Hi all who are applying for my server. Let me tell you guys a little about myself and my server before I tell you about the application. I have been working idepently with this server for about 10 months. I didn't really know much about plugins, and server hosting and all that info, but over the course of time, I was able to catch on how to make a pretty complex server. The server is RPG, the theme is Midevil. I hope that my staff will be reliable, experienced, and fun I will accept about 1-3 Web developers.
Plugin Designer
The Plugin Designer plays a featured role in the server's community. The are somewhat expected to know Java Script, but it is not fully required. They are also not expected to create plugins at a fast rate. What I am looking for in a Plugin Designer is experience, persistance, and creative. I do ask the applicant if they wish to be payed, but it is not looked upon highly by the apllication evalutaion. I need a Plugin developer becuase I need plugins that are personalized for the server. I will explain more if you get the job
Any admin or mod is REQUIRED to have full experience of this posistion. I cannot stress enough that the Admins/Mods need to know whats going on in the server and REALLY want to get the spot. Please be aware that it is very likely that most of the viewers will want to grab this role as an Admin, but I am very strict about picking Admins/Mods and I will ask some questions on the application that requires a lot of thought. I will most likely choose 3-5 admins and 2-6 Mods.
Web Developers
Web Developers are expected to KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. I need a simple, basic server to provide information about the server and even a section to complete forms, and finally a forums page. I do ask if the applicant want to get payed, but it is not looked highly upon the application evaluation. I will accept about 1-5 web developers.
Plugin Designer Application:
Plugin Designer IGN: How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: How long have you've been designing plugins?: How long does it take you to develope a simple plugin?: Do you wish to be payed?: If so, how much?(Only American Money): What do you use to develope plugins? Tell me a bit about yourself: Age?: Timezone?: How well do you speak English?
Mod/Admin Application:
Moderator/Administrator IGN: How long have you've been playing Minecraft? How many servers opped you?: What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Age?: Timezone?: How well do you speak English?:
Web Developer Application:
Web Developer IGN: How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: How many websites have you've designed?: What do you use to develope websites?: Tell me a bit about yourself: Do you wished to be payed? If so, how much? (American Money) Age?: Timezone?: How well do you speak English?:
I, would like to be an admin. I have plenty of experience. I am staff on 11 servers. Tell me info u want to know about me and my experience... whatever.
I would up for an OP or Admin spot, I have experience as an admin, but the server I was admin for shut down recently. But first, is this an RP server or just a themed server?
Do you really need your own plugin designer? I mean bukkits website has just about everything you can think of pre ready and most with there own forums and help. bukkit plugins
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I helped you or just made you smile, please feel free to click the green +.
I would like to help out with your server as an admin (:
My IGN is the same as my forum name, TeachMeHow.
I also have skype, if you need it I will gladly inbox it t you.
so let me introduce myself.
I have managed 4 servers as an admin, 3 of which are currently down sadly.
I have built numerous spawns, and have extensive knowledge over commands and most of the useful plugins.
feel free to contact me and ask questions (:
I have been the head admin on a server called United Craft. it was verry successful for a few months, then the hackers
caught wind of it. I have been mods and admins of several servers before that but never any as successful.
Please pm me or add me on skype.
my skype name is MasrasMan
Hello, I would like to have a position for an Admin or Moderator.I have been an admin before but,the owner was power hungry so they kicked every admin off so they can be the only one. Anyway sorry i went off topic if i had. I would like to inform you my IGN is Ghostriderty04. If any more questions need to be asked message me or reply here and ill be 99% happy to answer.
I would really like to be staff on ur server i have had a position in the staff on 5 servers i am also a very anti grief kinda person and i would really like to help u and ur server
Let me introduce myself, friend.
I am Sean, otherwise known as Staxordomino on Minecraft. I have lot's of experience with being a mod/admin and you if you do not want me i am ok with that. I also have tons of creative activity while i do my job, so there will be some houses if you do choose me. I am 13, but do not get upset as Age does not depend on how mature you really act. I also think that admin/mod abusers are just using that power to take an advantage over other players, and do lot's of greedy thing's.
Well, i am just hoping i get accepted as one. And i wish you good luck.
Please do well so to PM me the IP if you accept me.
IGN: MasrasMan
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? late 2009
How many servers opped you?: about ten or so
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I have a lot of experience as an admin and a head admin
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):
I am a sophomore at a charter school. I am in calculus ab and AP physics. I'm not great at English, or Latin, but im OK at history. I want to be a chemical engineer and i spend some time experimenting with volatile chemicals or playing video games or programming.
I've played on several servers, and been admins or even a head admin on one. My parents are a little wacko, but isn't everyone? I play tennis and im a lifeguard at a public pool. I do FRC and am available nights and weekends. im also a SC 2 gold protoss player
im looking forward to hearing back from you.
Age?: 16
Timezone?: Arizona
How well do you speak English?: It is my first language
I will be applying for all three, because I have some experience in all of them.
Plugin Designer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:1 year
How long have you've been designing plugins?:not yet, i have not yet actually designed a plugin from scratch
How long does it take you to develope a simple plugin?:depends
Do you wish to be payed?:if you like what i offer, yes, if not, im fine with no pay
If so, how much?(Only American Money):1 ~ 5 per month
What do you use to develope plugins?Eclipse
Tell me a bit about yourself: im 13 years old, live in taiwan, mature for my age.
Timezone?: GMT +8
How well do you speak English? fluently, you can consider it my native language (Chinese is my first spoken, but english is my first learnt)
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?1 year
How many servers opped you?:3 (not including my own)
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:great management skills, active as much as i can.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): I am 13 years old, although quite young, I have good experience in managing, as it's kind of in my blood (No kidding) I am really mature. I have a wide sight, I try to look for reasons of other people doing a certain thing before I ban,kick, etc.
I have a talent in entrepreneurship, (also in my blood, it's in my family) so I can offer good ideas and such, for advertising, gaining income other than donations,etc.
Timezone?:GMT +8
How well do you speak English?:fluently
Web Developer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:1 year
How many websites have you've designed?:2
What do you use to develope websites?:mainly existing programs, wordpress, PHBB and such
Tell me a bit about yourself:i have basic html experience, managed about 3 sites, made 2.
Do you wished to be payed? yes
If so, how much? (American Money) 1 ~ 5
Age?: 13
Timezone?: GMT +8
How well do you speak English?: fluently
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends :tongue.gif:. And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
Seems like a fun and cool server, but im creating 3 right now, and im extremely bored. I would like to apply, see (If) I could get accepted, just for fun. JUST FOR FUN. Yes all this is true.
Mod/Admin Application:
IGN: Snackky75
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?
Almost a year now, I learn quick :laugh.gif:
How many servers opped you?: Seven
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I've banned countless griefers/troublemakers/x-rayers, etc. I can ensure a stress-free fun and caring enviroment for your server, I can also garuntee no player will be left out. I will respond to all players within one minute.
What Can I bring to the Server?
Need someone to install and configurate Plugins? I Can Do That.
Need someone to do permissions for you? I Can Do That as well.
Need someone to create a Website for you? I Can Also Do That.
Need someone to create a Forums for you (Not MC Forums)? I Can Do That.
Need someone to be on when your offline? I Can Do That (Its amazing what Coffee can do).
Need someone thats experiences with World Guard, World Edit, and many other Plugins? Im your man.Need someone to create server Videos/Trailers? Well guess what? I Can Do That.
Is your staff not getting the job done? I Can Get the Job Done.
Does your server have troublemakers that evade the staff? They will be gone within a week. Garunteed.
Need someone to create Server Videos/Trailers? I Can Do That.
You can recieve 99% of the credit for the Website and Forums. It will be daily updated with any information you give me.
Here is proof of what I do.
Server Trailers:
Both Videos I edited in 5 minutes or less. Yes I can do better, currently trying to get Sony Vegas Pro since Windows Live Moviemaker is dumb. I can film, edit, and finish your video within 1-2 days of my filming it. You can pick the song and what goes in the video. You can also type and send me what you want in the description. I will film and edit to your wishes. You dont even have to "feature" my videos, you can do what you want with them.
All I need is to be able to fly. Nothing else!
No Admin Rank
No Op Status
No Moderator Rank
No "Special" Rank
No Special Priveleges
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):
I love to go jogging, skateboard, hang with friends, and do community service. I've been learning Java but stopped due to large amounts of school work. I've never been banned before on any server for any possible reason.
I've been a Moderator on 8 different servers, Admin on 2, Co-Owner on 3, Op on 7, and Owner on 1.
Age?: 14
Timezone?: USA West
How well do you speak English?:
I live in the US, of course I can speak English well, as well as 3 other languages.
Web Developer Application:
Web Developer
IGN: Snackky75
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Same as above
How many websites have you've designed?: 2 (One forums, one Website)
What do you use to develope websites?: People like to copy off me, so I will not post it.
Tell me a bit about yourself: Same as Above.
Do you wished to be payed?: No
If so, how much? (American Money) $0.00
Age?: 14
Timezone?: USA West
How well do you speak English?: Yea
Please disregard this information, I just wanted to see if I would get accepted or not. Currently bored. Curious to see your responses, which was my main reason to post it here. Please note, all this information is true and 100% legit.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Your stupidity is Commendable. But you're still stupid.
IGN: malcomshot
How long have you've been playing Mine craft?since 1.4
How many servers oped you?:3
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I like to hold events on servers to bring a little spice to a server when people are bored i keep on top of the trolls by recognizing when there being smart asses and muting them or and banning greifers before they get to far to do to much damage i oped on a server till owner decided i was *limiting his idea's* and when he put whitelist back up he left my name off it i love to help people whether its a series or a server.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):i love to help with servers since i don't have much to do since my last server decided i was cramping his style and locked me out. i love to rp if this will be an rp server and i take the time to spell things right.
when people need one i make skins i usually make rpg skins with robes but i could probably do like regular shirt. i like to draw anime and abstract art at school. i love to chat with players as long as there not trolling. i don't troll much unless there assholes. the closest i get to trolling is turning into creeper and coming behind them in there house or walking up to them with inventory full of red die and bones and typing /kill to scaring crap out of them. im looking for a new server to help start and control and id like it to be you
Timezone?: west side of north America
How well do you speak English? only language i know
IGN:travis1959 (same as my username)
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? 2 years almost 3 now
How many servers opped you?:4
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I delt with alot of griefers in my time as an admin and i will plan to keep it that way. i also ban everyone who uses the x-ray mod.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): I like to play mc and xbox, to talk to people and to get to know one another. Im a lttle bit of a gamer. I also like to play MC alot, i play alot of it. I like to play adventure maps with my friends and build large projects.
I built some spawns in MC for other people and i would like to help build yours. When i start building something all i wanna do is finish it fast so i can quickly protect it so it doesnt get griefed, even tho i build it fast it still looks nice. If you accept this application can you message me and ill also message you my skype so other people dont see it thanks for your time. I realy wanna check out the server sometime
How well do you speak English?:I am fluently english thats the only language i know besides a little bit of french not much tho
may i suggest you make server a rp server to it doesn't cripple adventure and its a lot of fun plus if someone doesn't like it they can just ignore it i find it brings community together
IGN: TeachMeHow
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? Since Beta 1.8
How many servers opped you?: 4. FreeCraft, RedCraft, Olmec, and SurvivalCraft.
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I can keep a close watch over servers, make sure nobody griefs our public buildings, x ray and hackers, banning them instantly as so they do not ruin gameplay for the players.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Well, I have experience in being an admin in four servers, Two of which are down, another one is still up, but the map is reset and no plugins, so I'm guessing the owner abandoned it. Olmec is still up and running ! (:
I have built spawns, spawn cities, jails, etc. That are all necessary for servers. I am a very active player, and also very friendly. I can also be firm when I have to be, especially for rule breakers.
Age?: 14
Timezone?: Eastern Time, US.
How well do you speak English?: The only language I speak, except a bit of Korean :tongue.gif:
I, would like to be an admin. I have plenty of experience. I am staff on 11 servers. Tell me info u want to know about me and my experience... whatever.
Plugin Designer Application:
Plugin Designer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:
How long have you've been designing plugins?:
How long does it take you to develope a simple plugin?:
Do you wish to be payed?:
If so, how much?(Only American Money):
What do you use to develope plugins?
Tell me a bit about yourself:
How well do you speak English?
Mod/Admin Application:
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?
How many servers opped you?:
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):
How well do you speak English?:
Web Developer Application:
Web Developer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:
How many websites have you've designed?:
What do you use to develope websites?:
Tell me a bit about yourself:
Do you wished to be payed?
If so, how much? (American Money)
How well do you speak English?:
If I helped you or just made you smile, please feel free to click the green +.
My IGN is the same as my forum name, TeachMeHow.
I also have skype, if you need it I will gladly inbox it t you.
so let me introduce myself.
I have managed 4 servers as an admin, 3 of which are currently down sadly.
I have built numerous spawns, and have extensive knowledge over commands and most of the useful plugins.
feel free to contact me and ask questions (:
I have been the head admin on a server called United Craft. it was verry successful for a few months, then the hackers
caught wind of it. I have been mods and admins of several servers before that but never any as successful.
Please pm me or add me on skype.
my skype name is MasrasMan
email [email protected]
please get back to me as soon as you can
i can do plugins, but only for bukkit
Ign: kingjoker1000
Add me on steam: kingjoker1000
I am Sean, otherwise known as Staxordomino on Minecraft. I have lot's of experience with being a mod/admin and you if you do not want me i am ok with that. I also have tons of creative activity while i do my job, so there will be some houses if you do choose me. I am 13, but do not get upset as Age does not depend on how mature you really act. I also think that admin/mod abusers are just using that power to take an advantage over other players, and do lot's of greedy thing's.
Well, i am just hoping i get accepted as one. And i wish you good luck.
Please do well so to PM me the IP if you accept me.
Best Regards,
Sean. (Staxordomino)
IGN: MasrasMan
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? late 2009
How many servers opped you?: about ten or so
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I have a lot of experience as an admin and a head admin
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):
I am a sophomore at a charter school. I am in calculus ab and AP physics. I'm not great at English, or Latin, but im OK at history. I want to be a chemical engineer and i spend some time experimenting with volatile chemicals or playing video games or programming.
I've played on several servers, and been admins or even a head admin on one. My parents are a little wacko, but isn't everyone? I play tennis and im a lifeguard at a public pool. I do FRC and am available nights and weekends. im also a SC 2 gold protoss player
im looking forward to hearing back from you.
Age?: 16
Timezone?: Arizona
How well do you speak English?: It is my first language
Plugin Designer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:1 year
How long have you've been designing plugins?:not yet, i have not yet actually designed a plugin from scratch
How long does it take you to develope a simple plugin?:depends
Do you wish to be payed?:if you like what i offer, yes, if not, im fine with no pay
If so, how much?(Only American Money):1 ~ 5 per month
What do you use to develope plugins?Eclipse
Tell me a bit about yourself: im 13 years old, live in taiwan, mature for my age.
Timezone?: GMT +8
How well do you speak English? fluently, you can consider it my native language (Chinese is my first spoken, but english is my first learnt)
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?1 year
How many servers opped you?:3 (not including my own)
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:great management skills, active as much as i can.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): I am 13 years old, although quite young, I have good experience in managing, as it's kind of in my blood (No kidding) I am really mature. I have a wide sight, I try to look for reasons of other people doing a certain thing before I ban,kick, etc.
I have a talent in entrepreneurship, (also in my blood, it's in my family) so I can offer good ideas and such, for advertising, gaining income other than donations,etc.
Timezone?:GMT +8
How well do you speak English?:fluently
Web Developer
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:1 year
How many websites have you've designed?:2
What do you use to develope websites?:mainly existing programs, wordpress, PHBB and such
Tell me a bit about yourself:i have basic html experience, managed about 3 sites, made 2.
Do you wished to be payed? yes
If so, how much? (American Money) 1 ~ 5
Age?: 13
Timezone?: GMT +8
How well do you speak English?: fluently
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends :tongue.gif:. And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
Mod/Admin Application:
IGN: Snackky75
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?
Almost a year now, I learn quick :laugh.gif:
How many servers opped you?: Seven
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I've banned countless griefers/troublemakers/x-rayers, etc. I can ensure a stress-free fun and caring enviroment for your server, I can also garuntee no player will be left out. I will respond to all players within one minute.
What Can I bring to the Server?
Need someone to install and configurate Plugins? I Can Do That.
Need someone to do permissions for you? I Can Do That as well.
Need someone to create a Website for you? I Can Also Do That.
Need someone to create a Forums for you (Not MC Forums)? I Can Do That.
Need someone to be on when your offline? I Can Do That (Its amazing what Coffee can do).
Need someone thats experiences with World Guard, World Edit, and many other Plugins? Im your man.Need someone to create server Videos/Trailers? Well guess what? I Can Do That.
Is your staff not getting the job done? I Can Get the Job Done.
Does your server have troublemakers that evade the staff? They will be gone within a week. Garunteed.
Need someone to create Server Videos/Trailers? I Can Do That.
You can recieve 99% of the credit for the Website and Forums. It will be daily updated with any information you give me.
Here is proof of what I do.
Server Trailers:
Both Videos I edited in 5 minutes or less. Yes I can do better, currently trying to get Sony Vegas Pro since Windows Live Moviemaker is dumb. I can film, edit, and finish your video within 1-2 days of my filming it. You can pick the song and what goes in the video. You can also type and send me what you want in the description. I will film and edit to your wishes. You dont even have to "feature" my videos, you can do what you want with them.
All I need is to be able to fly. Nothing else!
No Admin Rank
No Op Status
No Moderator Rank
No "Special" Rank
No Special Priveleges
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):
I love to go jogging, skateboard, hang with friends, and do community service. I've been learning Java but stopped due to large amounts of school work. I've never been banned before on any server for any possible reason.
I've been a Moderator on 8 different servers, Admin on 2, Co-Owner on 3, Op on 7, and Owner on 1.
Age?: 14
Timezone?: USA West
How well do you speak English?:
I live in the US, of course I can speak English well, as well as 3 other languages.
Web Developer Application:
Web Developer
IGN: Snackky75
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Same as above
How many websites have you've designed?: 2 (One forums, one Website)
What do you use to develope websites?: People like to copy off me, so I will not post it.
Tell me a bit about yourself: Same as Above.
Do you wished to be payed?: No
If so, how much? (American Money) $0.00
Age?: 14
Timezone?: USA West
How well do you speak English?: Yea
Please disregard this information, I just wanted to see if I would get accepted or not. Currently bored. Curious to see your responses, which was my main reason to post it here. Please note, all this information is true and 100% legit.
IGN: malcomshot
How long have you've been playing Mine craft?since 1.4
How many servers oped you?:3
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I like to hold events on servers to bring a little spice to a server when people are bored i keep on top of the trolls by recognizing when there being smart asses and muting them or and banning greifers before they get to far to do to much damage i oped on a server till owner decided i was *limiting his idea's* and when he put whitelist back up he left my name off it i love to help people whether its a series or a server.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs):i love to help with servers since i don't have much to do since my last server decided i was cramping his style and locked me out. i love to rp if this will be an rp server and i take the time to spell things right.
when people need one i make skins i usually make rpg skins with robes but i could probably do like regular shirt. i like to draw anime and abstract art at school. i love to chat with players as long as there not trolling. i don't troll much unless there assholes. the closest i get to trolling is turning into creeper and coming behind them in there house or walking up to them with inventory full of red die and bones and typing /kill to scaring crap out of them. im looking for a new server to help start and control and id like it to be you
Timezone?: west side of north America
How well do you speak English? only language i know
IGN:travis1959 (same as my username)
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? 2 years almost 3 now
How many servers opped you?:4
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I delt with alot of griefers in my time as an admin and i will plan to keep it that way. i also ban everyone who uses the x-ray mod.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): I like to play mc and xbox, to talk to people and to get to know one another. Im a lttle bit of a gamer. I also like to play MC alot, i play alot of it. I like to play adventure maps with my friends and build large projects.
I built some spawns in MC for other people and i would like to help build yours. When i start building something all i wanna do is finish it fast so i can quickly protect it so it doesnt get griefed, even tho i build it fast it still looks nice. If you accept this application can you message me and ill also message you my skype so other people dont see it thanks for your time. I realy wanna check out the server sometime
How well do you speak English?:I am fluently english thats the only language i know besides a little bit of french not much tho
IGN: TeachMeHow
How long have you've been playing Minecraft? Since Beta 1.8
How many servers opped you?: 4. FreeCraft, RedCraft, Olmec, and SurvivalCraft.
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?: I can keep a close watch over servers, make sure nobody griefs our public buildings, x ray and hackers, banning them instantly as so they do not ruin gameplay for the players.
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Well, I have experience in being an admin in four servers, Two of which are down, another one is still up, but the map is reset and no plugins, so I'm guessing the owner abandoned it. Olmec is still up and running ! (:
I have built spawns, spawn cities, jails, etc. That are all necessary for servers. I am a very active player, and also very friendly. I can also be firm when I have to be, especially for rule breakers.
Age?: 14
Timezone?: Eastern Time, US.
How well do you speak English?: The only language I speak, except a bit of Korean :tongue.gif:
Please fill an application