It's soooo, soooooo sloooooow; it appears to randomly not work (sometimes I can make a post, sometimes I can't...); it crashes my phone browser;occasionally it refuses to work on Firefox and I have to use Chrome instead; it crashes my phone browser; sometimes quotes don't display properly even after I switch to BB and fix them manually; I just spent half an hour typing a large post that wouldn't upload, and of course I lost the lot and now have to start again.
I cannot tell if just using mobile, or both PC and mobile. If mobile, this site was not optimized (yet) for mobile device OSes such as iOS and Android and Windows for Mobile.
Use PC, when I attempted with my phone, it didn't work either, but works perfectly fine with the PC.
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Newly Spawned: Baby. Out of the Water: Deep-Sea Diver. Tree Puncher: First Fight. Carpenter: Under The Carpet. StoneMiner:Newb. Coal Miner: Just Add Methane. Zombie Killer: Village Protector. Iron Miner: Burnt Hands.BudderGold Miner:Sky Army Stuck At Home: It's a nightmare Redstone Miner:Electrician.Diamond Miner: I'm rich! Lapis Lazuli Collector: Enchanting Time!
It works fine on PC, however on my iPad 1 Safari, the cursor often doesn't show (making it impossible to select/copy text) and the auto-correct screws up big time. (The autocorrect works fine anywhere else.)
I agree the site is extremely slow and the mobile experience is terrible. I think it's really just a poor choice of software. I don't know who is making software decisions here, but they really need to meet today's standards. I can see somebody creating another Minecraft forum that's lighter weight and offers a good mobile experience. There's certainly an opportunity being created by the lack of foresight on Curse's behalf.
I hate it, I hate it, I HATE it!!!
(I feel very slightly better after that rant.)
Newly Spawned: Baby. Out of the Water: Deep-Sea Diver. Tree Puncher: First Fight. Carpenter: Under The Carpet. Stone Miner: Newb. Coal Miner: Just Add Methane. Zombie Killer: Village Protector. Iron Miner: Burnt Hands.
BudderGold Miner: Sky Army Stuck At Home: It's a nightmare Redstone Miner: Electrician. Diamond Miner: I'm rich! Lapis Lazuli Collector: Enchanting Time!