Sounds like it'd be fun. I guess.
Age- 15 (16 in 6 months)
Minecraft User- MegaUltraBuilder (herp-derp)
Reason for joining- I have nothing better to do
RPG skills- wut?
Minecraft User: Neubia
Reason For Joining: I still havent found a good rpg server after months of searching.
RPG Skills:Im good at rpging, however i tend to play an evil character. If you dont want evil characters on your server just tell me.
Note: Im an aggresive player, i will attack peaople if they have something i want and if I think I can win. I Dont spawnkill or repeatedly kill someone to **** em of. If you dont want me to Murder people on youre server just tell me and i wont.
Age: 14
Minecraft User: Gigawolf135
Reason For Joining: I love RP'ing and Skyrim is amazing
RPG Skills: Many years on RPG forums and playing RPG games. I usually use the regular things like OOC and whatnot
Minecraft username: Wallace129
Reasons for joining: I love skyrim, im obsessed with it no joke and this combines both of my favorite games
Rpg skillz: I'm so epic i could kill Alduin (my name for the enderdragon) with a wooden sword
Thanks for allowing me to apply I hope to see you on the serverIp doesnt work
Age:11.9 (turning 12 the 13th of Jan)
Minecraft User:Blob250
Reason For Joining:I love Skyrim and minecraft and im beored.
RPG Skills:I play rpg games skyrim and oblivion etc and im good at them. (always did and always will play on master difficulty)
Minecraft User:dragonkin
Reason For Joining:i have played skyrim and i like it
RPG Skills:i have played rpg games like finle fatasy,kingdom hearts 1 and 2 but not on minecraft so don't get mad at me if im bad at it
Age: 11
Minecraft User: All8BossesInOne
Reason For Joining: RPG's could possibly be my favourite game genre and minecraft is one of my favourite games... Why wouldn't i join
RPG Skills: I never give up, and i am always positive somehow... even when im dead
To get in the server please put a application like the one below:
Minecraft User:
Reason For Joining:
RPG Skills:
Age- 15 (16 in 6 months)
Minecraft User- MegaUltraBuilder (herp-derp)
Reason for joining- I have nothing better to do
RPG skills- wut?
Minecraft User: Neubia
Reason For Joining: I still havent found a good rpg server after months of searching.
RPG Skills:Im good at rpging, however i tend to play an evil character. If you dont want evil characters on your server just tell me.
Note: Im an aggresive player, i will attack peaople if they have something i want and if I think I can win. I Dont spawnkill or repeatedly kill someone to **** em of. If you dont want me to Murder people on youre server just tell me and i wont.
Minecraft User: Gigawolf135
Reason For Joining: I love RP'ing and Skyrim is amazing
RPG Skills: Many years on RPG forums and playing RPG games. I usually use the regular things like OOC and whatnot
Minecraft User: Cyzeara
Reason For Joining: Ive played skyrim and i think skyrim in minecraft would be cool
RPG Skills: im a redguard!
Minecraft User:Voidwarp
Reason For Joining: i want to join because i love rpg sevrers and skyrim and need a new server
RPG Skills: i have played loads of rpg games like skyrim all the elder scrolls games dead island and dead rising 1 and 2 perfect.
if you pick me plz message me
Reason for Joining:i love skyrim its the best game
RPG Skills: IDK
Minecraft User: Keaton678
Reason For Joining: Skyrim and RPG's are amazing
RPG Skills: I play tons of RPG's.
Minecraft User: remi112
Reason For Joining: I love Skyrim.
RPG Skills: Pretty good.
Minecraft User: CrazyBeggar
Reason For Joining: Love TES
RPG Skills: Played a lot of The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy and Runescape.
Minecraft username: Wallace129
Reasons for joining: I love skyrim, im obsessed with it no joke and this combines both of my favorite games
Rpg skillz: I'm so epic i could kill Alduin (my name for the enderdragon) with a wooden sword
Thanks for allowing me to apply I hope to see you on the serverIp doesnt work
Minecraft User:Blob250
Reason For Joining:I love Skyrim and minecraft and im beored.
RPG Skills:I play rpg games skyrim and oblivion etc and im good at them. (always did and always will play on master difficulty)
Minecraft User:dragonkin
Reason For Joining:i have played skyrim and i like it
RPG Skills:i have played rpg games like finle fatasy,kingdom hearts 1 and 2 but not on minecraft so don't get mad at me if im bad at it
MC Username: slimybouncer
Reason for Joining: I love skyrm and minecaft,and basically ANYTHING that involves RPing so this seems PERFECT for me
RPG Skillz:Im okay at sword fighting but im best at Archery
Minecraft User:jarod0077
Reason For Joining:looks epic
RPG Skills:i can pown and i play rpg servers all the time
Minecraft username: RoyJrthe2nd
Reason for joining: I love RPGs and I am really trying to find a good server
RPG skills: I am kickazz at RPGs
Minecraft User: All8BossesInOne
Reason For Joining: RPG's could possibly be my favourite game genre and minecraft is one of my favourite games... Why wouldn't i join
RPG Skills: I never give up, and i am always positive somehow... even when im dead