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Quote from venuswixChanges I did: - I changed my YouTube URL into .../user/ - I put this in my signature [youtubesubscribe] UCuAETaUPoIHd-ndXq7vghcA [/youtubesubscribe!] (without the !) Still hoping that it suddenly works like it does with all other members.
i make videos, minecraft maps and stuffs
//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>Rich Miner" data-layout="full" data-count="default">
[youtubesubscribe]UCLCDATvGikpHpoC1LsSRm8w[/youtubesubscribe] i am using this and this is the url but it doesnt work! why?! can some one help me?
Please help me ! if i add my youtube channel into my signature its an error i don't want to be a expert like
this is my links
Youtube channel link : other Youtube link :
if i put
it dont work please if anyone can do this for me
thanks for reading
It doesnt work for me
Check out my youtube!
And the official website
test again
test x3
Quote from GeminiJupiter» test again test x3
Paste that code into your signature and you should be good.
It will look like this:
"This channel does not exist"
note that it doesn't have a clean name attached. This is necessary for the YouTube Subscription button to function properly. Please see this help article:
Try removing the spaces.
You're still using it wrong, it should look like this:
My channel:
Please help me ! if i add my youtube channel into my signature its an error i don't want to be a expert like
this is my links
if i put
it dont work please if anyone can do this for me
thanks for reading
It doesnt work for me
Check out my youtube!
And the official website
test again
test x3
Check out my youtube!
And the official website
Try this:
Which will produce: