Late reply, but name changes can be requested through either the website's support email ([email protected]), or through contacting one of the site admins on the official Discord. They're generally very lenient with these types of support tickets and will most often follow through with your request. This was the case in my experience, at least for me.
Unless something changed, I see that generally name changes can be done only once per user, and as long as the name is available...
I'd prefer if they allowed users to change their own monikers however many times, just with the added feature of the ability to detect and display whether a name is available to use or not at the moment, almost similar to Minecraft account names.
Would be a very much appreciated feature. I'm good with my name now, but I'd much rather have it changed on my own terms than having to contact site support.
I'd like to change this weird username that I totally regret making, into LotusEmperor, which I would regret making again sometime in the future.
No staff?
Late reply, but name changes can be requested through either the website's support email ([email protected]), or through contacting one of the site admins on the official Discord. They're generally very lenient with these types of support tickets and will most often follow through with your request. This was the case in my experience, at least for me.
Would be a very much appreciated feature. I'm good with my name now, but I'd much rather have it changed on my own terms than having to contact site support.
Alright, I'll email them then, thanks