Because of recent events, including a mayor grief that led to a mayor rollback because mymcadmin hadn't done server backup in 13 days.. we're going to make a closed forum and start from scratch, inviting new and mature players whom can play the game without ruining for others.
I will make a new thread regarding the server when everything is ready, for now.. I'll request admin to delete this topic!
Ok, for information, in the latest days we've had a high amount of applicants, and I'm happy to have them in the team! But as you can see on the list below, things are starting to become a bit imbalanced, so either I have to ask new applicants to kindly consider the two other factions (Minamoto, Baratheon) Or I'll have to implement a system that disallows factions with a very high ammount of players to wage war agains one with very little. (ex. 15 vs 3 is kinda wrong)
Current members:
5kyl1n3r - Server Admin/Host - King of Baratheon
Beautiful Wood AKA FireOfThunder - Server Admin - King of the Irofists
Krekenstein - High King of Asgaard
Inayasha -> interested in ASGAARD kyratrebon -> interested in ASGAARD/IRONFIST destle -> interested in MINAMOTO da ps triple -> interested in N/A AssHatKing -> interested in ASGAARD/IRONFIST GurkanLOL93 -> interested in BARATHEON Echo975 -> interested in IRONFIST MrBlueUk -> interested in IRONFIST iTzFusiioNx -> interested in MINAMOTO sebastian187 -> interested in HOUSE BARATHEON Jewsbury -> interested in ASGAARD Gecko200 -> interested in MINAMOTO Eikakaka -> interested in ASGAARD JazX123 -> interested in IRONFIST DeMeNtEd_Joey -> interested in IRONFIST GirlyUke -> interested in IRONFIST fatsteve -> interested in IRONFIST Jashtica -> interested in IRONFIST
Asgaard Confirmed: Krekenstein Jeredai
House Baratheon Confirmed: 5kyl1n3r as KING Robohog kman9_8 Boeiee
Ironfist Confirmed: FireOfThunder as KING Skullster247
This seems like a great sever, one question though. What sort of "RP" are you talking about? In the past I have joined "RP Servers" that only threw in some RPG Elements and called it a day. RP and RPG are different and I just wanted to make sure which one you guys are leaning toward as I hate when servers advertise RP when realy it's an RPG server. Don't get me wrong, I love RPG and RP, and will probably apply either way :smile.gif:
Minecraft Name: Inayasha
Age: 19
Place of Origin: North America
Faction of interest: Asgaard
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: miner
What can you contribute with?: I enjoy digging
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: no
Minecraft experience level?: I am pretty good with mining and digging, i also enjoy helping people with buildings since I have slight trouble thinking of cool buildings to create.
Minecraft Name: kyratrebon
Age: 17
Place of Origin: North America - East Coast
Faction of interest: Ironfist or Asgaard
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: Exploring, mining, farming.
What can you contribute with?: I'm a decent miner, and can make a great farm.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: Nope.
Minecraft experience level?: I've been playing Minecraft since early Alpha, but mostly single player. I'm new at servers in general, and have never played an RP one. But I'm open to trying it and think that I can catch on quickly.
Minecraft Name: destle
Place of Origin: North America- East coast - Virginia
Faction of interest:Minamoto
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: I like them all :biggrin.gif:
What can you contribute with?:Making the Minamoto army stronger
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:Nope
Minecraft experience level?:Ive played since late alpha, so i know quite a bit about the game itself and how to play it. Ive ran my own server before and played on RP servers aswell so i know how to RP :smile.gif:
Minecraft Name:da ps triple
Place of Origin: North America
Faction of interest:
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: Builder
What can you contribute with?:I have a wide range of designs for buildings and I can make it look really nice.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:No
Minecraft experience level?: From a scale of 1-10 I'm a 9
This seems like a great sever, one question though. What sort of "RP" are you talking about? In the past I have joined "RP Servers" that only threw in some RPG Elements and called it a day. RP and RPG are different and I just wanted to make sure which one you guys are leaning toward as I hate when servers advertise RP when realy it's an RPG server. Don't get me wrong, I love RPG and RP, and will probably apply either way :smile.gif:
First I have to say I'm sorry for not making this clear in the first place, I'm not the hardcore roleplay type so I would say the server will have semi roleplay featuers, we'll try to manage our towns in the way they did things in real life 700-1100 years ago, we'll also let people assign jobs, rank up through every factions unique casts, like peasant, civilian, noble and so on. the "ranks" will be decided by each factions leader or council, by now there's only me in the baratheon, and Beautiful wood in the Ironfist, so it's basically first man to the mill for leadership and council ranks in the start.. but the admins will monitor the activity of each faction closely and see if the leadership works out as it should.
for the others: I'm happy you decided to try us out :smile.gif: I'll look through all the apps and update the members post right away!
Application form
I saw that you were looking for a plugin to give clans and factions different traits well here is one which I like a lot here is the link
IGN (Minercaft name): kman9_8
Age: 14
Place of Origin: Australia
Faction of interest: Asgaard or Ironfist Clan ( I like them both )
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: I like cave exploring with friends and fighting around the world.
What can you contribute with? I have been on many RP servers mostly light RP servers (I'm not a fan of super hardcore RP) I learn quickly and usually help newcomers onto the server and mostly nice but just don't back stab me or I will have my revenge!
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: Yes, 1 i had hardly been on that server 5 minutes when it banned me saying "I had broken a honey pot" I have no idea what that means so if you could tell me that would be great.
Minecraft experience level? I would say about a 8 I started playing when it was beta 1.2
Thanks for applying, and about that honey pot thingy, somebody probably just played a bad joke on you.
And that mod looks like the thing I've been looking for! After some research I see it's not updated for 1.0 yet so I'll just go with the essential mods like admin mods and stuff until I can get everything right. thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Thanks for applying, and about that honey pot thingy, somebody probably just played a bad joke on you.
And that mod looks like the thing I've been looking for! After some research I see it's not updated for 1.0 yet so I'll just go with the essential mods like admin mods and stuff until I can get everything right. thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
To bad it hasn't been updated yet sorry, but its a popular plugin so it may be updated soon and yeah someone was probably playing a bad joke on me. Keep me updated on the server :smile.gif:
Minecraft Name:Polofficer
Place of Origin:north america
Faction of interest:Asgaard
Faction chosen: N/A
Favorite way of play: Builder,and an Exploer
What can you contribute with?: Im a great builder and i do what im told and im nice and funny
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:there was one where it was a faction one and someone told me to leave spy and steal from a differnt faction and then come back but i got banned beacuse there was a admin in that faction
Minecraft experience level?: Im good at building and setting up some basic bases but i want to learn what a bunch of minecraft players fighting eac others is like
btw the reason i want to join Asgaard is beacuse of Skyrim!
btw the reason i want to join Asgaard is beacuse of Skyrim!
I had a feeling I'd get many applicants to that faction because of the most wonderful game this year :tongue.gif: GO SKYRIM!
I'll put you on the list of applicants :smile.gif:
Server IP will most likely be announced the 15th or 16th, as I get home from work the 14th I will use about 1 or 2 days to install mods and make final preparations!
Damn ;P Those factions are starting to fill up, except for baratheon.. No one likes GOT, english medieval architecture or Ned Stark? X)
I had a feeling I'd get many applicants to that faction because of the most wonderful game this year :tongue.gif: GO SKYRIM!
I'll put you on the list of applicants :smile.gif:
Server IP will most likely be announced the 15th or 16th, as I get home from work the 14th I will use about 1 or 2 days to install mods and make final preparations!
Damn ;P Those factions are starting to fill up, except for baratheon.. No one likes GOT, english medieval architecture or Ned Stark? X)
Minecraft Name: Zamorak789
Age: 14
Place of Origin: (europe, north america etc)London, England
Faction of interest: Well uhh..Check extra information below,
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: (miner, builder, explorer etc.) Fighter
What can you contribute with?: Alot, check information below.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: No.
Minecraft experience level?: Ive played since before survival mode was a idea in notchs pretty little head. Im a veteran at both servers and minecraft.
Extra information for you:
Hello there, im Brian. Id like to talk to you about your lore/server/factions. I am a experinced server owner (click my signature for a example) and would like to offer you my experince. You want custom races and/or factions, i can do that. You need ideas, i can do that. You want a forum, i can do that. Also id recomend adding the factions plugin if you dont already have it, and allow people to make their own faction. Im not really into any of yours. I want a faction with a strong military that would rather solve its problems with 64 tnt and a fire enchanted diamond sword.
Zamorak maybe he doesnt want a bunch of ppl crating factions with stupid names and only having one person that just goes trying to kill ppl maybe he wants some order instead of just chaos
That's why I chose to become one of the Baratheon, to honor him, coolest freaking character in all the novels.. and the series...
but don't feel that you have to join me because I said that.. It was just to inform people we're in need :3 but If you want, we can rise an empire together :tongue.gif:
things he said... plugins.. factions.. etc... etc.. etc..
I'm just going to put this straight, I want players to handle their land and population without involving too much "3rd parties". For other factions than these 4.. we have a 5th faction on the drawing board, but that's months ahead, if you want your own town, ask the lord of the land and maybe he'll grant you access to start a small village under his command and rules..
maybe <-- and to that "handle things with 64 tnt and some fire" .. just sayin..
Not to be rude, nor do I want to act to strict when I say this.. But just by looking at your application I can say that you're not the kid for us. And to defend Notch, his "little head" actually made the game you eager to play. Have a nice day, sir.
That's why I chose to become one of the Baratheon, to honor him, coolest freaking character in all the novels.. and the series...
but don't feel that you have to join me because I said that.. It was just to inform people we're in need :3 but If you want, we can rise an empire together :tongue.gif:
I'm just going to put this straight, I want players to handle their land and population without involving too much "3rd parties". For other factions than these 4.. we have a 5th faction on the drawing board, but that's months ahead, if you want your own town, ask the lord of the land and maybe he'll grant you access to start a small village under his command and rules..
maybe <-- and to that "handle things with 64 tnt and some fire" .. just sayin..
No i really i want to join house Baratheon but i dont see how its honoring Ned Stark since Ned die by the hand of Joffery Baratheon or Joffery Lannister
No i really i want to join house Baratheon but i dont see how its honoring Ned Stark since Ned die by the hand of Joffery Baratheon or Joffery Lannister
and yes i want to raise an Empire WITH YOU!!!!!!
Then that's changed in the application post
When you do mention it, It's hard to see myself.. but Joffrey isn't a true Baratheon, as he's some weird offspring from the incest relationship between .. you know the rest..
And Robert would never behead Ned either. What I had in mind was to make a similar empire, culture and start with naming the first town Winterfell. we're not basing the LORE of the server behind GOT or other movies (for other factions), just the basic architecture and names.. Ned Stark isn't mentioned in the servers lore (you'll see more of that in game) nor is The Nine, JAPAN or anything else.
but for now, I'm off for a quick nap before I'm up to work again. I'll check the forum tomorrow for new applicants, and answer to any questions people may have.
This is 5kyl1n3r
¨~ King of Baratheon
¨~ Server Admin/Host
When you do mention it, It's hard to see myself.. but Joffrey isn't a true Baratheon, as he's some weird offspring from the incest relationship between .. you know the rest..
And Robert would never behead Ned either. What I had in mind was to make a similar empire, culture and start with naming the first town Winterfell. we're not basing the LORE of the server behind GOT or other movies (for other factions), just the basic architecture and names.. Ned Stark isn't mentioned in the servers lore (you'll see more of that in game) nor is The Nine, JAPAN or anything else.
but for now, I'm off for a quick nap before I'm up to work again. I'll check the forum tomorrow for new applicants, and answer to any questions people may have.
This is 5kyl1n3r
¨~ King of Baratheon
¨~ Server Admin/Host
Well all the same ill still follow you 5kyl1n3r KING IN THE NO-... i Mean King of Every where!
I will make a new thread regarding the server when everything is ready, for now.. I'll request admin to delete this topic!
Ok, for information, in the latest days we've had a high amount of applicants, and I'm happy to have them in the team! But as you can see on the list below, things are starting to become a bit imbalanced, so either I have to ask new applicants to kindly consider the two other factions (Minamoto, Baratheon) Or I'll have to implement a system that disallows factions with a very high ammount of players to wage war agains one with very little. (ex. 15 vs 3 is kinda wrong)
Current members:
5kyl1n3r - Server Admin/Host - King of Baratheon
Beautiful Wood AKA FireOfThunder - Server Admin - King of the Irofists
Krekenstein - High King of Asgaard
Inayasha -> interested in ASGAARD
kyratrebon -> interested in ASGAARD/IRONFIST
destle -> interested in MINAMOTO
da ps triple -> interested in N/A
AssHatKing -> interested in ASGAARD/IRONFIST
GurkanLOL93 -> interested in BARATHEON
Echo975 -> interested in IRONFIST
MrBlueUk -> interested in IRONFIST
iTzFusiioNx -> interested in MINAMOTO
sebastian187 -> interested in HOUSE BARATHEON
Jewsbury -> interested in ASGAARD
Gecko200 -> interested in MINAMOTO
Eikakaka -> interested in ASGAARD
JazX123 -> interested in IRONFIST
DeMeNtEd_Joey -> interested in IRONFIST
GirlyUke -> interested in IRONFIST
fatsteve -> interested in IRONFIST
Jashtica -> interested in IRONFIST
Asgaard Confirmed:
House Baratheon Confirmed:
5kyl1n3r as KING
Ironfist Confirmed:
FireOfThunder as KING
Minamoto Confirmed:
Minecraft Name: Inayasha
Age: 19
Place of Origin: North America
Faction of interest: Asgaard
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: miner
What can you contribute with?: I enjoy digging
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: no
Minecraft experience level?: I am pretty good with mining and digging, i also enjoy helping people with buildings since I have slight trouble thinking of cool buildings to create.
Age: 17
Place of Origin: North America - East Coast
Faction of interest: Ironfist or Asgaard
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: Exploring, mining, farming.
What can you contribute with?: I'm a decent miner, and can make a great farm.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: Nope.
Minecraft experience level?: I've been playing Minecraft since early Alpha, but mostly single player. I'm new at servers in general, and have never played an RP one. But I'm open to trying it and think that I can catch on quickly.
Minecraft Name: destle
Place of Origin: North America- East coast - Virginia
Faction of interest:Minamoto
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: I like them all :biggrin.gif:
What can you contribute with?:Making the Minamoto army stronger
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:Nope
Minecraft experience level?:Ive played since late alpha, so i know quite a bit about the game itself and how to play it. Ive ran my own server before and played on RP servers aswell so i know how to RP :smile.gif:
Place of Origin: North America
Faction of interest:
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: Builder
What can you contribute with?:I have a wide range of designs for buildings and I can make it look really nice.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:No
Minecraft experience level?: From a scale of 1-10 I'm a 9
First I have to say I'm sorry for not making this clear in the first place, I'm not the hardcore roleplay type so I would say the server will have semi roleplay featuers, we'll try to manage our towns in the way they did things in real life 700-1100 years ago, we'll also let people assign jobs, rank up through every factions unique casts, like peasant, civilian, noble and so on. the "ranks" will be decided by each factions leader or council, by now there's only me in the baratheon, and Beautiful wood in the Ironfist, so it's basically first man to the mill for leadership and council ranks in the start.. but the admins will monitor the activity of each faction closely and see if the leadership works out as it should.
for the others: I'm happy you decided to try us out :smile.gif: I'll look through all the apps and update the members post right away!
I saw that you were looking for a plugin to give clans and factions different traits well here is one which I like a lot here is the link
IGN (Minercaft name): kman9_8
Age: 14
Place of Origin: Australia
Faction of interest: Asgaard or Ironfist Clan ( I like them both )
Faction chosen:
Favorite way of play: I like cave exploring with friends and fighting around the world.
What can you contribute with? I have been on many RP servers mostly light RP servers (I'm not a fan of super hardcore RP) I learn quickly and usually help newcomers onto the server and mostly nice but just don't back stab me or I will have my revenge!
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: Yes, 1 i had hardly been on that server 5 minutes when it banned me saying "I had broken a honey pot" I have no idea what that means so if you could tell me that would be great.
Minecraft experience level? I would say about a 8 I started playing when it was beta 1.2
And that mod looks like the thing I've been looking for! After some research I see it's not updated for 1.0 yet so I'll just go with the essential mods like admin mods and stuff until I can get everything right. thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
To bad it hasn't been updated yet sorry, but its a popular plugin so it may be updated soon and yeah someone was probably playing a bad joke on me. Keep me updated on the server :smile.gif:
Place of Origin:north america
Faction of interest:Asgaard
Faction chosen: N/A
Favorite way of play: Builder,and an Exploer
What can you contribute with?: Im a great builder and i do what im told and im nice and funny
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?:there was one where it was a faction one and someone told me to leave spy and steal from a differnt faction and then come back but i got banned beacuse there was a admin in that faction
Minecraft experience level?: Im good at building and setting up some basic bases but i want to learn what a bunch of minecraft players fighting eac others is like
btw the reason i want to join Asgaard is beacuse of Skyrim!
I had a feeling I'd get many applicants to that faction because of the most wonderful game this year :tongue.gif: GO SKYRIM!
I'll put you on the list of applicants :smile.gif:
Server IP will most likely be announced the 15th or 16th, as I get home from work the 14th I will use about 1 or 2 days to install mods and make final preparations!
Damn ;P Those factions are starting to fill up, except for baratheon.. No one likes GOT, english medieval architecture or Ned Stark? X)
Ill join Baratheon but Ned Stark's dead
Age: 14
Place of Origin: (europe, north america etc)London, England
Faction of interest: Well uhh..Check extra information below,
Faction chosen: (edit this after you've chosen in game)
Favorite way of play: (miner, builder, explorer etc.) Fighter
What can you contribute with?: Alot, check information below.
Have you been banned from any servers before, and why?: No.
Minecraft experience level?: Ive played since before survival mode was a idea in notchs pretty little head. Im a veteran at both servers and minecraft.
Extra information for you:
Hello there, im Brian. Id like to talk to you about your lore/server/factions. I am a experinced server owner (click my signature for a example) and would like to offer you my experince. You want custom races and/or factions, i can do that. You need ideas, i can do that. You want a forum, i can do that. Also id recomend adding the factions plugin if you dont already have it, and allow people to make their own faction. Im not really into any of yours. I want a faction with a strong military that would rather solve its problems with 64 tnt and a fire enchanted diamond sword.
That's why I chose to become one of the Baratheon, to honor him, coolest freaking character in all the novels.. and the series...
but don't feel that you have to join me because I said that.. It was just to inform people we're in need :3 but If you want, we can rise an empire together :tongue.gif:
I'm just going to put this straight, I want players to handle their land and population without involving too much "3rd parties". For other factions than these 4.. we have a 5th faction on the drawing board, but that's months ahead, if you want your own town, ask the lord of the land and maybe he'll grant you access to start a small village under his command and rules..
maybe <-- and to that "handle things with 64 tnt and some fire" .. just sayin..
Not to be rude, nor do I want to act to strict when I say this.. But just by looking at your application I can say that you're not the kid for us. And to defend Notch, his "little head" actually made the game you eager to play. Have a nice day, sir.
No i really i want to join house Baratheon but i dont see how its honoring Ned Stark since Ned die by the hand of Joffery Baratheon or Joffery Lannister
and yes i want to raise an Empire WITH YOU!!!!!!
Then that's changed in the application post
When you do mention it, It's hard to see myself.. but Joffrey isn't a true Baratheon, as he's some weird offspring from the incest relationship between .. you know the rest..
And Robert would never behead Ned either. What I had in mind was to make a similar empire, culture and start with naming the first town Winterfell. we're not basing the LORE of the server behind GOT or other movies (for other factions), just the basic architecture and names.. Ned Stark isn't mentioned in the servers lore (you'll see more of that in game) nor is The Nine, JAPAN or anything else.
but for now, I'm off for a quick nap before I'm up to work again. I'll check the forum tomorrow for new applicants, and answer to any questions people may have.
This is 5kyl1n3r
¨~ King of Baratheon
¨~ Server Admin/Host
Well all the same ill still follow you 5kyl1n3r KING IN THE NO-... i Mean King of Every where!