
Minecraft Forum Username Change >>
by Upgradeekiller
2 496
How to post photos to a thread >>
by Josckey
1 271
Are these site statistics correct? If so, then why is activity so low? >>
by TheMasterCaver
3 1,692
How do I become a Minecraft Moderator? >>
by Larssies
6 1,639
My experience with rediscovering Minecraft Forums >>
by ildiem
7 807
Cant report my post as not spam >>
by EXPLCraftTeam
2 201
Survival Discussion on Bedrock >>
by perma43
3 357
Really, can something be done about these tides of spam posts, please? >>
by allyourbasesaregone
1 174
how do I view my old threads? >>
by drkpandalord
5 628
Cannot reply on Firefox. "Please write something in the comment box" >>
by tunawashere
0 333
Look Back: The OLD Minecraft Forums >>
by kingthero
9 4,212
My thread was marked as spam automatically but I can not find report button >>
by Wu_Tian
1 444
Cloudflare Loop When Viewing Profiles >>
by Luvitus
2 308
How do people do this? >>
by Mrsir_1001
1 379
Old forum account no longer accessible? >>
by Minecraftman001
2 408
When moving threads, why aren't redirects left behind? >>
by Princess_Garnet
2 676
Pictures aren't consistently showing & conditional memory leak issues caused by the forums? >>
by Princess_Garnet
3 508
Cannot change my PFP! >>
by alplabetlorefan2003
2 526
Who is jackswordie11? >>
by Jellycookie
15 7,500
i need help >>
by Lacthu
1 920
Let me sort servers by newest threads posted again! >>
by TerashiLeonGoken
1 413
This is not a "modded discussion only" thread >>
by TheMasterCaver
0 618