Age: 19
Job: Miner or Farmer
Mic: Yes
Location: United States
Gamertag: Onikai32
*I also have ocd about keeping things organized and clean, such as chest inventories and the general landscape. I consider it a good trait to have on a minecraft server, especially with all the griefers out there.
Job: Experienced Builder
Mic: Yes and I use it
Location: East Coast, and I'm on 6-8hrs a day
Gamertag: FATAL VISI0N
Minecraft Pics of Stuff I have Built:
Job: farmer/miner/builder/whatever needs to be done
Mic: yes
Location: Louisiana
Gamertag: Nasty247365
Job: Miner
Mic: yes
Gamertag: Random Fires
Job: Miner, builder, or shopkeeper
Mic: always
Location: USA
Gamertag: SSKevin
Job: Anything.
Mic: Yes.
Location: Canada.
GamerTag: Wumble13
Someone Griefed Your Unorganized World?Also, By The 24/7 Online I Mean I Never Get Offline
Age: 14
Job: Farmer, or Miner.
Mic: Yes.
Location: Kansas, U.S.
Gamertag: I Use Precision.
I will follow rules.
Job:Farmer/Miner Preferred, will do any.
Mic:Of course
Location:Iowa (Farmer, ha)
Gamertag: xDuco
Job: Builder or Miner
Mic: Yes
Location: MN
Gamertag: xDGK ReFleXxx
Loc: canada
mic: no
Job: Any
Mic: yes
Location: Connecticut
Gamertag: XTRMDani99
Job: Builder
Mic: Ya
Location: Georgia
Gamertag: Analoqies
Job: Any
Mic: yep
Location: Colorado
Gamertag: Bexerxes
Job: Farmer, Builder, Miner
Mic: Yes
Location: Michigan, USA
Gamertag: northofthescar
Job: Miner or Builder
Mic: Kinect Mic
Location: U.S.
Gamertag: Jmoney169
Job- farmer, hunter, miner
location- nashville
GT- tjkkillion
Job: Miner or Farmer
Mic: Yes
Location: United States
Gamertag: Onikai32
*I also have ocd about keeping things organized and clean, such as chest inventories and the general landscape. I consider it a good trait to have on a minecraft server, especially with all the griefers out there.