Name: Cornflakes1016
Age: 13
Why I should let you join: I like to play fairly and listen to all the rules. I also was a member of your old server, Yaletown. I also like town, city servers.
Name: Studioericty
Age: 11
Why I should let you join: I'd like to be able to play on a decent server that is nice, I keep getting bullied on servers just because of my IGN skin, and yours sounds good for me.I can help build (pathetic) buildings, help with redstone, but not so much on hunting.
Name: MegaCyrus
Age: 13
Why I should let you join: I have been searching for a good community server to play on. I'll try to be on as much as I can and I'll do anything I can to help the server. I was part of bluefroggy's Yaletown server, and absolutely LOVED it. XD
Name: lolphat
Age: 16
Why I should let you join: I am a dedicated player and love minecraft. I fallow all the rules, and you wont have ANY problems mith me, or my behavior. Thanks.
We build cities, art and so much more!
Come start with us today!
Apply for the whitelist now.
Rules: No griefing. No stealing. Nothing bad or that discourages gameplay :wink.gif:
No swearing, no putdowns.
Apply for whitelist:
Age: 13
Why I should let you join: I like to play fairly and listen to all the rules. I also was a member of your old server, Yaletown. I also like town, city servers.
Age: 11
Why I should let you join: I'd like to be able to play on a decent server that is nice, I keep getting bullied on servers just because of my IGN skin, and yours sounds good for me.I can help build (pathetic) buildings, help with redstone, but not so much on hunting.
I also believe you were a bad player in the past.
Message me information about yourself, then I might remember.
It looked to me like you were floating, also.
Age: 14
Why you should let me join: Im nice and fallow all rules and enjoy building and mining. Fairly experianced player.
Age: 13
Why I should let you join: I have been searching for a good community server to play on. I'll try to be on as much as I can and I'll do anything I can to help the server. I was part of bluefroggy's Yaletown server, and absolutely LOVED it. XD
Age: 15
Why I should let you join: It would be fun for both of us!
The staff was nice except for admins.
What's wrong with the admins?
What's wrong with the admins?
Age: 16
Why I should let you join: I am a dedicated player and love minecraft. I fallow all the rules, and you wont have ANY problems mith me, or my behavior. Thanks.
Age: 13
Why you should let me join: I am dedicated and follow all the rules,nice. Fairly experianced player.